Mncł-painuog (Pl*« **)• “d ewn caboaed rełkfr in ptecioos muk (Platę ao). When utcd Jn thii way. °°* «** PfCłomf “* •«*« subttitutn aic mtcwfaat (but not mcauidy much) la» «bc origmalł-Sec pages t7. n. H. 4®. S*. J«. 59.64. 70,75.7<Ł
PBmiiet uabown; oid-incaendi ccntuty.
Tbe flnboMii* ofkather. afiex wernng. in mouldi of wood. plaun o. metal, n vtry anoent (we Warem. ]. W, ImA* CnfimmAif, I96S, Chapta 7), The appbaboo of «he pff to nural hangings nuy hm bcen togjnwl by soch Jwawt pbqoa at dwt (which was, perłups. madę fiom a gingerbread mould), and appean 10 havc bcen adopted. m FUndm, pofcaps eaiły in the sevenrcemh ccntuty. AO tbe ezamplca iHuftrated in Plata )j I040WCTC madę by this method.
The subjcct herc is taken fiom an engraving by Wcnzel Hollat (1607-77) who produced jemal taitt depicring fashioiublc and aho prorócńl eottume in the i6jot and 16401. GiyabRid minldł witb subjccts afta Hollar arc not uncotnmon and mady Kent to be Cennan ot Central Eoropean. Tbcyptoumabły datę front tbe secoodhalfof the tetenteetah century. ProvindaI leatber workas could cudy hwe madę mc of soch moułdt 10 turo om mul pictorial panek, pcthaps fiu sala at fain, etc.
Dimemions: 0-23x0-14 m. (px 5) in.) tŚKsamtfLfAennft, Lomim PUśr lf (dno Colotir)
Pmbably Spanish; fifrecnth to łtxtccnth ccntuty.
Fragment of a focze wkh a rampant lion and a tree in włot appean to be the Godne trndition. The design a painted in red and appean to be hand-«amped wkh punches but the ground-pattem was in fact produced by mcam of a hcated metal platc befote the painring was carried out. This procedurę was probably the foreninncr of tbe embossing of aH-over designs on full-sized panels.
Dimensions: height, 0*24 m. (9J in.)
Musnm ej iMibenraft, London PUu 10 (duo colour)
Flcmish; late sixtecnth century (?).
Pand ofembossed calfleather, silvercd and yellow varnished to resemblc a gold relief. Vcry findy madę wkh an unusual amount of dctail, cspcdally in the rendering of the diflerem tcwuics. T wo other impressions are known.
This piąte illustratcs the fine-detailed bas-relief produced ou leatber by an cngraved metal piąte, hcated and under pressute.
Probably intendcd as a substinite for goldsmkh's Work. The style appean to be Netheriandiih of the late dzteenth century.
Dimensions: 0-42x0-31 m. (16$x 12} in.)
Mustum of LtttbtTcraft, London