Streszczenia referatów w języku angielskim

Stanisław Soja: Actions aimed at increased innovativeness of the Polish economy. The author deals with various measures undertaken in that area by the Polish Govemment sińce 1989 i.e. after transition to market -led economy They included: sectorial Operation Programme" Enterprise Competitiveness Growth" and "Humań Resources Development" in the years 2004-2006. Both were targeted at improvement of the competitive position of Polish enterprises under conditions of single European Market. The author points out that generally this policy ended in failure. Ratę of innovativeness of Polish enterprises measured in terms of percentage of innovative companies against whole population of polled companies has never been high. However in recent years there was a drastic drop of this ratio . from 37.65 % in the years 1994-96 to 16,9% in 1998-2000. In the UE countries this ratio was around 51 % in the years 1998-2000. Against that background new measures are undertaken by the Govemment to improve the situation. They include:

Draft Law on supporting innovative activities - now under examination by the Parliament (Sejm)

and a Law on National Capital Fund passed recently by the Parliament Major new ideas of the Draft Law cover:

-    creation of new fmancial instrument - technological credit,

-    granting research and development centre status(RDC) to the companies changes in tax law changes in laws on higher education and higher technical schools

increasing competence area of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development

-    changes in Law on R+D units.

Other initiatives in that area include:

-    High-tech Regional Programme to increase industrial e-Productivity and Quality in CEE/NIS Countries .It is UNIDO Program

Accelerated Technology Assessment and Commercialization Programme -implemented with Lockheed Martin Company.

Marian Zeman: COST european research proiects and the necessity of modemizing of polish conyentional power industry. This paper describes the reąuirements imposed on Polish power industry by the European Union Directive 2001/80/WE within the scope of obligatory reduction of gas and dust emission in the next decade. The results of COST522 cooperation project which was conducted in the years of 2000 to 2003 are discussed, including implementation into industrial application of modem steels with increased heat resistance, intended for use in increased temperatures. New cooperation projects are described: COST 536 conceming the development of new alloys for construction of critical elements of environmentally friendly power stations as well as COST 538 dealing with life extension of the working thermal power stations.

Stefan Chwaszczewski: The new technologies in the nuclear energy. In the paper some characteristics of different kind of nuclear power reactors are done.

Waldemar Biłous. Ewa Haiewska. Witold Szteke, Martyna Przyborska. Jan Wasiak. Mariusz Wieczorkowski: The reactor yessel steels. In the paper the fundamental steels using in the construction of pressure yessel water reactor are discussed. The properties of these steels as well as the influence of neutron irradiation on its degradation in the time of exploitation are also done.



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