7.2. 3-year generał secondary school (liceum ogólnokształcące) (after the implementation of the Act of 2001)
It is a school, which started to function in September 2002. From 2005 it will replace the 4-year generał lyceum which will operate by then. Its basie objectives and tasks remain unchanged. However the shorter duration of education is a result of the prolonged duration of compulsory education from 8 years in primary school to 9 years in 6-year primary school and 3-year gymnasium.
The formula of maturity examination (egzamin maturalny), which from 2005 will cease to be an internal examination set and assessed in a school. Instead it will consist of an internal part taken in a school and an external part organised in a school but assessed in the Regional Examination Commissions.
. The internal part will be an orał examination, covering the Polish language and a modern foreign language. The external part will be a written examination which covers three compulsory subjects (the Polish language, a modern foreign language and mathematics) and one subject to be chosen by the graduate.
The graduates obtain the certificate of completion of education in the generał secondary school
(świadectwo ukończenia liceum ogólnokształcącego), which will confer them neither rights to gain access to higher education institutions nor vocational qualifications. Whereas these graduates who have passed the maturity examination obtain the maturity certificate of the generał secondary
school (świadectwo dojrzałości lyceum ogólnokształcącego)
General lyceums for young people. Statistical data (school year 2001/2002)
Total number |
Total number |
Total number | |
of schools |
of pupils |
of teachers | |
General lyceums, incl.: |
2 296 |
716793 |
48852 |
public generał lyceums |
1 857 |
684267 |
44121 |
8. Vocational education
8.1. Basic vocational school
8.1.1. Basic vocational school before the implementation of the Act of 2001
Until the early 90-ties, basie vocational schools enrolled ca. 65% of those leaving 7- or 8-year primary schools. This figurę decreased in the last decade to ca. 50% as a result of the efforts undertaken to restructure the post-primary education sector, which consisted in closing down basie vocational schools as offering education within narrow vocational branches. These schools were gradually replaced with newly established generał lyceums and vocational lyceums; courses in these schools lead to the maturity certificate which allows its holders to apply for admission to higher education.
Basic vocational schools offer generał education and basie vocational education courses, and provide access to further education in a secondary school. These schools represent a wide variety in terms of vocational branches available and the organisation of practical training. The basie vocational school as described here will function until 2003, when the last class of those leaving the 8-year primary school (enrolled in 2000) complete their education in this structure.
The basie school provides full-range education for pupils and, in multi-branch divisions, supplementary theoretical training for young workers who have concluded employment contracts to receive vocational training.