Institute of Natural and Technical Sciences





Level of course unit:

First cycle degree

Course unit title

Course unit codę

Hi story of Garden Art II / Historia sztuki ogrodowej II


Year of study/semester

2™ year/ semester 4

Type of course unit

Language of Instruction



Modę of delivery

Face to face

Name of lecturer(s)

dr Małgorzata Wiszniowska

Prereąuisites and co-requisites

Knowledge of basis terms and historical changes in the arts

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Number of ECTS credits allocated

Lecture - 30 h


Aims of teachnig

The aim of the course is to proride students with the knowledge and skills necessary for Professional practice of contemporary landscape architect who: needs to know the relationships between culture and worldview of social groups and the concept of the garden, park and landscape (past and present), knows the origins and meaning of traditional formulas, diagrams and styles of garden. have the knowledge nccdcd to perform historical restoration projeets.

Learning outeomes of the course unit

Reference to programme learning


P_W01 Student knows the basie terminology necessary in understanding the history of the art of gardening, the student knows the modem methods of analyzing works of art of gardening.

P_W02 Student understands the relationships occurring between form, function and content of the garden, the park, the landscape and the culture and worldview of society in the past and modem times P_W03 Student knows the basie formula of the garden and their social conditions





PU01 Student can describe the distinethe elements and compositions of geometrie gardens of the IS"1 -18th cen tury

P U02 Student is able to analyze the compositional structure of historical gardens and explain the meaning of composition.

K U06 K_U07




P K01 Student appreciate the value of design that is appropriate to the context of the emironment (social, landscape).

P_K02 Student is able to concisely and clearly

K_K01 K KO 5

Landscape Architecture, 8


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Institute of Natura! and Technical Sciences Study programme: Course unit title Course unit
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