Sopte ber 7th, 19Mł-
of open antl-nati nai and anti-otate autivity o i' sabotage of na ind defence and of the atruggle for the libe ation of Pola r id.
- Mo biLis ation opposedi -
On August l6th, 1%U, the Poliah Ooraalttee for National Liberation inaued n ecree for par tlał rooblira‘ion and regiatration for ndi. tary seryioe* Th* agent of the emigre govemracnt in Poiand and the various ooi»iJ>:ers of the \ray of the Kdfeaftand ara trying to oppooe the mobiliaation non only by ho a t ile and Jying propa^mda but also do not shrink frora acta of violenoe and defeation*
- Murder of demooratic Polesi -
The murders of demo ora tle Polon have now started again ac tuj instrument of faotional atruggle agoinst the looal authorltiea of the :oliah Republic ( Jako narzędzie i walki part jne.j przeciwko legalnym w.iadaon R eczypospoiite.i) - Incidenta nen ioned -Thert agent* of the anay o" the Horacleurkt tried to foroe the reoui-*© by violi=ncc and ihreata to evade the cail-up.
- Aiiu is to otrength- n likom jozyk-
All these aotiyities are oo/ tlucte' in t e nntae of the London rai re Goycnamcnt.
In vurious parte of the oountr/r there hi-iv<: b> n :-.ppenis signed by the delag&tes Af thftt goverttnenł or by the h.t h a and of the army of the honeland, urgin s.-bo taye of the mibiliaation* ( names of thoee si.nin; euch appeam •;lveri). Other a->peaic rcveol thnt wh»t Ir aimed at is the trenpthenin of Mikoln jcr.ykd position in any furthi.r negotiations.
^ Anny of the Homelanti ooileotin; a ms -
l.tearjvrhilc the coora&ndera of the array of the horaeia.<u are col&ec-ing large cjuanti-ties of arms, which jle&rly >ointo to their inteution to prep&re *j civil ^ąr.
The agenta of the f-.rmy •■•C the Homeland h. have started the bawlit actirótles
pro-hitlcrite Ukrainian foc it banda in the Llamosc re. ion, the Bandera orgonis&tion*
There ic auine eiiuence that the Germans are be,dnnin. to these bands.
- ThL world e oulu now about ik la Jo syk 'a Govcrnnentvs double gumę. -
The publiti opinlon of the world ahould riow of tl e double gaae pxayed by the Polish Binigre ov«mment in London which n spite of oleuui piedgeo madę durlng the Uosoow negptiations by *ik<.iajcayk about atoppi g the fratrlei. al str gyies about loyalty to the P iish Conraittee of National Libera*ion, Ib organising throu ' i’n agento in Poiand, octs of banoitry agoinst fch- 1 adera of dtmocratio org.Jiisat.iono and the representatives o. ha authorltiea of the Polish ;oKu.iittee o( iia ion l Liberation*