De&r Sir,

*y I inlor.n you abo^ t the cost impojtr.i evont ir tńe struggle of the Polish people for their nntional and State inaependence:

Tae Polish undergiound radio station "Kościuszko"

broaocast on Jar.u ry 30tn

In D ce; ;Der 1943 the People's ?.tional Council was eiected in Polana by the Provinciol County ard Loeal Peoplefe Councils, eiected in tneir turn by potriotic organisations coapiisin^ tiie:.i.

• ••

Thus me National Council was i or ned on the ost •• democratic lines. It is coiposed of represertstives oi 11 infuióntial poiiticii p* rties rd groups, eonducting n active stru,_gle inst the German occup nt ard ol represert .3tivcs of 11 sections of ino people.

Tu® tionni Council ddresse a i.niiesto to the Polisie people, cr iling upon u ner to consolidśte their ranks for lurther decisive struggie agair.st Polard'3 tor onters, tiie Geiuit-n occup^ tionists, The .i nifesto c^lls upon the Poiish people to eioscly co-oper te with the troops of our . Allies, n favours cordi- 1 friondship wita o r nearest neigh bour- tiie Soviet Urior. - as well as .ith Great e>rit in and ■J.S.A. and points out i.he patii xending o the establishment ol a Pr:e, Independent, Gtiong and De;.‘.ocratic Pol.-md.

Ihe i roić strugglp ol the j-oopies Guard, the Possane ^ataiioiiS -_.i.d alt ot ner ‘ar led orger.is tions wagxng activo stiuggle agjinst the Hitlerite inv ders is cornoctod with pa tnotic parties and groups tnat constitute the Peoples Matio-nsX Council.

Ilembcrs of the People’s National Council ara people . who, under liro, daily direct the stru gle -'gainst tho hiticrito invtdors.

Taey :* vc notxiin^ ir- co.non with t-he smali ;.roup ol' persons, Known o.s the "Council of Kation :1 Unity", ro:ai”ated oy the "delegata * of the Lonaon eii 'ro Govoir ort on January 9th# 1944, wuich is not connccttd . t oll v;ith *.-ny of the , fi nting org: nisations in Poi.na.

.'/nile tac democruticly clcctęd ooplc’ s 'fational Council is oo. p jscd ol repiesehY. tiv'Ps of , 11 Polish parties ind org rusations incluOing the represertatives of the ro: sant Party. 3oci.-lisl lhrty, Christian - Genocratic Party &ud ): atioi.alist Party, tne poupis no ,.i • ted by tho "delegato" aro et ost representing vory s yli roups of the above iuontioned psrties.,

Tner is no ,ioubt that the only roason for forming tno so-cciied 'Council of National Unity" was to confuse public opiiiion in Polanu ^iorsoli and *bro. d about the rc 1 situ, tion in Poland. hut the trutn crrrnot be suppiessed Ł.nd tlioro aro :-r,d will bc mony prooi^ t:iat the Polish pooplo not only in Poland but abrond os woli do not trust tho usupers m% London, or their "d.'legato”, 'but their own repre-sentc tivos v.ioctod on de locratic. pririciple by the Loci.l and Ail-Poiish Ucapię’s National Councils.


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