- 2 -



democmtic and s- ci tli; t mertoere of the C' inot of the cubinet hecom© even le6e capable of pursuing a policy of thcir owu.

Uow they ara etrwirely ewmeehed in the pcl: cy of the roaeticnary ot diplopjcts ’.rn officere w hor.: thcy -1 cp c.cd n ro-war iayc.

Thia policy is esae.. ly o coutinuction t.. the policy of Łlr. Beck e policy orinrttecl t co-cperfction srith the r ectiomry *orcei in the Y»-oi'ld and coneeaurntly, unti- oviet nd anti-CzechosloYek. lt thbefttene the folish nr.tion witfc conse uencce not lcrc dis-r rcua than thoee in 19.59

Th© preecmi policy of t.he Pol i eh £ov<srotfirnt in exile i:- k eed on speculation uj on ć conflict within t e 1 niteri Naticne or.d uroń the werkneeo :*nd ©zhaustion of the Kcviet Union, Great hrit in and the United Łtuteo ore suppooed to a id in the rrention cf r pot erful Polondf as pe.rt of o .. on nitr.ire agnlr.at r.n exh :ted Uoyict Union, liy ite very w turę c uch a policy mu;:t h<? socl illy re-.ctionery A rmctionory Pol nl ie crpected to Jclr. ( hrourh Fedrration. nr otherwlsc) \/lth ot! .er r ctionary linko of the cordon o nit ^e. a uch as clcric :1 flovnkia, r. feudal 'tung-ry* u «j YbgotifYla mTTreece ruled by the renctionary cli ues round Kinpr J-eter Georga,

Thrt t ie policy is 5nco pmtibl© vith the eticcr tic 'cpirctions of the ?oli£ih people ^one dthout soying (thou-li the dnniocr'tio and aocialiet wetribere of the c hi het ceera    pc f the incoinptttibility

It is ;leo most dsn rorous to 'olandł8 n-tionnl indepcnćtenco. Per the exhnus >.ion. of the PoYiet Union, nron w ich it counta, c n ke terror ary it beat. In a few yeara the ft.iole politlc.* I ; tructure u upen which Polendf8 exi8tcnce would b* haeed, Accordlng to thie policy wculd oll-.rre, w± th the s^me di a :u* t >*<-••. :c- •    •-    105 9 *

The political ecncepti.cn of the rovernm<-nt in exile is thst of a Pol nd In the role o-'4 r terajgorary buffor et te.

Fortunetly for l ■!© Polieh p* ople, the policy of the rcy^rt^mnnt in exiln it lre?d.v h dcrv.pt• Por the ex;,.uc h exh utiou of ! 3oviet t nion doee not rn' terirlize. The grent. ictorler cf t e ^Red Ajrety taafce 't elear that tlić lońlet Union Will ccnerge /-ie the mo&t pc^erful pollti i orr^niz^tion in h- atern and Central HTurope* ny policy in thi» pnrt ot Europę dlrected ag t tho Soviet Union h;re ai'T>ly no chencsis of Eucceee.    Purther^iore, the Poliah fro\ rmrriont

in exi!c    lo-?t itr pi rtner    nti~ . oviet o. icy. Czeehoelcy.rkia

>litting awc:y of Elov kih did not rv.eered .rry of Liberation in Ya£oelovi t hcve rmder King Peter and lii6 cll.'iue. P ntilly, the agrecnientB of Upbcov, ^n<3 T h^ran h-ve ; oellod the cioonł of er*eculntion upon Allied lisimi ty. The gov©rnment in exlle thus z*<emr^.inp \7ith n policy which it ia imahle to irry out. The ovent#

shown its ntter inahility to f- mml* te on roalistic nppr.iisal of f eta.

2 cc;a6tructive policy h ve ‘boor* worked o nre in o?*position to the povemroent :he Union of Polish Pp.triots in the pefv-- ut-."oi.jorr tc, soci-itlicte, coi ...mniete the underground mov- mott (nnong then s^ction of

refi.aed to folio the eucoro8rs of trdcen the pround

s1 it, the

t? o Kot i oni •iway fr

the l^ist few montris h«va a ccnetructiwe policy boeed The outlinet of auch out by gr0x1718 and • ereone *.v in oxile. ojioag theae re U.1SR, a cCJnlition lihc'role; parto o:



the Socioliat Party md o    eaatint Party w hi eh di' • Uv

their reprcsentntivoe r. “jchdon) ; ■ nd group of Folifh ind pol^rh-'.rr.crienr. denocr^ta in 1 e II.8. (md nlao in Dsnada). Amcng the

1 sst mentioncd is the American-Polieh lahour Council, a rcprefsentptir


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