of 2-year basie vocational school will take place in the year 2004.The graduates will obtain the certificate of completion of education in the basie vocational school (świadectwo ukończenia zasadniczej szkoły zawodowej) and - having passed the vocational examination - a diploma of vocational title (dyplom uzyskania tytułu zawodowego).

8.2. Secondary vocational schools (until the year 2001 - post-gymnasium schools) 8.2.1 Secondary vocational schools (before the implementation of the Act of 2001 Vocational lyceum (Liceum zawodowe)

This is a secondary school which prepares its graduates to be employed as skilled workers or workers with equivalent qualifications. It also enables its pupils to complete generał secondary education. The school enrols 8-year primary school leavers. Courses last 4 years.

The timetable in the vocational lyceum comprises generał and vocational subjects as well as a practical placement. The total weekly load is 32-33 hours (periods) (the framework timetable for the vocational lyceum is attached in the annex). The annual load is inereased by several weeks of a practical placement, undertaken during a school year. The proportion of teaching time allocated to theoretical vocational subjects, practical training and a practical placement varies between occupations and is specified in training programmes for individual occupations.

Having passed the maturity examination, lyceum graduates obtain the maturity certificate of the vocational lyceum (świadectwo dojrzałości liceum zawodowego). This document certifies that its holder has acquired vocational qualifications at the level of skilled worker or worker equivalent qualifications in a given occupation, and entitles its holder to apply for admission to higher education. Those graduates who have not taken the maturity examination are awarded the certificate of completion of education in the vocational lyceum (świadectwo ukończenia liceum zawodowego), which confirms only that its holder has acquired relevant vocational qualifications and completed generał secondary education.

Special 8-year primary school leavers or, in the futurę, special gymnasium graduates may be enrolled in 4-year special vocational lyceums. Their graduates obtain documents which are similar to those issued for graduates from other vocational lyceums.

Technical lyceum (Liceum techniczne)

The technical lyceum was introduced into the school system on the basis of the Minister of National Education Regulation of the 29th of July 1998. It is a type of secondary generał vocationally oriented school, enrolling those who have completed education in the 8-year primary school. The technical lyceum is a school where its graduates complete generał secondary education, and thus may take the maturity examination and obtain the maturity certificate; it also provides generally oriented vocational education in one of the following 12 broad vocational branches (defined in a Ministry of National Education regulation):

1.    environmental formation (agriculture, hunting and forestry; mining and quarrying; manufacturing -waste management; production and supply of electricity, gas and water; construction; other community, social and personal service activities);

2.    machinery (manufacturing: manufacture of machinery, equipment, vehicles);

3.    electrical equipment and power (manufacturing: manufacture of Office equipment and computers; production and supply of electricity, gas and water);



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