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kWh, or approximatively 10% of the total electricity produced at present in Switzerland.

From the summit of the Grimselpass, Conference Members will follow a construction road leading up to the construction site at Oberaar. Weather permitting a splendid view will be enjoyed and in the depth of the valleys the different reservoir lakes will be noticed.

Oberaar dam

The concrete dam at the Oberaar is situated in the marginal part of the Aarmassif and is built on a schist zonc. It was necessary to excavate considerable quantities of materiał and to use a large amount of cement grout for injections. This is in direct contrast with the dam foundation on granite at Obcr-hasli where little excavation and injection were necessary (Fig. 19). The construction site at Oberaar, which is situated at an altitude of 2300 to 2350 m, has been eąuipped for a personel of 1000. Beside the facilities for housing and feeding the workmen, all installations for the construction of the tunnels (diversion, spillway and head tunnels), the aggregate produc-tion and processing-plants, the concrete manufacturing plant and the concrete conveying system are situated at this site. Together with the head of the two cable ropeways (one to the Valais and one to the Grimsel), the numerous buildings, work-shops, manufacturing and transportation plants make up an impressivc industrial settlement right in the middle of high mountains.

From Oberaar, where Conference Members will be shown round, they will return to the Grimselpass, down to the Grimsel lakę and the Sommerloch with the Raterichsboden lakę, where the Oberaar power plant is in course of construction.

On the way to Handeck visitors will notice the humps of granite, polished and scratched by the ice, and higher up be-yond the old glaciers the morphology is even morę bizarre. After Handeck they rcach Guttanncn, Innertkirchcn and the beginning of the Sustenpass. After Crossing the limestone region of the Northern AIps between Guttannen and Meirin-gen, the Brienz lakę and Interlaken are reached.

Upsfrtam v/ew - Hse duparemenf amont

JAW** ł»kt - fosun dł rt/eoue Ot rOóerw

Fig. 19 Concrete Dam at Oberaar

Barrage en bćton de 1’Oberaar

(1)    Spillway - Evacuateur des crues

(2)    Bottom discharge - Vanne de fond

(3)    Valve chamber - Chambre des vannes

(4)    Intake structure - Prise d’eau

(5)    Inlet gallery - Galerie de misę en charge

(6)    Inspection galleries - Galerics dc rćvision

(7)    Ground surface, upstream - Surface du sol en amont

(8)    Cutoff wali, upstream - Mur parafouille amont

(9)    Waste deposit - Remblai

(10)    Consolidation grouting - Injection de consolidation

(11)    Grout curtain - Ecran d’injection

(12)    Voids - Evidements

(13)    Expansion joint - Joint d’expansion lignes de crete accusant une morphologie bizarre. L’excursion se poursuivra par Guttannen et Innertkirchen ofc bifurque la route du Col de Susten. Entre Guttannen et Meiringen, la route traverse la zonę des Alpes calcaires nord; enfin, aprds avoir longe le lac de Brienz, les excursionnistes arriveront a Interlaken.


From Lugano to Goschenen the itinerary is the same as that of the foregoing excursion to the Grimsel.

Sustenpass Road

From Goschenen the coaches will drive along the Gothard Pass road down to Wassen, the starting point of the Sustenpass Road, the most recent alpine road built in Switzerland. The road connects Wassen in the Reuss valley with Innertkirchen in the Aar valley.

A Parliamintary decree of 4th April 1935 concerning federal subsidics for the building of alpine roads madę possible the construction of the Susten road.

The whole road is laid out on the Southern slopes of the moun-tain; it was designed in such a way to harmonize with the typical landscape of the valleys of Gadmen and Meien. The concrete parts were fac d with stone, i.c. gneiss and granite, which are suitable for such a purpose. The materiał was taken from borrow areas in the vicinity. Furthermore the road was constructed so as so satisfy the requirements of modern traffic. The design m kes allow nc f *r the standards and directions of the Swiss Association of Road Engineers

Excursion Lugano-G<eschenen-Col du Susten-Innertkirchen-Interlaken

Jusqu’& Goeschenen meme itineraire que Pexcursion Zurich-Grimsel.

Route du Col de Susten

De Goeschenen les Congressistes se rendront k Wassen, qui est le point de depart de la route du Col de Susten, la plus moderne des routes alpestres de la Suisse. Apr6s avoir longe la vallee peu boisćc de Meien les visiteurs passeront le tunnel de faite, et, k la sortie, dćcouvriront une belle vue sur le Stein-gletscher (en retrait depuis quelques annćes).

Un arrete des chambres fóderales, du4avril 1935, concemant 1’octroi de subvcntions federales pour ramenagement de routes alpestres a permis d’assurer le financement des travaux.

Sur toute sa longueur, la route a ete construite sur le versant sud dc la montagne. La construction des ouvrages a ete etudiće pour s’harmoniser avec le cadre caracteristique des vallees de Gadmen et de Meien. Les parties bćtonnees ont ćtć revetues de pierre naturelle, k savoir de gneiss et de granit, qui se pretent particulićrement bien k la construction de maęonneries. Les materiaux employes pour les ouvrages pro-



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