The ncxt Type XIV sword, in even finer condition, is now, I believe, in the Nationalmuseet in Copenhagen. Formerly in the great private collcction of the łatę Mr. E.A. Christensen, it is generally considered to datę circa 1475, but it is unmistakably a XIV, with the characteristic very wide, Hat wheel-pommel with prominent, rather smali central bosses, a form of pommel which (on evidence at present available) seems to belong only in the period 1270-1320; as I believe this sword does, in fact datę to the early 14th century, not the late 15th cen-tury. Unfortunately, I have only a very accurate drawing of this, which Mr. Christensen madę for me twenty years ago, and sonie photographs which won't reproduce, so I have to give you the drawing (Fig. 99) and leave you to imagine the beautiful clean polish of blade and hilt. The grip is original too.
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Figurę 99. Drawings madę by the late Mr. E.A. Christensen of one of his swords, a beautiful Type XIV of c. 1300 1325. Thcy are reproduccd exactly as he drew them, with his notes and measurements.