seen in his determination co finish his career with the Davins. having assisted his adopted club Portlaw to cham-pionship Isuccess and even wearing the Blue and White of che Deise.A natural hurler and stylist Tom was another whose skills were a loss for many years, and alchough unable to be present because of illness he is represenced by his broth-er Eddie.

26) Michael Ryan: The youngesc of the quartet of the Ryan Brothers. The versatility shown by Michael at a young age was to manifest itself in the years co come. Recognition by the minor and U/21 councy selectors saw Michael become an ever-present on county teams over the years. His con-tribution to the good years was immense.

27)    Tony Blackmore: Again a talent lost to migration as Tony was faced by logistics to ply his trade further afield. His contri-bution in the early years though 'was invaluable and his interest in the welfare of the club has never waned.

28)    Tommy Ryan: Last, but definitely not least a man whose bali skills and stick work would rival any in the gamę today or at any time in he intervening years. Tommy led the quartet of Ryan Bros in seniority and as the role model, Jimmy, P.J. and Michael all surely learned their trade from Tommy, a true magician with the 'caman in a lamh'.


Selectors on 1966-67 teams:

■    Michael Lonergan

■    Sean Organ

■    Eddie Reilly (R.I.P)

■    Thomas Foran (R.I.P.)

■    WillieWeston (R.I.P.)

■    Eddie ’Knox‘ Lyons (R.I.P.)

■    WattieWalsh (R.I.P.)

Tipp FM goes Radio GAA everv Saturda) from 5pni-6pm

Tune into "Finał Score" on



following the 9:00pm news every Sunday night as Tipperary County Board PRO Ed Donnelly

gives a run-down on all the clubs matches of the day aeross the premier county.

Altemotlyely, Wi/t the Tipperary CAA webslte www.tlpperary.gaa.ie and ctlek on club retufU.

Join Paddy Finucane for the latest in football, hurling.camogic. ladies footbftll and everything CiAA.

Paddy will prcview the big games aeross the county and on the inter-county sccnc, as wcII as fixtures, livc updatcs and results.

The GAA Preview with Paddy Ftnucane.Tipp FM’s Premier GAA Programme this Saturduy from 5pm - 6pm.

II havc any ideas or suggcstions for the show you can contact the shows produccr łan O' Connor on 052 26222 or 067 44455 or you can c*mail łan to : ian@tippfm.com

Tipp FM No.l for Sport in Co. Tipperary!!!!


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