28786 IMGS01

28786 IMGS01




Two puatwp by the 'Mjsta ef the Oncc Mil Virgenes’ showing gile leathet hanum. (Ptm 5: 7V CMmm tf At Vkgn; Place ós Si. Mfonso reetlmg At CbwMt.)

Titf Icuher in che n painring has a black pattem, the other ił in red on the ftontal and My* od (far córa. The borden have alternate sections of red and green glaze. The tooling of the pk grand and che acami of che pancls arc clcarly visiblc.



Spaoiih; early azKcncb cen tury.

Sc. James of Compoicella by a Castilian painter. Both che black pattern and che punched gile ground of the leather background are clearly shown.



Spanuh (?); early mrcciuh ccncury.

Detad of the leathcr hangings sali matu on che walls of a smali room in a sćxteench cenimy bonie now pan of the Plantin-Moretus Museum, Antwcrp, which ii deteribed in an inventory of 1658 as having a green pattem alchough it is now black. Punched paraltcl lines erecuted wich a single iron.

The pattem is reminucent of thosc found on many silk damasks and vclvets madę in Spain (and probably alio in bały) during the eaiły i6th century.

He locha may be of ronghly che same datę and could casily have reached Antwcrp, aheady che pdnapal port in the Spanish Ncthałands, by che mid-suctcemh ccniucy. Howrro, the possibflicy that this is an early product of a Flcmish leather-gilding workshop cannot be eaduded.

Dimemions: now approximatcly o-ós* o*$$ tn. (zsłx 21 in.)

Thii is doae to the regulabon size laid down in the Córdoba otdinance of 1528. (Set page9oaaeq.)


Spanish or Icalian; cnid^uncenth ccntury.

Two panek (notę the seam) fiom a hanging with a black pattem on a punched gjk ground. Maset Ntamtl dr Artes Dtoratfoas, Mairii

In the same collcction is a panel with an identical pattem on a siłver ground. A fragment of a similar doign, said to have co me fiom Titian*s house in Venicc, was reported to be m the Metropolitan Mmcom, New York, but cannot now bc traccd (sec G. L. Hunter, Deatttmt Textits, 1918, pp. 416-17). The jtuiamtcileros of Córdoba obcaincd valuable comractt fiom Icaly in the iixttcnth century but Vcnice was no doubt by then abo capable of produdng giU leather of tfu* kind which doedy foliowi pattetm on Italian vclvets. Dimenooos (cach panel): about 0‘$ax 0*46 m. (ao|x 18 in.)



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