Faach ot Dateb; ijto-aa-
wkb » borni mad piat, gjb and painted. The ground it Maefc and wtat T1k IwinrfiMlml rrrift ~*t kKratdy -*-■*•* red and bloe Duamtoa: ach pmd 0-71» o-SĄ i m.(i*x 21 m.)
RJjksBuutttRi Attiffim
Dutch ot Ffencfc; about 1715 (?)
Emboacd with heued metal plan and painced in namralńuc colom. Hus seems to be wrfeniraBy rrlunri 10 tfac panem sbown «n Plam 51. It ts a conunoa partern of which u k«t (om d&acat phta mani, h maj have bera pcodnccd m md canta. At kast three yerimew a/r to be scen m Spankb coflccboos; odm are in France and sevcral oia in Londonioduding (his one and paneli on a screen in the Museum ofLeathercraft (Place 57). Sod) Ituturiant patterns appeared in woven siks in (he sccood dccade of the serentemh etneury and went out of fasłuon in (he carly 172OS. This pcohably indican the apptonnme datę of dicse coonteparo in kather. Frcnch sOk-dcaigncn icem to have cvolved this styk whkh was cmunly copkd both in Holland and in Engłand. If the Engli&b leatber-gilders we bj dworne saffitiemly competat co pcodnce soch panda - and it it ptobablc that they we-then somc tpedmem nuy be English. Sec paga 73-4.
Dimcnróas: 0-7! u o-ćł m. (so|x 04 in.)
Vktarkał Albert Museum, Lenda*
Pan of the sewen reftncd to in the previoos notę and on page 74.
Dutch or French; about 1725.
Both ate emboesed with the same metal piąte and showing bow vety diflerent a panel nuy look wfacn it ś painted in another manner.
Platę $Sa. Gik panem 00 a bloe gromad.
Platę $8b. Polyduome on a gtey gromad.
The inacaiing liże and nannalian of the Aowcn, and the ian-likc shell modf suggest a datc approaching that when the Rococo fint madę mappearance. A veraor> of this panem was nO being madę as lace as 1856 by the Pń firm of Dulud.
Dimemiona: 076* o*6i m. (jo x 24 in.)
(a) Mata Namal de Arta Deanatms, Mairid
FteocfaocFknmb; 17200.
Emboned with a metal pfate, «ah a greond painted whne and sky-blue agama which the gdtpaoenaod połychromcflowmwandooL