H 89 Ot wooden mouldt. Ii ii possible thatthcsc are all Spaniih aidiough tbc Spinali mdustiy was fili dcrlimng during the second half of ihc scventctnth cestnny. Ei^glish Inki »uh HBp m ittong at diu period and ii may be that thae are products of the smali but appar-mdy *ctivt Portugucsc indusuy of thc rime. Ii a probablc that uuh limplc panam wouki ako H ban wefl within ihe capabilitia of thc Engliih leathcr-gildefi; indeed, thc Cia that u K n oampla hm ban found in tka country radia wggcsts thae nuy bc Engfah pro-ducooa, pahaps tmpńrd by Ibaian ongnuk Miny of the fanudnop of Hui Kona ««m cuha impoeted from Holland oc madę in England by Dutch crafbmcn, and thoc are iko tomr India hangingt of i Dach rype in tbc house. Hown, thc dupapattan on tbc walk of thc Dining Rootn ii mt of a type known to km bon prodoced ii Holland, and «* mus look rbcwhoe (ot thc tourcc of (kac hangings. An Englkh oc Ponuguoe provouncc — mott pHunheainpla in tbc Spanuh colkcdom could easily bc Ponuguoe. Fina! judganent oo pl^uodoo mtut be KSOvcd for thc omebcing. Sccpagn 18,64,6J
Tbc Marbk Dining Room at Ham Home, Richmond, England.
Tle original kadra 00 tbc walls has a trtllis paaon of gold varniih ova thc uHtmł ground. Thcsquam arc painted whicc: thi$ nuy havt bccomc opaquc with ageor may bc an ow-pttDtmg. Thae ii notooling.
Tbc borne was buik in thc 16)01 and andcd by thc Duke and Dudni of Uododalr in dx 16701. Tbc Dining Room data from this altaation. The laika hangingi are dooibcd ątbeiincntoiy of 1679 fd* pieca of gdt koka*) whert mention ii ako madę of leatha cmn lor thc pair of odrobki, one of which can bc wen in Ac niche beyood ihe table. Tknę anm were 10 proca che matblc and om na necaurily of gik leatha: indad, they aa bor likdy 10 kavt ban of latha with 1 seorehed panem like the amn of thc Ham Home globcs ihown in Platc lob. They wcie probably removcd when thc room wn in uk. The pflmnancc of this leather is diicuised in thc preamble 10 this icction. Simdar leathen with diffaent colounng are in thc Museo dc Aitcs Dccoratms in Madrid and in that of Barcelona. A simplified venśon is in tbc London Museum ofLeadiercraft.
Pkuptpb: Pietotittni Albert Musem
Tao chain at Powis Casdc; mid-$cventecnth ccntury.
The gik leatha used for Corning these cham could bc of Engliih origin although an Ibaian ptovcnance cannot be enduded. Gilt leatha wis 100 ddicatc 10 bc rally suiwblc for ophobtery bat aumplcs of ńs u* for this purpore aist, li was apparendy mott freąucndy and diusin kały.
P*ns Ctsdt, MMpmerf ibtte
Thae b|| cdboBcd pattems with heavy kun and flowers - ofien tdoding fat chcrubs and (auł iraoub - are in the Nahaianduh Baioqoe style and datę from the Iw tłdnf of the imiauudi or ody yaa af the cightcemk cannry. Tbc bat were 00 doobt nade in HoBand