pin t* (duo colout)
SpuiMi (?); ristcmih to seroncecnth cenimy.
Gooposcd of two vmkłl panek forming ihe rcpcai. Psinccd red on ihc gili ground, which ii punched wiih a rig-Mg panem. Tcchnically, diii entirtly hand-wockcd pand bdongi to die tecond phaie otfutiamed which was probably cvolvrd in the łburtcenth century in Spam. Th* panem ii Ctnainly not earlicr than the tecond half of the £&eenth century and has a wdghtincu that betokens a rdativeły late datę approaching the Baroque phase.
Dimemiom: «ach strip approximaiely o jńx 0-24 m. (14 x 9) in.)
Mmtt NMitual dr Arttl Dtttntaas, Madrid Pi** tt
Spanish or Italian; iixteenth century.
A iplcndid hanging comprising two panek with Renaiaiancc 'pomegtanase' motifs and boraen with dabotaic coiumns and grocesque beasts (of. Platę u). The pattnn of the central panek doteły icsembles that of Italian and Spanish velvets of the late fiftccnth and tarły lintendi century. The imiurion is here carried to extremes: the snuli loopt of gold thtead that appear on the vdvets are here simulated by meam of claborate punching and sgraffiuo work.
Prkfttt CtUuthn Pitkit
Italian; mid-$Jx(Ccnth century.
Anothcr iplcndid hangiog with pilasters of a form that originated in Italy about 1500. The border-panem along che top and bortom edge has much in common with to that at the top of the pand illustratcd in Platę 11. Paintcd green on the punchcd gilt ground. fiom dic Vflb Cenero, Turin. Perhapa Yenerian.
Mam CUu r Ant Antka, Tń
Probably Spanish; nztctnth century (?).
Ocad ofa pand with pitaa-design. presunubly pan of the horda for a very hrge hangiog. The panem paintcd in dark green with a ground hand-stamped wkh seraj difletent paocłmproducingarich,sparklingeflca.
Musu Dietami, Vitb
PU* ii