Plates 73-80
Etampkacflcrnhcr wwkdutthrowaddnoaalUghc on the hinoeyflf gik lenki bangne Sec pages 10, a*. 10,47.51.71. *«■
Pt* 7*
Fragment of leathcr. probably gaaakin. wih gold-laf omamentaaon; pałupt pan of a hangjng. Ponad on thc lite of the Tempie of Mahras in the City of London. Roman; and cencuryA.D.
Dimcmiom 10*115 m. (5 in.)
Cumii Multum, LmJ*m
Skctch ihowlng part of a ihoc of red goatskin with omamenution apparently worked with goltl lenf. Prom the collection ofSir Flindcn Petrie.
Egyptian (Ptolemoic); joo-jo n.c.
Muttm ejLteibtrtra/l, LttUm Pi* 74*
Chariou in thc Tomb of Tut-ankh-amun. The wheda lud tyrei of nwhidc but at Ur, Sir Leonard Woolcy found tracę* oftyna madę oftawed (alumed) Icaihcr.
The nwhidc lashingi on thc whed-hubs woc covcrcd witlt beaten gold; and thc lnthcr aprons of thc chariot-body woc dccoratcd with impreucd panam enhanced with gold ItaC About 1500B.C.
Pbotopspb: Criffitb hutitute, Atbmeim Mutant, Oxfori
Pi* 7+
A sandał of awed goatskin fiom a gnvc at Babbsh; abont 1780-1 jSo B.C.
Pbotopapb: Efypt Exploratun Sackty
Pi* 75*
A taUy-bag oftawed (alumed) theepakin dated 1394-
Platę 7
One of a pair of liturgical half-bood from thc ancicnt capuchin monastety at Suecłot; third quaitcr of thc twdfth ccntuiy. Madc of red goatskin with apfUąui ornament of gili leather. Musta rty*ux 4'Art tt 4'Hlstairt, Bnuteb PUttjfa
A fratemity pouch of puirmrci, painted black and red ona hand-sumped gjlt and silve*ed ground.
Spanish; suncenth to irvcniemth century.
Dimemions: 0-40* o*aa m. (1 j| x l| in.)