software packages have built-in help facilities and the tutor/student should make good use of these.
Appendix B contains a list of additional resources.
The pathway through the unit recommended in this pack does not follow the numerical order of the outcomes in the unit arrangements. It works through the unit outcomes as follows:
Stage 1 Describe the characteristics of Computer networks and intemetworks (outcome 2)
Stage 2 Describe the applications and benefits of Computer networks (outcome 1)
Stage 3 Use the facilities provided by a Computer network (outcome 3)
Stage 4 Investigate an aspect of intemetworking (outcome 4).
This pack adopts a case study approach to fulfil some of the performance criteria in outcomes 1 and 2. The same case studies are used to illustrate in outcome 1 "the characteristics" and in outcome 2 "the applications and benefits" of the Computer networks. During the exploration of the case studies, the tutor should emphasise the difference between the characteristics and the application/benefit of the network.
Four sample case studies are included in this pack. If it is decided not to use this approach, the four examples used for outcomes 1 and 2 should conform to the ‘notę on the rangę of the outcomes’ and ‘evidence reąuirements’ ie two specific applications of local area network (including intranets); two applications of wide area network (including the Internet)
Stage 1 8 hours
Stage 2 8 hours
Stage 3 14 hours Stage 4 10 hours Total 40 hours
Notę that the time allocated to Stage 3 (outcome 3) is not simply for a series of practical exercises using a Computer network. Some of the 14 hours should be used to consolidate the knowledge acąuired in Stages 1 and 2. This ensures that performance criteria a and b of outcome 3 are approached with the appropriate depth of knowledge.
Computing Support Materials: Computer Networking (H)