Probflbl/ Englith; fim balfof |})C dghteccuh ccniury.
Tłiii ełramung panel wiłh itr vagudy chinofserie subject appcan to have been embossed wśb a metal phte and is nnotoal bccause of the granulat panem in che gtound. Th» may Km bcen mttodcd for a farcntn: łomcwhat similnr pancins cxisc on cmbroidcred panek madę for dur purpoK.
Diatcmiom: 0*71 X 0-51 m. (28x21 in.)
Musem </ LMbmflft, Lenkn
Aacmpo wtrt madę to ievivc the leuhtr-gjiding ind urny during the last ceńmy. Cerom factorio enjoycd a mcasure of succro and their producu can scali be scen in many country* borna. Howtra, nnbcsscd wiOfipa and related materials lakę ‘Auaglypta’ and 'Lincrosta', which wat chcapcr (o make and easier to hang, soon ousted tnie leather from all but tbc most rrpenmr aurkrn. Ser page 67.
Piw 71
Ptobably Ftcnch; about lljj.
The gilt leather hanging* in the 'Gnat Room’ of the Govemor’i Pałace in Colonial Wdttamsbuig - one of the onginal buildings - werc purebosed in 19)4 from Ctewc House, London, wfacrc according to Lord Ccewe, wriung in 1935, they wete imtałled in a dining room during tbc Idćtime of the )td Baron (1827-99). The hangjngi havc bcen dcscribcd as bcing Spanish, madę in 1080, but aie ptobably Ftcnch. A fragment (Ltcking in regmocd number) » among a gjoup of technically similar leathen at che Victoria and Albert Museum, the rot of which werc dcscribcd as bcing frcnch and ‘modem’ when they were acquired in 1856. The panem has a surpemng affinńy wńh the design* of artists like Walut Ctane who werc actwe lata in theccomry.
Pi^t j»
Engfch (?) ;latc ninemmh ccntory.
Calf leather emboffed with a metal pUtc. It is painted gold and the ground has then bcen paioted datk btown; thebrown haa abo becn uscd to shade the panem in pbces to produce aołińjutt&ct
This pand was fouod among fagments of gik leather of vanom periods thrown out by a London dccocatoc. It bas a ‘period AaW but » dcarlya nineteenth*ccntury pastichc.
Ptwmubly k, 100,»»a ittok of the attempted revival of dua crafi.
Dimcmaom: 07> x c6i m. (3o}x 24 in.)
Multum of LtetbercTift, Isnion