10. V BenatkAch nad Jizerou. Une sallc com-memorativc a ćtć consacrće a 1’illustrc astro-nomc danois Tycho-Brahe a Benatky sur Jizera, ou, en 1599 et 1600, il erfcctua ses obscrvations.

10. An cxhibition commcmorating the cele-bratcd Danish astronomer Tycho de Brahe, at Benatky nad Jizerou, wherc he conductcd his obscrvations in 1599 and 1600.

rr. V Kutne Ho&e. Musćc commćmoratif consacre au dramaturge et actcur tchcque Joscf Kajetan Tyl a Kutna Hora.

J. K. Tyl, in Kutna Hora (fig. ii), and the Danish astronomer Tycho de Brahe, in Benatky nad Jizerou (fig. //).

11. Museum at Kutna Hora commcmorating the Czech plav\vright and actor Josef Kajetan Tyl.

But museums do not limit their scope to acquainting the public with the storę of treasures on permancnt display; they help to raise the cultural level by organizing frcqucnt exhibitions, lectures and other events. In 1956 alone they organized 1,346 exhibitions and 5,689 other events such as lectures, discussions, conccrts, etc.

The number of persons visiting the museums is large, and goes up year by year. In 1956 the displays, collections and exhibitions drew over 5,800,000 Czechoslovak and foreign visitors, to which must be addcd the 3,200,000 persons who visitcd various State castles and manors. Visits to museums are encouraged by organizing Al ust hm Weeks (fig. 12). The campaign Iaunched in 1956 by Unesco was a great success in Czechoslovakia,4 the museums marking the occasion by organizing a large number of exhibitions, conferences and excursions. In view of the public enthusiasm, the effbrt was repeated on the national level in 1957, and it is planned to do so every spring.

4. Sce Museum, vol. XI (1958), p. 23-25.

The Czechoslovak museums have undertaken intense activity for the populariza-tion of scientific knowledge and the national and even the local museums run their own campaigns every year. For example, the National Technical Museum in Prague organized exhibitions on The His tory of Aviation in C^echos/orakia and Rockets Today



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