100,000 pcrsons had to be sent to Germany,
Tho Germans colonists iiwaded Lithuania like locusts. They took tho finest soil from the Lithuanian po as ants. According to German sourccs, 30,000 German colo
nists wcrc sont to Lithuania, but in actual fact many ir/are wero sent. In Taurage district alono where, before the war, thero was not a single Gcianan, by June, 194-3» thero vvorc so many colonists that 29 primary 3 c ho ols and a German high school had to bo oponod for thoir childrcn.
The Lithuanian po as ant mst givo tho occupationists slmost all tho producc ho raises. It is categorically prohibitud fer nim to soli vrheat in ony form, or egricul-tural producc, grain and cercals. The position of the v/orking peosants is very littlc bet ter than that of vogrants. Tho working day lasts fer 12 to l6 hours, for which they receivc a starvation ration of 150 to 200 grams of bread a day. The Germans have a rat i on twicc as large as that of tho rost cf tho population. . 1 C 5
The Lithuanian po ople havo offeroG strong rosistancc to the German colonists, who aro cursing tlić day when thoir :aad Fuohror sont thun: to colonise Lithuania. The newspaper "Yilnauer Zcitung" has opcnly coirrolsineG that "our colonists are constantly manaccd. Tho German colonist in Lithuania holds the spode in ono hond and the riflo in the other. Ho has to be alert and armed, in order to avort attack." And, indoed, the sofest place for tho German colonists in Lithuania is in a comotery.
Despite reprossionc, the Lithuanian poasants boycctted and are still bpycot-ting agricuitural dcliveries, Tlie Lithuanian workors do thoir utiaost to lower output and producc as little as possiblo. In Yilnius the workers put tho pov/er-housc out of comnission. In Kaunas they dmngod tho watcr-supply.
The ?eseisto meet v/ith stubborn rosistance when they try to mobilise Lithuanians for tho German Army. The Germans have beon eompelled to admit that the German attenpts tc obtain voluntccr Lithuanians for S.S. Lcgicns have beon a coi^lcte failure. Noithcr did the Germans succccd in the total mobilisations which they announced timc and time again.
In May cf this year the local detachnents which the Hitlorites had formed to maintain order liffcside Lithuania tumed thoir weapons against the Germans. Fighting ensued for scvcral Gays. Tho Germans succoeded in disarraing only sonę of these detach-r.-ents. Tho othors took thoir weapons and went into lilding, and aro still waging war on tho Gemar.s.
They aro anti-Fascist Coi.rrdtteos in Lithuania which organisc the struggle against the German ińvaders. These comr.iitt.jcs inelude workers, pe as ant 3 and intelr lectuals. They publish illogal literaturo, organise assistance to people vrho go into hiding to avoid being sent tc Go many, leed tho sabotoge in factorics and give every assistance to the gucrillas.
./hercas in tho first half of 194-3 the largest detachruntc of Lithuanian guerillas derailed six German trnins, during tho fivo jnontlis of 1944 /January to May/
104- German trains werc destroyed. In only five months to tlie end of Hay, 1944, Lithuanian guerillos put out of comission morc than 7,50C Hitleritos. One Lithuanian . guerilla dc tac hien t attacked a German dotachment of 30C men. After losing 50 mon killed and as nany wounded, the German detachnent withdrew.
These Lithuanians whe nanaged to ovacuate from tlie country are al30 fighting against the German invadors. In the Lithuanian Div±sion they havo won glory in victorious battlos on Orol soil and in Byelorussia, fighting side by 3ide with the Red Army. The Lithuanian Division is one of thosc which in July, 1943, by their stiff re-sistance, frustrated tho last desporato offcnsive attempt of the Hitlorites on the Soviet-Geman Front.
7/ith the victorious offcnsivc cf the Red Army, the :,-i thuanian.Ilivision has traversed the long road to the vrost. In November, 1945, fulfilling the assignmont of the Cormand, tho Lithuanian Div±sion succescfully liąuidatcd the attempt of tho Hitlorites to break through to the Nevel area. In the recent offonsive battles on Eyclorussian soil the Lithuanian Division has broken do.m eneuy resistance and liberated sevcral dozen populatcd placcs.