Moscow. March 85rd.1944./TKBB/ - An urticłe "under the Banner of Tadeusz Kościuszko" by the Polish Journallat Paweł Hofman on the significance for the Polish Army in the USwk. of the 16Óth anni-versary of the Kościuszko uprising in • olind , is -uoted in a Taśs message from Moscow. „ |
Hofman writeej " 150 yearaago Polish people led by Tadeusz Kościuszko roee in the struggle for independence. It a struggle against renetion consisztiug at that tlne not only of the Tsarist autocracy which oppressed the Russian people and threatened Roland's freedom; it was aleo a .struggle againet the internal reactlonaries - the Polish feudMlJmagnatea , who were in mortul fear of a dcmocrutic transformation of Poland and the progreeeive aspirations of the finest part of the Polieh people.
Tadeusz Kościuszko was the first person ln his country to realine ad and pereonify the connection between the struggle for Poland#e independence and ćemocracy. For tho Poles Tadeusz Kościuszko is also a symbol of the fightlng corapanionship of Polish patrlot« with the demooracies of other countriee in the struggle againet the common enemy. Thie groat patrlot and national hero of Poland reali-eed,£hat Poland could not be free while other people# were languie ehing under the yoke of oppressors , that the victory of do»uecracy over reactionary tyranny in all countriea was the eesential con-dition for the independence of hi8 own country.
The founder of rollah-American’ Friendship:
TakIng an actlve part in the struggle of tho Araerlenn people for their independence, kptciussko - the natlonrtl hero of Polandf also became a national hero of the jraajo: U. a. A. and founder of Poliah-Araeriean friendehip under the banner of liberty, domocracy and progreae. Today In the life 'md death struggle of all the freedom loving peoplee against the Hitlerite enslavere , the bright meiiiory of Tadeusz Kościuszko inepirea progressive Polea to struggle, inspires them to ylctory over the enemy.
We Poles on the temtory of the U3:3K. are fighting for the same lofty ideale to which the ardent patrlot and great democrat , the noble fighter for freedora Tadeusz Kościuszico was loyal in America,in Poland , at Sar a toga and Racławice.