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Public opinion in the frcedoii>-loving countries indignantly branded theae disgrace-ful, barbarous actions of the ruling polish circles. Many Polish public leadera sharply criticised the London emigre "Goyeiriinent", cemanding th&t the most reaction-ary pro-Fascist ioinisters, priraarily the War Minister Kukieł and the Codmianier-in-Chief Sosnkowski, be renL>ved from it. They realised the danger which the Polish ministers present to Poland,
The well-known Polish General ZeligowsJci tried to use persuasion to convince Pre3i-dent Raczkievri.cz. He pointed out that the polish "Goveminent " nas entered a blind alley in conseąuence of its hostile attitude to the Soviet Union. He de-clarea that Poland's futurę lies in alliearce with the Slav peoples. But General Żeligowski*s waming voice was unheeded by the Polish re&ctionaries, who are in-capable of iearning t.ie ie s ns oz' his tory.
The fonner publisher of a Polish :?ascist newspaper in Wilno Mackiewicz, a person who for jaany years has nad tne reputation of a Polish agent provocateur in the service of German imperialism, and who by a strange string of events found himself in London instead of being in Berling, published a pamphlet against Żeligowski in wliich one chapter is entitled "Obituary for a .Living Man". lilie is a poorly ca-
mouflaged invitation to do a..ay with Żeligowski physicaily. The paiiphlet is free-
ly distributed in Lonaon.
lt is Mackiewicz and his patrona whom General Żeligowski has in raind when in a let-ter addressed to the Prosiuent of the Polish "National Council" he mentions " o sec-tion of the Polish public which is prepareć to corne to terms with the Genuans".
Under such conditions aisintegration in Polish emigfe circles was only a ouestion of tiias. It has occured. At the sessions of the "National Council" of May lOth 13th and lóth, passions broke loose. Part of the deputies demanded that Kukieł and Sosnkowski resign, i'he Polish Socialists declare that they 7/ill witndraw from the "-/National Council" if thorough chan.-:es ore not ma.de in the "Goveminent". The Jewish deputies insist on Sosnkowski's is::oval.
The campaign against 3osnkov/ski was begun by Bosek, msmber of the Council from the "Independents". The representatiye of the Christian Democratic Party Kusnoz supports Bosek, i!here is vaccilation in tno P asant Party, the leader of which is the Prine Minister Mikołajczyk,
Regardle s of what course events will take further on in tnat political raorass which styles itsief tne Polish Covemm3ni in 4xile, these events once roore confirm that the Sosnkowski-Kukiel-Kot company has no grounds to claira to represent the Polish oeople.
TASS this moming issued the following ■me.'; sagę from New Tork:
In an article in"the Nation" the writer dstorick accuses reactionary Poles con-nected with Matuszewski of summ. ning a so-called "Congress of Polish Americans" in