Fig. 17 Somc Mcmbcrs of thc Lausanne Local Organizing Committee: Prof. D. Bonnard, M. J. Bonjour et M. E. Recordon Quelques membres du Comite Local d'organisation de Lausanne: Prof. D. Bonnard, MM. J. Bonjour et E. Recordon
work. On the basis of their conclusions drawn from practice some suggestions can be madę which may be of assistance to the organizers of the next Conference.
The main difficulty encountered was the editing of the Papers. It seems advisable to retain the regulations regarding text and figures formulated on the basis of theexperiencegained in organizing the Rotterdam Conference, as contained in Bul-Ietin No. 1. It is the Organizing Committee’s belief that all the Papers that do not comply with these regulations should be rejected. The Secretariat would then not become invoIved in lengthy correspondence. Since nearly all manuscripts which are not written in the author’s mothcr tongue necd rcvising, it is necessary to have a secretarial Staff well acąuainted not only with the Conference Languages in their Iiterary form, but also with tcchnical terms. The finał datę set for presentation of the Papers should be strictly observed, otherwise the Secretariat will be overburdened with work during the weeks directly preceding the Conference.
The Organizing Committee thinks it would be advisible to re-group the themes for the Papers, to amend their wording and, if possible to reduce their scope. This would greatly facilitate the classification of Papers in the appropriate Sections. It would also be helpful if the General Reporters could inelude in their Reports not only their comments on the Papers sub-mitted, but also refer to recent publications on the subjects they consider of interest.
In order to devote as much time as possible to the discussion proper, it would be excellent to hołd several discussion mcet-ings in different rooms. This would complicate the organi-zation, but discussion within smali groups would be of ad-vantagc to the profession.
The Organizing Committee wish to express their heartfelt thanks to Prof. K. Terzaghi, President of the International Society, and to Prof. D. W. Taylor, formerly Secretary of the Society, for their active participation in preparing and running the Conference.
Further, their sincere thanks go to the General Reporters for their readiness to undertake the task of reporting on Papers covering varied fields of research.
Fig. 18 Prof. K. Terzaghi visiting the Laboratory for Hydraulic Research and Soil Mechanics at thc Fcdcral InstitutcofTcchnology Visite du Professcur K. Terzaghi au Laboratoire de Recherchcs Hydrauliąues et de Mecaniąue des Sols de 1’Ecole Polytechniąue Fćdćrale
mandable de maintenir le reglement concernant Ies textes et les figures, qui s’appuie sur l’experience acquise par les organi-sateurs du Congres de Rotterdam, tel qu’il figurę au Bulletin No 1. Le Comite d’organisation estime qu’il y aurait interet a ce qu’a I’avenir tous les memoires qui n’observent pas ces prescriptions soient refuses sans merci. Cette mesure epargne-rait une longue et laborieuse correspondance au Secretariat. De plus, les textes rediges par les auteurs dans une Iangue etrangere exigeant presque toujours une misę au point lin-guistique, le personnel du Secretariat devra etre familiarise non pas seulement avec les deux langues officielles du Congres, mais aussi avec la terminologie technique. Afin d’eviter au Secretariat un sureroit de travail au cours des dernieres se-maines precedant le Congres, il serait recommandable de faire observer strictement la date-limite fixee pour la presentation des memoires.
Le Comite d’organisation estime egalement qu’il serait avan-tageux de regrouper les themes de discussion, d’en reviser la teneur et d’en limiter l’envergure; ceci faciliterait la classification des memoires dans la section appropriee. En outre le Comite croit qu'il serait souhaitable que les Rapporteurs gene-raux ne se bornent pas a rendre compte des memoires presen-tes, mais qu’ils signalent egalement dans leurs rapports les publications recentes qu’ils estiment dignes d*attention.
Afin dc mettre les Congressistes en mesure de consacrer le plus de temps possible a la discussion, le Comite croit qu’il serait avantageux d’organiser simultanement plusieurs seances dc discussion. Ceci compliqucrait evidcmment 1’organisation du Congres, mais la discussion cn groupes restreints serait cer-tainement plus profitable.
Le Comite d’organisation desire exprimer ses chaleureux remerciements au Professeur K. Terzaghi, president de la So-ciete Internationale et au Professeur D. W. Taylor, ex-secre-taire de la Societe pour la part active qu’ils ont pris a 1’organisation du Congres.
Le Comite desire egalement exprimer sa gratitude a MM. les Rapporteurs generaux pour le grand devouement avec le-qucl ils ont assume la tache de commenter des memoires cou-vrant des champs de recherches les plus varies.