
standing Jroli.sh public figures, rerresentattves of the Russian, Ukrainlan, jyeLo-russian and other 3Lav peopLes, generała and offioers of the Polish Arugr in the U.3*3.1U and of the Csechosioyok and tu&oslav mili tary ttnits formed in the Soviet Union.

Asdrey *itoa, Vice President of the Central iioard of the Union of Polish Patriota* opened the uieeting.

”Now that l ołand i* suffering under the yoke of the Genowi oooupation" * he f-aid, "loLiah democracy turns of Kościuszko a glorious tra&ifcion::. The

Dni.on of lolish iatrlctn in the U. . V... ras adopted a progrojiu..e which Ir the spiritu&l heritage of Tadeusz tosciuszko and contains his democratic principlea. Tn* Foli.“.h people no* naintaln friendly r^latioua with the fratemal Ru. aian peo;ile, This friendship i u the r.ource of our atrength. Our people fi ńt again.nt the Hitlerite inv:;der» in an inder.titictibie fightlng allianoe."



'ihe speaker s expre: aion of aonfitfenee that the entire Foliah y.eople would take the path whioh the Union ol‘ j olish I-htriots and the Folish rur in the iuive taker, was i;«t vdth loud appiause froi.i all preaent.

Stefan/iindiicdiOTTski, Mernber oi the residiu.a of the • lent rai bo&rd of the Union of Foliah atiiota, nade a long speech on Kościuszko s traditiona in the present atruggle of the Folish people. Tadeusz Kościuszko, he sald, swore aLlegionce to tiie Foliah people. On that d&y /.osciuazko becfiuije the leader of tire uprising whioh cov red hi3 name with unfading glory just aa his partioipation in strucle for the indepenaence of the American people raade Kościuszko e narne popular in the other heiaisphere. Under the banner of Kościuszko* olish deułoor&oy in that heukisr>here riow uaited in the stru gle for the oonsoii dat i on of the unity of tho deim >orati o people a, for an independent, strong, f rae and &e.i.ocrat ic I ;>laud«

Kościuszko entered into unt< ual stru gle and aid not purcue the fatal taotics of waiting with arrna in h nd. It ii? a ich tra&itions that iuspire the Iolish juerillas today.

'All those who aez*ve their F. other Land, regardlers of their posdtion and extruotion, are ecjial before her", said \osoiuszko in his speech in the sejuare at Jracowj "Centry, priests, the ndddle classes, peasaots atid Jewe rouzt fight eijaally well, with e jual ze?il and Relf-saorifice for the corcnon cause.w

Only a handful oi traitors who heLd their eStates and inooues do?xrer than the wolfare of the nntion renained outside tiie unity oi the people. This was the    ol’ the Targowice Ceni'edemtion. whioh had ocen. eelling Toland out.

The insur^ents court pasaed the death sentence in default on thoa*

No. W5*

,,VHy.,£ AilK H'j TI „3-1 l'Oó R>'.T> Aa^Y" - vAfS

MOSCO^# aaroh 26th,    In the Ufe of a :i,an, 2>0 da/s is ot a long span

/'says Hya irhrej.burg in a "iicd :.tar" artiole quoted by Moaoow radio todr.y/.

It wouLd be diificult to build a big buiLdlng or write a big YOlume in that tiae.    But in 2^0 days the .ed Anny has changed the face of the world.    In

July    tle enemy sttood not far froe; Hoscow, on T-urgenyey soil. In


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