chef des Ponts et Chaussees k Paris, des «Considerations geo-techniques sur la force portante des fondations des chaussees».

Je desire exprimer la vive reconnaissance du Comite d*or-ganisation a MM.les rapporteurs; ilsontacceptelalourdetache d’examincr Ies contributions des diverses seances et dc tracer dans leurs rapports une vue d’ensemble sur un champ d’etudes etendu.

Quant au programme generał du Congres et au programmc special pour les Dames, je me permets d*attirer votre attention sur le bulletin n° 3 qui contient des details sur les excursions figurant a notre programme, et une description succinte des divers amenagements techniques que vous visiterez.

Mesdames et Messieurs, en terminant mon allocution il ne me reste plus qu’a exprimer le voeu que le Congres se deroule de faęon satisfaisante k tous les points de vue et que, en quit-tant la Suisse, vous gardiez un bon souvenir de notre pays.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please let me give a short address of welcome to our English speaking friends. In 1936 the first International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Cambridge, Mass., demonstrated the usefulness and desirability of a rcgular exchange of idcas and results in this field. Due to the Second World War, it was impossible to hołd a second conference until June 1948 in Rotterdam. There the International Society for “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering” was founded through the combination of the various National Committees. Its Executive Committee operates under the guidance of its president, Prof. Karl Terzaghi and its secretary, Prof. Donald W. Taylor, both from Cambridge, Massachusetts.

The decision to hołd the Third Conference during 1953 in Switzerland was takcn by the Executive Committee in January 1951, after having put the motion to the vote of the National Committees and after the Swiss National Committee had ex-pressed its rcadiness to play host.

This decision was interpreted in Switzerland as a token of appreciation not only for the scenie beauty of our country, but also for the large amount of technical and cultural develop-ment in your field of interest. No need to say that this interest is highly appreciated and it is our great pleasure to welcome you in our smali country.

We hope to show you many interesting applications of soil mechanics and foundation engineering. Already the structure of the Alps has been a centre of interest for the geologists during many decades, as the local and temporal relationship between the various geological formations becomes apparent to a much larger degree than in most other areas. Also the glaciers which to-day have retreated to the highest mountain valleys can be studied there in their effect on the part of the country which they formerly covered. Ali these studies proved to be of greatest importance to foundation engineering sińce many tunnels, roads, dams and canals must be founded at Icast partly in slide areas and glacial deposits which often are not yet completely stabilized.

The impressive and in part wild mountain areas are the location in which ncw hydro-electric power schemes are bcing constructed. You will have an opportunity to see several of these during the excursion that is on our programme. Two lectures of this meeting will point out what particular diffi-culties must be overcome in the construction of these schemcs, due to the adverse climate and the relatively large voIume of construction combined with an extremely short construction period.

The successful organization of this Conference has been pos-sible only through the active generał and financial support of the Federal Government and of the two Cantons and Cities which are hosts of the Conference. Also private industries and other individuals and organizations have generously contri-buted to the funds necessary to cover the cxpenses of the Conference. I have the agreable duty of cxpressing the warmest thanks to all those who have helped us in organizing this meeting.

It is my particular pleasure to welcome to our meeting the Executive Committee of the International Society, and to ex-press my appreciation for their valuable work, as well as the representatives of the various National Committees and the many members which take part in this meeting.

The 154 papers which have been contributed by engineers from 28 countries have been divided into eight groups accord-ing to their content and are available in printed form, i.e. in the Proceedings. The first two volumes of 482 and 371 pages contain all these papers as well as the generał Reports on the different subjeets. The papers will not be presented orally at the meeting but a discussion of these papers will be guided by the General Reporters.

Following the example of the second meeting at Rotterdam, each session will begin with a Iecture of rather generał interest, the first of which will be presented by the president, Prof. Terzaghi, under the title: “Fifty years of Subsoil Exploration”. The seven subsequent lectures will cover problems connected with local structures. The last day of this Conference will be hcld at Lausanne with two lectures: by Prof. Dr. A. Stucky on “Foundation of Dams” and by Mr. R. Peltier on “Strength of Road Foundations”.

I Iike to express on behalf of the entire Organizing Committee the highest appreciation for the work done by the General Reporters and by the Lecturers.

Concerning the various activities on this Conference, the Ladies* programme and the 4days* mountain excursion I would like to refer you to bulletin No. 3 of this Conference, which gives a short description of the objects of the visits.

In closing my address I hope that you will find this Conference interesting, that you will enjoy the stay in our country and that you will leave with the desire to return and visit it with us again.

Ansprache von Herm Bundesprasident Dr. Philipp Etter

Allocution prononcee par M. Dr Philippe Etter, President de la Confederation Suisse

Sehr geehrter Herr Prasident! Meine Damen und Herren!

Im Namen des schweizerischen Bundesrates heiBe ich Sie in unserem Lande herzlich willkommen. Es bedeutet fur die Schweiz eine groBe Ehre, die Internationale Gesellschaft fur Bodenmechanik und Fundationstechnik und ihren 3. International KongreB ais Gastland begruBen zu dtirfen. Aus

Monsieur le President, Mesdames et Messieurs,

Au nom du Conseil federal suisse, je vous souhaite la bien-venue dans notre pays. C’cst un honneur pour la Suisse de voir se tenir sur son sol le Troisieme Congres International de meca-nique des sols et des travaux de fondations. Venant des cinq parties du monde, vous vous etes rassemblćs, savants et cher-



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