1. Stosowanie liczb:
- I have two sisters and one brother My husband is 28 years old.
- There are 200 students in the first year.
2. Stosowanie cen:
How much does the holiday apartment cost?
- 45 Euros per night.
The air ticket to Prague is 15 pounds 50 (pence).
They spend about 60 dollars a day.
3. Podawanie godziny:
- What’s the time? A ąuarter past seven.
Our train leaves at ten to five.
Can you tell me the time, please? It’s 10.30 (ten thirty/ half past ten). I get up at six o’clock.
4. Pytanie o drogę/Udzielanie wskazówek:
The bank is on the right.
Go to the end of the Street and tum left.
Go straight on for about two hundred metres.
- Where’s the supermarket? It’s straight ahead.
5. Pozdrowienia, powitania:
Hi, Alice, how are you today?
Good moming, Mr. Kowalski.
This is my friend Robert. Pleased to meet you.
6. Udzielanie informacji osobistych:
My name is Adam.
I am from the north of Poland.
I live in Gdańsk.
I’m married.
7. Opisywanie zwyczajów i czynności mtynowych: I go to work at 7 o’clock.
I get the bus to college every day.
I often go to the gym on Fridays.
8. Spójniki,
wyrazy łączące:
I like fish but I don’t like chicken.
They live in France and they drink lots of red winę. I get up early because I start work at 7.30.
9. Czasownik BE - odmiana przez osoby; zdania twierdzące, pytania i przeczenia: We are from Warsa w.
I’m not his brother.
Paris is so beautiful