1740. fi a howtvfr leu likely co be Knglith lince the market for »uch a Caiholic or High Church vesimeni would havc been limiicd. The faci chat it was woith making a metal piąte for thit pattern indicates that a rudy marka tuciited wlierevcr ihii lino piece wat madę -pctbapś in Flanders.
Dimcntiont: hcight 0*97 m. (3 8 {in.)
VicUrii md Albert Multum, lindan Platę 66 (fuli colour)
Dutch or Flemith (?); mid-cightccnth ccntdty.
Embosted with a hcatcd meul plare, and paintcd. Tliii it cleaHy a Rococo dctign, com-petently executed and, therefore, probably madc in an atca whcre gik luther remained fathioruble longcr than cltcwhcrc; thit wat etpecially the cate in Holland.
Dimennons: 0*79x 0'62 m. (31 x 24} in.)
Vktork md Albert Multum, London
A room in the Musćc Plantin-Moretus ar Antwcrp b hung with thit tamę materiał.
Dutch or Flemish (?); mid-eighteenth century.
Embosted with a hcatcd metal piąte and painted with great cate in on elaborate colour-scheme.
Dimensiont (eaeh panel): 076x o-rtl m. (sox 24 in.)
Mutro Nacionel de Arles Decordtiras, Modrid Plute 68
Pezhaps Spaniih; mid-eighteenth century.
Of much the umc charactcr as the iwo pccceding ittms bot len wcłl drawn. Emboucd with a hcatcd metal piąte and painted: the ground u green and the pattern gik with połjchromc fiowm.
Dimenuons(eachpand):o*7tfxo*6i m. (jox 24 in.)
«rtr^(full colour)
Prohabły Englith; about 1770.
Pan of a hanging now in Rothamncd Manor, Harpcndcn, Hettfordthiie; ulvercd, ydlow-vamtihcd, sezmped and painted in colours.
Such panernt occur on tOkt wovcn all over Europę in the 17600. No mould or metal piąte hai been uscd in the produeboo of thete hanging* which trły for thdr effea cncirdy an painting and hand-tooling; they covcr rrhtndy large areał and the panda ate joincd invitibly with tearfe joints, suggetting an English provenance, lince it would haee been difficult co transport such large joined pieces very far. The gilding, stamping and paindng muit havc bccn carried out after the panels had been joincd. A set of hangings of similar design but less compctent workmanship is to be scen at Bateman's, Rudyard Kipling*! home at Burwash in Sussex.