9.0164) 3 Rtbosołne
6 $76 04 SplICPPSPrno 2.606-05 RNA tran sport 1 S3e-03 MRNA słjrvelllarx» pathway 9 396-03 Protein etport 7.73e4M Proteasome
6S7e4M Ribosome Nogeneas kn eukaiyrries 3996-03 Plant-pathogen Mendłon 1.356-05 Prote*n prpę«$$Jn9 In ęndpplMmię $$7o-04 RNAdogradafcon
8 46e-03 Ub*quion mediated proteolysis 3806-03 AnUnoacylłRNA blosyntttesls
3816-03 Va!lne. leutfne and isoteudne degradaBon n8«-03 Pyrtmidine mtfabolism i .596-03 Punne mstabollsm
6 57e-04 Cyaooamino add metabolis/n 6576-04 Panto^onato and CoA błoiyntftetls
9 016-03 Gfywfdipid molabołism 1438-03 Perowsołite
7 ?3e-04 Asoorbate and aldarate rretabollsn
3816-03 PIwnyiaianfiM. tyrosine and irypłcpham btosynthesis 9.0leO3 Cartx>n łixabon In pbotosynlhoDc organlsros 6.476-03 RN A połymeraso
9.0164) 3 Cutin. sub6rtn6 and wax błosynth&sis 6 57e4M AJphaUnotenic add metabofesm
159e4)3 Fatty acłd degradation
3.336-03 GlyoojylpłłOsphaiKlyliROSilol (GPaanchor bioiynStestt 9.396-03 NucłMWt exę*sł6n repa'r
8 4664)3 HtsPdirwj metabolism 4.006-03 Selenocornpound motaboilsro GS
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6.32e-04 Spliceosome
1 We-CM Amino sugar and nudeocde sugar metabolism 1.350-03 Basał transcrłpoon (acłorj
6.32e-04 Poniosę and glucuronate 1nłefconvef5»on»
6 32e 04 Stnrch and sucrosc melabolism 3.80e-05 Phenyipropanołd błosynłwsls I.SOe-04 Faity aod metabohsm 3.470-O4 Faity ackl btosynthe&is
1.680-04 NOV«,n b*osynit>0sis 7.54« 04 Biotin rwtabolism 1.47e-06 Perotósonse 7.170-04 Faity acłd ©longabon 3.0f a-04 Ditorponofd btosynthosis 3 520-03 Steryd biosynfcesis
1.510 04 AGE RAGĘ signaling pathway łn diabetłc cofnpiicatwis
2 09e-O4 Frudose and mannose metabollsm 3.760-04 Glycerophosphoitpid metabolism 2.01© 05 Asccrbalo and akłarate melabohsm
7 200-04 Pwphyhn andćhKyopbytl metabotitm 7.87e-04 Glycciolipid metabollsm
1.686-04 boflanonoW błosynthesis i 22e-03 Cysteinę and methtonio© metabollsm
1 680-O4 Beia-AJanino metabolism 4.810-04 Galactese metabolism
2.87e 04 Glycosaminoglycan deg<adałłon
2 $8e 03 CarotenoidWosyn3>esis
1.050-04 Bfassinosterod błosynthesis 5 560-04 RNApolyinerase 1.650-03 Nicotinale and nicotinamide metaboUsm 2.880-03 One «d>on popi by Walę GS