Tu mam are anangcd approximatdy in chronological order and grouped stylistically. In •oa cna, dic diia and pcovcnancct gjven bclow arc conjcctur.il buc aic jundcd aura nuąjilr in che pccamble co cach group. Ic will be appreciatcd chac a design may havc bccn incd far many ycan afer *C wat firn adopced: mo»eovcr. a sucentfu I design produccd at one of the lacfiag ceones it likdy to have bccn imicased clscwhcrc and chis would of courec prołom* che production-hie of che panem conccmcd. While ic is gcncrally possiblc co gocu with aome where a panem origjnaccd, fxom oor knowlcdge of che hiscory of this craft, ic is sery ddKcuJc Co make any trustwoethy pronouncemcnt abouc che provenancc of che imitauom.
The dimcmions are gjven wherc possiblc, firce in meeres and chen in inchcs.
The ludwr it grcady indcbced co che indraduals or ansdcudons who own che kahtrwod iDunracod herc. Thctr namca are rccarded under che relevant cncry bclow.
Plates 1-4
The panam in this group arc comparmtively si nipie and arc likcly co be earfy. Tbote ihown in Plates i and 4 arc ckarły Moorith in charactcr and therdbre prcsumably werc madc mSpaui: indced. chey arc boch in Spanah coUccoom. The pand in Place 4 Has a border m che Gemie acyfte and is cocnbincd with che geometrie *dle panem* of Moorish origtn. ja* com bananom werc noc unconmon in Spain afer che Christian oooquen whtn cne Islamie aitttam conrinucd co praccice ihdr tradet, rctai ni ng their craditional repertoirc of deugm and adding new ones adopced from che Europcan cradition. Sec pages 71 and 7a.
Piąte a (dno oolour)
Spani»h; caily ustccnch ccmury or perhaps earlicr. _
Dccaal of a morał hanging. Paimed red 00 a scampcd ph gK>on<Ł Simila* pMnucxat m «o*n ulk materiale: tonąc of chcąc have Arabie inscripcions on che tnnoa.
Dimcmions: 0*51x0-40 m. (aox tff to.)
HAuto Pmkiw, PItb