in cHń fkU t>T •*'** P**10**- Howcvcr. chc atylc may wtll havc becn cenna *°<itJUCł* a "ccł***«* linc wu almo« ctminly cofinl *•*«- I® *H°w» a ratHer crudes rendering afihu clw
— ■MMoly in wnidi May la*
npoKtant oemrea. Sec pagci 17, 57, aa. 04.
Fl«nćh (Mjdinn?) ; lace »«vcn«emh century <?)-
In Inr rrlkf wkh * iKarrd mc«*l piąte which muat have becn nntmully laigc
u no i......plnr cepeal over tbe length of thń tali pand. How thń place was
if nmrii in * npaaccy = ui any casc k wpresems a comiderable achkwcnicm. Tbe panem a a dbep pild on ■ ntańc painwrl ground (rf. Place jo). Tbe panda (pcobably ahaved hiie) naac cnakt ofaoetal paecei iiwiaibly, pcobably wach a acatfc joint (cf. Piece aa).
Tfń naoaiałaangły ambanoua pand, now a ca * smali Flcmiah muscum, may havc becn mule B Malanca otiarh was ntmtl lor che cjualicy of ks gile leadera in che lace fevcmecmh and eatly c^łosendi cenmry. piw c rna occur on całka dacing fiom aboui 1680.
Dimrmiona: |*«ax 0*8a m. (co fi. 3 **»- x a *i *“-)
Doacb ; abooc 1670-1680
imrt dcscribcd as a "leather carpct* (it may poańbly be a bed cover)» •m* ach fonae moec p««^« of* che main parć, was found in che atrics of Ham House, Richmond. Suirey. ApaR fi ona che leacher hangings scali on che walił of che Dining Kootn (Place 1 >). no other rootn is dcscribcd in the invcncory of z679 as having leatber bangjnp. Hoa»rvcr. a minor room did have nich hangings by 1844 : possiHly tłacse icmnann a«e pan ofche hangings conccmcd. They may havc bccn movcd co Ham fiona che Duke of Lauder-dale*s London housc wheze che Dining Room had gale leacher hangings. The panem would appear to bc an early vcrason of che typc much produced in Holland ac cne end of *be cenzury (e.g. Placem 3 3—jg), aictaough ic nas affinitics wach chac lhown in Place 29.
: **aj x i‘*7 si. (aa 4 x 73% in.)
Dtacdb ; 1670S (?)
Pan of" a hangjng compotrd of foter panels. Emboatcd wach a wooden mould ; the figurce gpk pand che ground nainted blue-grcy. Thia Has diving chcrubs similar co chose ihown inthe prcccdirg place wiacie che chtadcs and peccock*s feachers occur again on che leacher ihown in che nesc place. Ali chroc probably datę Łom che z<570*.
D10 li I lotos CO
(«»ch pand): «*ox 0-70 m. ($9| x 27I i ca.)
Parć °f o aplcndsd M of hangings ac Prcstonficld Houte, Edinburgh- Embosscd wach chrcc diffircnc wooden monldi. The ground as painced red and che pactcrn in rdief is pactly gold
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