Institute of Natural and Technical Sciences





Level of course unit:

First cycle degree

Course unit title

Course unit codę

Ecology and Emironmental Protection / Ekologiai ochrona środowiska


Year of study/semester

4,hyear/semester 7

Type of course unit

Language of Instruction


Polish, English

Modę of delivery

Face to face

Name of lecturer(s)

dr Sylwia Wierzcholska, prof. zw. dr hab. Elżbieta Lonc

Prerequisites and co-requisites

The scope of scientific knowledge (geography, chemistry) at the high school level. Biology and physiology of plants. flora and \ egetation elements.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Number ofECTS credits allocated

30h lectures, classesss 30 h


Aims of teachnig

Training ability to perceive and interpret the phenomena occurring in the natural em ironment. as well as increased awareness of students associated with the recognition of pattems and laws of development of ecological Systems. Student understand relationship between the biotic and abiotic elemcnts of naturę.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Reference to programme learning


P_W01 knows the basie concepts and tasks of ecology,

P_W02 describes the relationship between ccosystems and biotopes,

P W03 understands interspecies intcractions.

K W02 K_W01



P_U01 uses know ledge of ecology' for the planning, P_U02 assess the ecosystem sen ices in a given area and use thcm to design,

PU03 deve!op strategies for adaptation projects and concepts depending on changes in population dynamics,

P_ U04 prepare a documentation of the ecological and emironmental areas for change the management.

K U01 K_U06



Landscape Architecture, 4


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Institute of Natura!
Institute of Natura!
Institute of Natura! and Technical Sciences Study programme: Course unit title Course unit
Institute of Natural
Institute of Natural
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Institute of Natura!
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