Plates 41-fii
Tbł drtłgn* in (hit wtbon btfaog to włu«. m wda. ha come 10 bc known a the 1acr-prttem’ g»op. They ut tctrnrf symtnetncal and finał in cłatacar and impat a pand am io a waD-haogira. Th*ae pjocrm detivc hm the 'pomegranac' fcnnnła of the Rnumancc and aJwap contiM of a central tnoof w*h a flaming ihai ts roughly oval akhoogh m m ofkn dapiiad by bcing compowd ofirrcgular demem*. The laty dani of the friming of many nch doigra in wovcn tilks hal given (hem tflcir modern na mc. These panem *or devdop«d dunng the iccond half of dtc scveniecntli century and renuincd in favour und aboot 1740, by ■Mi umc gih Iraiher wał beginning to go out of fashion. They are not easy to datc ai all accutateły bot the mon uitricate versions mc likely to bclong to the eaily cighteenth century while the prcsencc of luiuralisnc flowen almoet cettainly betrays a late datę. Platę 56 shows a pauern that ii reminis-cent of cmain luxuriant dciigns in wovcn silks pioduced during the iccond dccadc of the flghwenth cciuury, while the handsome pattem shown in Platę 58 rescmblcs tboie found on silk damaski and vdvcts dating ftom about 1740. Sec pages 6z, 67,75.
A wooden mould intendcd for embossing gilt leather paneli. Late seventccnth century.
Thił ił the only example of soch a mould known to survive. The pattem it would have produced is shown in Platę 43. A counter-mould had to bc madę of waste leather, paper, etc., set with gluc. The damp, soft leather (already silveicd) was then placed betwccn the two mouldt and the whole asscmbly placcd on the bed of a press, whereafter it was run through fol len ieveral times (sec page 38).
The pattem, like the rest of thosc in this group, is of a typc cvolved in France but which soon ipread to Holland and England. This mould could casily be English but is probably Outch. Dimensiom: o*95 X o-fii m. (37|x 2ą± in.)
A phocognphic reconstnictibn of the panem that (hc mould shown in Platę 42 would peoduce when repeated om (bor panek. The author would like to know of any hangmgi •łych beat rfus panem.
Ftench oc Flcnush; late semneenth century.
Eaboacd with a heated metal plue. With touches of colour on the gplden ground. Dimensiom: 0-71 x o-tfa m. (zl|x 24$ in.)
Anodw is in the Minfc des Ans Dfcmtć in Para and a fbnher ezample is in a ptńate coOccboomSpam.
Potabły Ftench; about 1700-