4.    electronics (manufacturing: manufacture of Office equipment and computers, radio, television and telecommunication equipment and apparatus; real estate services; transport, storage and communication);

5.    forestry and wood technology (forestry; manufacture of wood and wood products);

6.    transport (land, water and airtransport, supporting transport activities);

7.    Chemical branch (manufacture of paper, coke, rubber products);

8.    service and business activities (hotels, restaurants, tourism);

9.    agriculture and food products (agriculture, fishing, manufacture of food products);

10.    textiles (textile industry, manufacture of clothes);

11.    economics and administration (financial intermediation, insurance and pension funds);

12.    social sector and social work (health protection and social welfare).

Courses in the technical lyceum last 4 years. Its curricula are based on the core curricula for compulsory generał subjects and the core curricula for vocational training branches. The timetable (attached in the annex) comprises generał subjects, theoretical vocational subjects and a practical placement.

Graduates obtain the certificate of completion of education in the technical lyceum (świadectwo ukończenia liceum technicznego) which confirms that they have completed secondary generał education and generally oriented vocational education, the latter as determined by their branch (with no title awarded). Those who have passed the maturity examination are awarded the maturity certificate of the technical lyceum (świadectwo dojrzałości liceum technicznego) which entitles its holders to apply for admission to higher education.

This school has provided a model for the specialised lyceum which will function in the new school structure from 2002.

Technical vocational school, lyceum and equivalent schools

Pupils in these types of schools may acquire vocational qualifications at secondary level, complete generał secondary education, and obtain the maturity certificate. Courses are designed as a follow-up to the curricula implemented in the 8-year primary school and the basie vocational school. The duration of courses is determined by the type of the curriculum covered by pupils at the previous level of their education and is:

•    for primary school leavers - 4, 4.5 or 5 years, depending on the occupation,

•    for basie vocational school leavers - 2, 2.5 or 3 years, depending on the occupation.

The following can be mentioned as examples of these types of schools:

•    lyceums: economics, commerce and bookselling;

•    lyceums existing until 1998: educational, medical for child care staff, medical - nursing (closed down in 1998). They enrolled 7- or 8-year primary school leavers. The duration of courses was 5 years, except in the medical lyceum for child care staff - 4 years. Graduates were awarded the certificate of completion of education in the lyceum or, having passed the maturity examination, the maturity certificate, and the title of nurse, teacher or child carer qualified to work with children below 3 years of age;

•    technical secondary schools (technika): architecture and construction, construction, ceramics, Chemical, electronic, electronic and mechanical, electrical, photographic studies, etc.

The timetable in these schools (whether courses are designed as a follow-up to the primary school curriculum or that of the basie vocational school) comprises generał compulsory subjects, theoretical



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