thousand zlotys per hectarc) and the value of fixcd assets (1385 zlotys per hcctarc). The va!uc of non-commercial functions calculatcd by Ostrowskie (1976) method stands at 263.066 zlotys per hectarc and is 21.6 times higher than the commercial valuc calculatcd by the same method. Marszalek*s method (1976) gives the figurę 871.302 zlotys per hectare. The study of the forests of the Wigry region have corroboratcd the rcgularitics obscrvcd in other parts of the country, and in particular the fact that rcvenues from forestry arc much lower as compared to the profits of the farming sector, and the fact that the non-commercial va!ue of those forests is much higher than their commercial value.
The Wigry Lakcs region has bccn a rccrcational arca for a long time now. The number of lodging places in the years 1976-1979 was, on averagc, 4915 (table 17), of which 2953 places were in there permanent facilities and camping sites for the generał public, while 1 522 places were to be found in 37 closcd holiday centrcs. The closcd holiday ccntrcs had about 900 eating places, which meant that at any given time there were ca 2 persons per each eating place. The generał public eating facilities could cater for only 200 persons at any given time, which meant that the lodging-to-eating-places’ ratio exceeded all acceptable norms (8-12 lodging places for cvery single eating place) (table 18). In the years 1976-1979 the Wigry area was visitcd by an avcragc of 25 thousand tourists and holiday-makers a year. Five tourist sub-regions have bcen distinguished on the basis of the cxisting structure of the tourist economy and the differentiation of the natural environment: Stary Folwark, Wigry, Bryzgiel, Gawrychruda, Zatoka Słupiańska. In the sub-regions distinguished, various cconomic and functional aspeets of tourist industry have been analyzcd (tablcs 18, 20-22), and normativc figures for the maximum volumc of tourist traffic havc been presented (table 19). The tourist facilities are charactcrizcd by a highly inappropriate, cxtensive spatial structure, a striking cxample of which is the Zatoka Słupiańska sub-region with its abundance of substandard camping cottagcs spread ovcr a large arca of feneed forest. The cxisting faulty structure of the recreational utilization of the arca has led to considcrablc social, ccological and cconomic losses. Futurę development of the arca should be bascd on considcrations stemming from a purposive idcntification and appraisal of the rcsourccs of the natural cnvironment, and, above all, from an assessment of the inherent rcccptive capacity of the natural cnvironmcnt. Fivc elasses of reccptivc capacity can be distinguished, the highest being 8-25 persons per hectare per day and the lowcst standing at 0-2 persons (fig. 15). One the basis of the above, an estimation has been madę of the maximum intesity of tourist traffic in the immediate vicinity of Lakę Wigry (table 23). The receptive capacity on land is 4942 persons and thus roughly corresponds to the current number of lodging places. Other important factors in the assessment of the natural cnvironmcnt from the point of view of tourism include the sanatory characteristics of the arca (fig. 16), shore accessibility (fig. 17) and the tourist usefulness and attractivcncss of the arca (figs. 18-21).
The historical devclopment of the functions of the Wigry Lakes region has brought about a number of transformations in the geographical cnvironmcnt. One of the methods uscd for assessing the dcgrcc to which the environmcnt has been transformed from its hypothctical initial State is to dctcrminc the dcgrcc of the anthropization of the ecospherc. The analysis of anthropization has been carried out in two ways.
The first defines the degree of anthropization by the formula:
JIM + r
A =-+ s2+m2 + z +
wherc: A is the indcx of anthropization, d is the number of houses or fiats, r is the number of recreational places, P is the arca of the studied unit, s is the indcx of the area of industria! plants, m is the index of the changes in the morphology of the terrain, z is the rankcd indcx of pollution, is the weighted indcx of the anthropization of the vcgetation
Pi '