Submission. Submit to the Editor at the address given. The manuscript, in duplicate, must be typewritten in English or French, double-spaced (abstract and references triple-spaced) on one side only of International Standard Size A4 paper with a left-hand margin of 40 mm.

Ali articles are reviewed and they are expected to be original and not yet published elsewhere unless in other languages than those stated above. Authors are responsible for submitting accurately-typed manuscripts.

Along with the two printed copies of the text please also submit on a Computer disk in ASCII Codę with possible export to ASCII Codę with the name extension TXT, i.e. Data Base TXT. Enclose the Disk Specification Form.

Tables, explanations of figures and notes should be on separate files with name extension.

Presentation. The manuscript should be arranged in the following order of presentation. First sheet: title, name of author (authors), affiliation, fuli postał address, telephone, fax numbers. The same refers to all co-authors, if appropriate. Second sheet: Abstract of 100 words, Key words, 3-10. Subseąuent sheets: Introduction, the text, conclusion (conclusions). Then on separate sheets: number one — acknowledgement (if desired); number two — notes; number three — references.

Appendices, tables, figures and captions to illustrations should also be given on separate sheets. Words or text passages should not be underlined.

Do not use indents. For paragraphs enter a linę space. The main text may be organized in sections under appropriate headings without numerals.

All measurements should be given in metric units. Authors are expected to write as concisely as possible and avoid footnotes wherever possible.

References should be listed triple-spaced in one alphabetical seąuence at the end of the text. Write name of author (authors), initials, datę of publication, title, publisher and place of publication. If applicable, indicate pages reffered to. Names of journals should be abbreviated in accordance with the International List of Abbreviations.

References should be indicated in the text by giving, in parenthesis, the author’s name followed by the data of the paper, publication or book, as (Smith 1992).

Use the form (Smith at al. 1994) where there are morę than two authors, but list all the authors in the references. Definite ąuotations should state the source and page number; e.g. (Smith 1994:58). Notes should be referred to by superscript letters.

Figures e.g. all maps, graphs, diagrams and drawings should be in black and white colour, by laser printer, or elear drawings should be numbered and prepared on separate sheets. Their position in the text should be indicated.

Eąuations and symbols in mathematical formulae used must be clearly explained. Axes should be clearly described, use only units and abbreviations approved by the International List.

All illustrations — photographs and figures, submitted in duplicate — must be in a cam-era-ready form suitable for reproduction or scanning. Exactly-drawn lines and elear symbols should allow for size reduction, if reąuired, in print.

Authors are responsible for reservation of their proper copyright as well as for permission from the copyright holder to reproduce any texts, figures or illustrations for which copyrights exist.

Articles published in Geographia Polonica are not honoured financially. Each author of an article receives one copy of the journal free of charge after publication.


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