A. ajczak

3. Present-day stage: a decreasing trend in transportation and sedimen-tation rates. Figurę 6 illustrates the obvious decreasing trend in the magnitude of suspended load transportation and sedimentation, the results of measurements at gauging stations on the whole course of the Vistula during the period 1946-1990. This trend probably started about 1920 and is

Fig. 5. Decreasing trend in rates of suspended load transportation, R, and its sedimentation, AS, the time of the inter-embankment floodplain inundation, IN, and the levee growth, ŁA, which

have occurred in successive analysed gauging stations and floodplain stretches

of the Vistula River in the Carpathian Foreland for the last decades

(after Łajczak 1995a)

continuing. After several large dams had been built within the river basin, the magnitude of sediment transportation and sedimentation by the river decreased markedly. The non-regular distribution of deep reservoirs within the river basin, which trap large amounts of incoming sediments, is signified by varying intensities of the decreasing trend at particular gauging stations


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