Izabela Lewandowska, Palaces of the Prussian aristocracy in the social reality of the Polish People’s Republic. The case of Sztynort 1945-1989, w: Between Obligation and the New Order. From research on relationships among memory cultures in former East Prussia after World War Two. Studies and sketches, red. K. Narojczyk, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn 2014, s. 73-86.

Małgorzata Liszewska, Cultural and Natural Heritage: Qualities in a Cultural Landscape and Education (in:) Cultural and Natural heritage: Between Theory and Practice, Chapter 1, ed. M. Śliwa, K. Glińska-Lewczuk, Olsztyn 2015, pp. 7-14.

Joanna Łozińska-Bastek, Iwona Góralczyk, Motion events and children’s sensitivity to animacy. A correspondence analysis, w: Dyskurs: aspekty lingwistyczne, semiotyczne i komunikacyjne, red. A. Kiklewicz, I. Uchwanowa-Szmygowa, Centrum Badań Europy Wschodniej Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn, 2015, s. 167-176.

Krzysztof Łożyński, The cult of the Ostrobramska Mother of God as an element of the cultural memory of the inhabitants of Warmia and Mazury displaced from the Vilnius Region, w: Between Oblivion and the New Order. From research on relationships among memory cultures in former East Prussia after World War Two. Studies and sketches, red. K. Narojczyk, Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne Oddział w Olsztynie, Wydział Humanistyczny UWM w Olsztynie, Olsztyn 2014, s. 99-108.

Iwona Anna Ndiaye, U,HTaTHaa no33HH TnMypa KnÓHpoBa b nepeBoae Ha nojibCKHH «3biK, w: HoBoe u TpaflHUHOHHoe b nepeBOflOBe,aeHHH h npenoaaBaHHH pyccKoro a3biKa KaK HHocrpaHHoro, Mockobckhh rocyaapcTBeHHbiH yHHBepcHTeT hm. JIoMOHocoBa b Mockbc, Ean>a JlyKa 2015, s. 218-229.

Iwona Anna Ndiaye, Jl3biK h KyjibTypHaa HaeHTHHHOCTb b ycjiOBHax A(j)pHKaHCKOro OSmecTBa, w: People and cultures in contact. Thematic Collection of Papers of International Significance, KocoBCKa MnTpoBHua 2015, s. 395-412.

Adam Oleksiuk, Contemporary Concepts of Innovative Processes in the Territorial Perspective, w: Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship, red. J.C. Bazen, M.H.M. Hammer, Saxion University Of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands, Enschede 2015, s. 26-30.

Adam Oleksiuk, Economic Situation in Poland between 2007-2013 and Development Trends after 2014, w: Inclusive Society - Well-being - Participation/Inkluziv tarsadalom - Jól-let -Tarsadalmi reszvetel, Hungary, Budapest 2015, s. 87-102.

Adam Oleksiuk, Jacek Białek, Changes in the Global Economy - Short and Mid-term Forecasts, w: Inclusive Society - Well-being - Participation/Inkluziv tarsadalom - Jól-let -Tarsadalmi reszvetel, Hungary, Budapest 2015, s. 24-34.

Joanna Orzechowska, CTpyKTypa cjiOBapHOH craTbH b flBya3biHHbix jiHHrBOKyjibTypojiorHHecKHx cjiOBapax, w: Pyccnaa jieKCHKorpatjma Bnepa, ceroflHH, 3aBTpa, red. A. Kamalova, Olsztyn 2015, s. 85-99.

Joanna Orzechowska, OyHKUHOHanbHaa cneumjwKa CTapooópaflHecKoro BoimoBCKoro CHHOflHKa, w: Fontes Slavia Ortodoxa II, npaBOCJiaBHaa Kyjibrypa Bnepa h cerottHH, pea. EneHa noTexHHa, AjieKcaHap KpaBeitKHH, Olsztyn 2015, s. 303-319.

Helena Pociechina, „Hhh HcnoBettaHHio” Kax HCTopHnecKHH aoKyMeHT, w: Fontes Slavia Ortodoxa II, npaBOCJiaBHaa KyjibTypa Bnepa h cerottHa, pea. EneHa noTexHHa, AjieKcaHap KpaBeitKHH, Olsztyn 2015, s. 321-329.

Helena Pociechina, Joanna Orzechowska, HaitHOHajibHbie couHOKyjibTypHbie CTepeoTHnbi b Kypce pyccKoro n3biKa fljia nonaKOB, w: Trends in Slavic Studies. CoBpeMeHHbie


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