5. Check:
• Free play (when the piston pin is in place in the piston)
There should be no noticeable free play. Free play exists—'Replace piston pin and/or piston.
6. Inspect:
•Piston pin and bearing Signs of heat discoloration-»Replace.
1. Inspect:
•Friction piąte
Damage/Wear-^Replace friction piąte as a set.
2. Measure:
•Friction piąte thickness Out of specification-»Replace friction piąte as a set.
Measure at all four points.
Wear Limit: 2.7 mm (0.106 in)
Warp Limit: 0.05 mm (0.002 in)
3. Inspect:
•Clutch piąte
Damage-*Replace clutch piąte as a set.
4. Measure:
•Clutch piąte warpage Out of specification-»Replace clutch piąte as a set.
Use a surface piąte and Feeler Gauge (T).
5. Inspect:
• Clutch damper Wear/Damage-*Replace.