39109 IMGS17

39109 IMGS17


uirablrd. Two Cne ocampłcs aie shown herc. Such sccccns sccm (o have been in cspecuJ (amur in EngUnd sińce a conpandvcly laige number survivc. The pand shown in Piast 70 was pcrhaps madę fora firocrecn. I( sccms co be in thc Rococo tacce. Sce pago 49, 60.

Pcrhaps Spsnwh; sboat 1700 (?)

Thts ianpoung copc rfgA kathcr sccms co havc a pańciu in che laar Baroquc idiom buc ha* no cioae pandld an any ochcr pands koown co che aocfaoc. Ic prcsumably comea bom 2 Cnholif country. Ir ts noc sufBciendy wdl draww co be Flcmish or Frcnch. Ic is unlikcly co be Icalian for che same ceaaon. b may be Spanash and mdced. k has bcen suggesnd tłuc ics panem has somcthiug ofche same charaeter as chat on a uniquc woren silk copc with an irwcńpóoa rccording k as having been woucn ac Toledo as abooc chśa period.

Dtmtscbtt Ledermmtfmm, Offenbachem'Mam Platę 6j(\fullcolour)    •

Probabiy English; sccond quarccr oT che dghtccndi ccnrury.

One of a sec of panda each i-łl m. (90 in.) high, comprising secnocu joincd witli tcacfc jasna, gildcd, hand-punched and painccd.

The panem is efeady based on chose painccd on Indian eoesons af a cype włuch enjoyrd a vogue in Europę during ebe firn cłurd of che cencury. In che Victoria and Albcn Mutrum is an enabroidcTcd crewd-work hanging daied 1744 widi a panem similar in style co duc on chis leacher. Ic has been demonstraced chat (herc is a cloac link bctwccn ccrtam design* for CTcwel-work and for Indian painted cottons. Thts presenc pand suggeses chat che same designera obliged ac kast one London leachcr-gilder wich panerns.

Ounemions: 2'2l x o*79 m. (pox 31 in.)

Atmstwm af Lenthrrernft, Lmdm PUteój*

English or Dtnch; firsc balfof che eighceencb ccnrury.

An eagbc-fold scrcen widi a hand-punched gpound nacuralńbcalły painccd wich bards in a scylc popular bocb m Holland and Engiand fiom abooc 1690 co 1740.

Dmmster Cmde, Smmmet *Ute6jh

Engłńh oe Ducch; firsc halfof che cigh ccm th cencury.

An caghc-fold scrcen widi a hand-sookd ground painccd widi chinońcrie sceno. Ic as difficuk co datc such work bur che racher sombce colour-schcmc suggeses duc ic bdocigs u chelasr Biroque radier chan a Rococo period. ftsOtio Lidermurewm, Offemhmb mm Mam


Ptmmancc unknown; sccond quancr afche eighseench cencury.

Hm diasnble of gk leacher has a panem rmbnssrd wich a metal place, skosi, wab a ydlow earncdird and black-painsed panem on a bluc-glazed ground. Thn design has adineries wich chat shown an Piast 61 and. fir dar same ceason. pcobably dans fiom aham



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