County Senior Hurling Fina
The Loughmore/Castleincy panel prior to thcir 0-15 to 0-13 semi-final victory over Ncnagh Śire Óg - Bock, I to r.Colm Can Webster, Paul Ormond. Tom King, Diarmuid Brennan, Derek Burkę, Paul Brennan, Eoin Ryan, David Kennedy, Ger Morris, David Mi Long.Johnny Campton, James Egan, Martin Ryan. Front. I to r:Ałvy Stapleton.John Paul Foy, Evan Sweeney, Eddie Connolly. Ronan Stc McGrath.Johnny Gleeson fcopt), Gony Sweeney. Noel McGroth, James Connolly, Seamie Bohon.Jody Sweeney ondTommy Ormond.
Loughmore I
Management team. Left to nght- Michoel McGrath, Eamon Sweeney and Frankie McGrath
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County Senior Hurling Fina Drom/lnch panel prior to tłieir 1-19 to 0-19 semi-fmal victory over KillcReview of Juvenile Hurling YearBy John Smith, County Bord na nóg P.R.O. Loughmore-Castleiney panel aLOUGHMORE/CASTLEINEY 1983 lost to Borrisoleigh 0-17 to I-I 1 1987 lost to Cappawhite 1-17 to2009 09 125517 The head assembly just prior to installmg the taił and p long as its running its notCOUNTY TIPPERARY SENIOR HURLING CHAMPIONSHIP FINAŁ The referee checks his watch. as players encroachCOUNTY TIPPERARY SENIOR HURLING CHAMPIONSHIP EINALTommy Ryan (Kildanganl Senior Referee John 0 RrienCOUNTY T1PPERARY SENIOR HURLING CHAMPIONSHIP FINAŁYouthful memoriesSeamus 0’Doherty Mick Roche 196 7Canrick DauinsCounty Senior Hurling Ctiaropions -1966-67 County and Munster Gub Ciampions 1967. BockCOUNTY TIPPERARY SENIOR HURLING CHAMPIONSHIP FINAŁ 12) Seamus Kenny: Winner oCOUNTY TIPPERARY SENIOR HURLING CHAMPIOHSHIP FINAŁ ^ParishJłiyalryLin Unigue County_Einal Today.s13 DSC00545 ---a--------- *•— —r---—-------— 1—----- Without any doubt, the Prague Castle, the sTCLePHONf NO 29M9 Cr ..7 Lth December, 19^-5- Miss Barnard and one member of the staif oi the Norwic124 STRESS ANALYSIS The Elastic instability of a thin curved panel, subjected to an axial thrust, etCounty Minor Hurling Finał Ncnagh Eire Óg Minor Hurling fmahsts. Bock row: (I to r) - Kcvm Flynn, PaCounty Minor Hurling Finał Thurles Sorsfidds Minor huriing finalisto - Bock Row, Lefi to Right PhiliTipp’s new Senior Hurling Management Team Pkuj red left to rtght- Eamon 0‘$hca. Michael Ryan and bomlists 2007 LOUGHMORE/ CASTLEINEY LOU6HMORŁ CASTlflNEY GlAA Johnny Gleeson Coptam n. MtcheólLoughmore Castleiney Club History CLUB OFFICERS FOR 2007 ARE Chairman: Eamon Sweeney V/Chairman: Dicwięcej podobnych podstron