

VANOOUVER, Wssfc. (UP1) - Mount St Uciera cnptad TTnmday nlghl, sendlag lam, mushrooro-o Cbt doudohrouded a%Ur

. Helens explodes again


lato the ttyi PUoU Oylog ovcr tbe koleino sald Ihe erupuon ioofcod "ulca an atom bomb."    —

PhUCbgan. spofcrsman for the stale Department of Emergency Scrńcea sald Ihe asb appeared to bo <irtitlng soutbaouthwest. InJUa] wind patiom report* could oot płnpotnł IX any aah would fali ta tbe Mafie VaBey ara    .    ’

It was Ibe roountain1! largest empUoo sloce May 25, wben volcanlc aih tpewed In to Che alr and fełl over

mucb of aouthwoat Washington and northwesi Or* egoo,

"It looks Uko aa atom bomb," radłoed an obeerver lo a Porał Senrtce piano. "IPo wy, very blade. Ifa

muEhroocainf wayup.    --—•

"7bere's anotber one cocnlflg Ifs go Ing up to probahly 30,000 (feet). Its stilT boUlag. Ifa rally boomlnf.’

Radar roadiags mado by the National WaaŁbsr . ibowed "an erupOon up to between 33,000 and 50.000 feet," rnelcrologlsł Joto

Service at PorUaad, Ore.

Ooparanis sald. ‘The echoes (from the radar) ar© poIsaUng."

A Porał Senrtce piane dlspatched to the scena

rrpocted Ibe motmUln was bdchlng steam plumes cootainłog aah about evtry two mlnułcs, Cooan sald.

Ibe oew acłivtty took place on the cve ofa Frlday tbe 13lh high earth lida.

Sctetosts have tended to dlscotat the poasibłlity that tbe Uda, hlgbest sińce May 17, would trtgger anotber masaiye eruptloa af tba volcano.

Geologlsł Pete Rwlcy of tbe U.S. Geolog!cal Sunrey sald, bowevtr, ba nad bcen receWlng "many, many cafla" from people coocemad about "High Twe Day/'

Rowley sald oartier, "I doc*t thlnk It will ba any problem. 1/ the roounlain does do oomethlng Frlday IhetStb, It will aei back science about lOyears."

Ihe deyasUUng May 18 czuptlon of Mount St. Helena occurred abouł 16 hours after tbe mocn*s doaet palb to the mountaln ara, cratLng tbe high lida of May 17.

Geologłsti bave barn tfudytng tbe potoble elfect* oiearlb tidea, wtdcb raull from tbe grayitatlonal pul) olMm moon, In reUttoo to earthąuakes.- They also bave aakl tbey bave bees watchlng for any clfcct on tba yolcano, but emnhiahod tbey had no knowlcdge on whlch to basa predicOona of an crupUoa Tba liSGS tmplantad one addltlorurf tlltmeter on tbe wt«ł aide of tbe mountaln Wcdaeaday. Rowley sald. and planned to Implant anotber on tbe southeasl s*At Tbumday.

75th year,No. 165

Twln Falls, Idaho

Frlday, June 13,1980



Congrctsman Stcve Symms (inset) has bccomc cmbrollcd In the slluer manlpulotlon controucrsy of the mlllionalrc Hunt brothers. shown nbovc In recent tcstlroony bcforc a House Commlttec

Congressman says vote was for free_market


lUflKO-Al .wiltcrj

market. In other words hdd morę contracts tban tbe

Similar to one rejected

CongressOKs budget

WASHINGTON (UPI) — Congrcss approved a JS13.1 bUHoa budget for flscal 1«I-Thursdoy. Indudlng the largesl pcacetlme mUlUiry lDcreosc ln U.S. hlstory. but there wu growtng seotlmeaUl will bo ln deflctt by the limę o finał vera!on ls approvcd thls fal!.

Among tbe pmgnats ócpeacUng on budget pamgc jrere energcncy misUaoe for rtot-tom Miami and Ibe volcano-rnvagod areas of Ui© Pacific Northwest.

The Sesate re,'ect«! an allempt by Sen. Howelł Henia, O-ALl, to kecp tbe Law Enforccmenl AssUJance Ad-mlnlsłralioo allve budget, 61:26,

uuw IjTliyt j | |yj || rVWi>%iU^X Ovs

włlh partJal funding. Ihen acceptcd the

~—SevmLcoQscrvaUvo-tonatorB- aaW-a-dcfldewouJd result from Ihe current reeesslon, cstlmaUng It would rangę frem 820 blUlon to $80 bllllon.

Sen. Pete Domcnlcl, R-N.M., sald Ihe budget was onły - lechnJcalły In balance" bul that changes could be madę ln Ihe secood budget rcaoiuUoo, whlch ls due thls redl and whlch sen es ai tbe actual

laraet fw cocgresslonal

plon, rather than a committces.

In tbo House. wbere the budget sąueaked Ihrough 204-196, Democrets gave the aupport Ihcy wllhheJd when tbemeasiaewasupforavotc two wecks ago. even lhougb Ihe flgurts had been altcred oedy sllghliy.

•Altbougb Ibe budget oo paper Łbowa o $200 mUlton SWplus. .House, ^eakcr^Tbornaa 0'Nclll and - many econoailsłj sald U will really be'ln defTcirbccausethe' ęovemment will loee antlclpaled tox reyenues and be

lorcod (o make biuber aodal payments os unemployment Increaaes (turlnfl tbe currest rcceaslon.

The budget Induded 8153.7 bllllon for dcfcnsc. tbe same smount lt was when tbe House rejected the plon May 29.

But there was allgbUy less for defense ln futurę years and a li Ule nora for soclsi programs — changes whlch opparenUy wrsuadcd a number of Dcmocmts wbo had oCjcctedtothemllltaryspendlngtosimportlL —

Thls tlme arotmd, tbe budget got cup port from 194 Democrata, compared to 97 the lasł Umc. But 34 Kcpubllcans wbo Ydrt tor the eariler budget raolutloc hackedoff. leavl&goc^ 10GOP votesJor the mcasurc.

Rpt>    Rfiirm -R-Mrt    h    * i a ^ 1 w

Uwname budget the Hodse rejected" on May 29. And he noted, **Yoa óoc‘t bear anybody talking about the good old balanced budżet acy morę."

Tho budżet borę a słrlklno racmblaiKO to the one vo(sd-down after moderate and liberał Democrata oomplsmed there was too mucb moocy for óefense and loo Uttle for social programs.

Bul* wlth Rep. Robert Glalmo, OCono., tbe House Budget CommlUee duilrman, warnlng that "we're runn-tng out of tlrne''-to fund crucia) 1960 programs linked to tbe flscal 1961 budget, House Democrata provklcd‘ tbe neoesaary votes to put tbe budget over.

Tbe Oongrntonal Budget Office csUmalcd that If - unemnloymect nos at 6.5 percent In flscal 1961. ratbcr than the piwtously forecastcd 7.5 percent. the bujget will bo between 95 bill km and $30 bllllon ln deflclt.

Comprehensiue plan change ^ wp? n -------—

P&Ż reaffirms 20-acre limit


TUnewNcwswrlter TW1N FALLSj- Twln Fallfl Ccunty —Plannicg and Zoolng Board members

“EXdnVplxK^-U>-lhr-llrnJ('Qre-now ogrtcuIluraJ Tands were atlii eoeniia" posslble ooJy Ihrougb a planned imit tothccsnrlronment.

TWirfpALLS.— Rep. Stcve Symms, ft-Idaho, sald Thuraday be voted agal/ut funding tbe fcdcral agency istdiii i ggulaiee-commodltiea tmdlag-t

drvc!opmecl or dlrlłloo-ordinaocc.-—Roy Coucb of Buhl sald thc limila-Both rcqulre publlc bcarlngs, whlch tloh was already too Icnlent, saylng a are expcnsive for the sppllcant and 40-acre llmltalion sbould be appiled Ume<onsumlng for the county zonlng wtlch does oot allow esemptions

_____ _____ słaff. Twln Falls Cour.ty Zonlng Aó- tbnxigh PUD’s and dlvlsloo ordJ-

•tti    rany ln łha-    _______

farm óTan amendrnert to tbe cocrty V-.. -.

camprthensiw land usc plan, uwdd    many requests for aempUons and Id lho counly was e

_ have seLim a threo-member cnmmJt-_“W moro rcguesls *uu!d follow aa flve-acrc

—tee-wUh-^uthority-to-gronl-oonw—UJtcaawiUŁnsPiessL    enactmail.

Tbursday voted down a proposoi lo diiute tbe counl/s 20-acre limit on subdlvlsloo of agrteul tura! land.


prtor to Ihe plon's


agency was glv« cacesslve lnvesłigstory and reguła-power



through botb odinlnlstraUyc

ln double


Symm^Tmnmentscame In o preaa relea&a from his-

Washington Office. Symms has dcdlned to be In-tenrlewed by theTlmcs-Ncws on tba subject,

Symms* Staff memtois referred some ąucstlons from tbe 'nmcoNcwi to Symms's Caldwell accoun-lant, Dwlght Riplcy. Rlpley agreed to answer spedflc qisallocs concemlng Symms' commocLUes traas-ndions lf tbosc oucsUocs are submltled ln ^TlUng and cicared by Synuns.

regulate sflrer and otber commodlUcs tradlng. In his Thursdsy i acknowledged Tucsdsy he speeulated In tboae com- 1978 vote and

modiUea markeis-But-Symms denied he used-hh--crentlonof(hcCFTC.

poaltlcn on the commlttra to galn Insi de Information    -MI

for tgvestoctoMLnd3ald.hr arbially4ot-mooey ln-Cdłnrobdlly Futura Tradlng Commlsslon durlng the

—S3rd Coogras (1974).-I-tnd three other members of-the Houso Agrtcultura CommiU^algncd mlnorlty

alao sald his votea opposlng funding for Ihe Ccmmodlly Futura Tradlng Commlsslon bclpcd flgbt gOYcmment bureoucrocy and praerve firte enterprtse.

denłcd be madę his votes agalmł tbe CFTC beneflt hlmseif or Tc*aa bUllocorics l Hebert Hunt. -“ Symms, wbo siu 00 two congraslonal ooaunlUoes whkhregi


’** muns denl lo finandally


soav rdcase. Symms defended botb his a atmliar vote ln 1974, wheo he oppoaed

mcempUoas to Ifti 2>-acrc limit. That Tbe proposed amcndmenl was de-    SS/ilS

cmooTbe <Uv1ded toto pareds less    parcel of n«w.rod-JcUve agrl- “

lhan20ac«_____________ ł    etdtorJlS. wMageotoa Uy rart    ^

Tbe-commlllee-wotCd-havc cert slstcd of two plannlng and zonlng board members and ooe counly com-mlsalontr. Ody agrtcultura] lands deemed noo^>roducllvc could be eon-aidered by the commlttee for an eaempUon

af-hU tom Inłirt; Wnrdt aoi J._iiłc amcodment was not dcslgned to allow subdWlilons ln agrtcullural areas, he

sald. ----—    -

Winian OilshoTro of Buhl the amendment

Buhl agreed wllh the crltkism, saylng the amendment u*ould ueaken the

yjtm ot Buhl oppooed . saylng U would aldc-

.Iradir.g ln 1978 and 1979.

A Symms aide also dcnlcd the coograaman had cvtr leaked Information on sllver or other oommoćJ-tles todther of the Hunt brotbers, wbo ore now under LoYosUgatioo by aeveral congraskmal amnnlttees for aUegedly tryteg to corner the world sil ver market.

Nelson Hunt Is a member of Symms' National FTnance Commlttae ln his Senate race ogaimt Democrat Frank Cburch.

Symms Lssued his comments ln raponse to o Tlmaft-Newi story reporting.Symms vcted ln 1978

because of whatthr treatment of the Hunt

That year Symms was 000 of Jusł slx congrasroen, out of 407 yptlnji who oppoacd re-authortilng the CFTC, Ihc^fó&aT agency chargwTwiUf polldng commodJlks tradlng and protectlng ccmmodlly ln-vestors.    _

Symms accusod the CFTC of plactftg the HunU In "double Jcopanty," for conllmilng admlrJsłniUve

vlcwi outilning our raervations about tbe proposed

CFTC leglalaUon. Briefly, I was concemed at the Umc_

oyc/ broacTard vague oeflńlUons ln the bUl and tbe swacplng powers granted the Commlsslon to ln-tarom ln markets for 'prevenUUvt' reasons as wdl as tbe pcwcr of preraitatlvc Injunctłon."

SYmms sald be had ln 1978 "offcrtdan amcndmenl that would have prohlblted the CFTC from takl.ng admlnlsłrąUyę.acltoai agalnst. an. Indlrłdual. on a— spedflc charge after a u.s. Court had acqultted that. lndlvlduaJ 00 the same charge. Some prefered to cali thls a bali out-Hunt amentoent sińce the Hur.r brethera had bcen subjeded to thls klnd of 'double Jeopard/ ovcr a soybean cjlsc. Ratbcr, tbe fact that audi proceduro was uicd'nrgucd th^rcuse fonny— amendment."

. Symma* amendmeat was rejocted on tbe Oocr of Ihe House by members uho toslsled the ccounlsslon oeeded tbe CexlbUlty to move botb ln the courts and

aąolnst the brotbers afler lega1 lnvestigatlocs    through sdmlnUtralive procoedings ln order to a de-

ngrta»UtUhaH>nl^ fayr    . _—- - g-gai^

JTbe Conunodlty. Fuiure* Commlslon-made-ac--traaacttoS;

omalloos igalnst the Hunt famlly that they were sperulatlng to too large holding* ln.the.soybean

•ConUnucd on pigc A2

Democrats at convention

Bccame of the eomplete ahseace of iiomlnallOŁS at

— POCATELLO, Idaho -<UP1) --Idaho’a-ł9eo-Den»crntlc:OTvenUca—cxnnpetłtlon“for-began today wito »roc eacpreaalon of convootloo. Ihe power of tbo partie* ,<U»aUalacOoa abouł lho appareat- -•*!-U* value of-lbo-couv«nUoo* Iweakenod pm^er of the poUUeal lhemae]vcs haro beeo damagod “to a ihc.importaacŁPLWłe certato exf«rt,‘' aald Sen. Mtoortty .oooyeotłon.    -Ti^WCvauije.D-St-Mariet.

.' tt li tbe Sto DeinocraUe coovenlion    Chaae ackaowtodged ihere would be

Thls yearts lack of lntraparty sta te session of tbe throeday Democratlc raoea bełng contested st convenllon —gatherlng. Tben tbe convcntlon uHI *y Ibe transfer of tbe select lU 17 dshgatos to tbe Demo-prtm^y ^edlon froa August to May aralie National ConvcnUoo. Oaly four Delors cLhrr tbe DcsnocraUc or Re- of those delegata spoU are up for

P^ddican cortrsOooi.

Tha~WOT—vste ' ngalrat “ Ihe”-    ' P^lc .l**^** J" ' rg<^tt<1------

Sassr^‘J$s?s$ israrrjptrsa

from the Buhl ara. chargcd the * cxcmpUon5

^Ghkiholm—also — crlllctyed — the

prcbenslvc .plan, and lead to morę mcasure because It dJd not taJcclr.to^* urbanizaUonofniralareas. "*    nccoont that so<alled nocprodudlvc _

Time capsule found, will be opened today

TW1N FALLS - A surprtsc cver.l —has bem-addcd-to-tho-scbcdulo of evenls cdebrotlng the Diamond Jubllee — a 32-year-oId tlme capsule

”wUl be uneArthed today:--

The ceremocy will take ploce al nooo at tbe Pcrrtne Bridge. sold


Tbe tlme capsule was burted ln the • monument ln the parking lot at the Southwest end of the bridge. Tbe mopumed hooors the man tbe bridge ta named afler. Twln Falis' vlllonary_

-J'Tł?Um?‘eapi53r was burkd ot a“ dechcalion oeremony for Ibe bridge —ant ln 1948, he sald. U was uppoaed to have been opened 25

years latcr, ln 1973. "But bere U ls. 1960,- and the lime-seems-io-hiw ilpped on by," Woodali saJd.

ine forgotten tlme capsule was Vfiścdvered ~W~Jkt ” Carraway, "an employte of the stale Hlghway Department, Woodali sald. Carraway was dotng raearch on stAto-owned properly wben be found out about the Ume capsule burted behind a brass

piąte on tbe bridge x Woodali sald tbe

Umc capsule coo-talns-a "Wsck box—cootente un-known." It wtll bc opened on the orwgc as soon aiTm nwDveraj;łHT promlscd.

The spot will be raeakd sometlme after tbe cercmony. he sąJd.

pm......“"V .*•.    _____

_lBustncss ....... A8~


_ Comfcrr^T7^^A9—

Magle Valley......Bi

—ObltMortes    —

'Oplnlon ........A4

Sport a..........B3-4

Weathcr .......rr A2


Henrrlt Museum Grand Openlngand-Bulldlng-Dedica—

Uoo —CSI —JlmWoods--

■■ Judgc Wliskm Displaye — 9to II a.m. — Marian Langdon. 20thCenturyClub-

— i;


»x» of to the candldate lp .the part/ą Aprtl_j

But Chase sald Ibe threedsy coo-vectioo will glvo Idaho Deznocrals an opportimlty to mobiltze thelr effort to redect Sen. Frank Cburch. "X really thlnk Itwlll help." Cham sakChase, wbo heads Sen. Edward

■also sald tbe two dayi Ihedelegstf aelecUon would” łu>j his fc


Cralmocl, obe-cay co

that tbe

sald-he would-prefer-a-And ho saJd be doubted the speech

coaYCctlcn, givcn the fact ‘ “    had

remaln-sute can-

Bplacing of ł)m5 prtmory ■łrlpped tbe partita of thelr ren inu kwtr La d*x


and other dcmoslratktfu of sdpport would help Omrch’j compolgn, other than from some newspaper publicity.

that-tbc conrcntioo would-ptdr the-party's trasurer, rather than Ihe party's cxecuUve commlttec, whlch has madę the aelectlon ln the past. •



_ Yehlm

orces Ume to woe for decUoo of tbo four ddó-

“ RddiMicsted that SBThe i could be pul out of the way tn one nondag mtśoojad the. Jkkpti

Tbecopytotoo sita, tbe HtH^Jfin^^^^Tbę^ruiM.cojnmiUCfLalso-airccil

rfrom the cauren cam-Other workers for other can-

grabs aloes tbe rał wtre locked away

Anotber northern Idaho Democratic legislator, Rep. Harold Reki of

selection couM be wrapped iqp ln one dldates

aftemoGo and sven^g session,-------uptbelr

Reld sald be would be lnlerated to ^ see bow many Democrata cbose to in thi make tbe trtp to Pocatello for the ooorattioa He sal Ugbf —

sald tumout mlght be

rn-ere gtlllag matensl,—

Tbo ordy


the four

___would be _

f uncommlttced,

Eń Ibe party

fint forma] octlon of the the nilcs commlttae adopted reguła tlona, nge of Importaoce was

caucuses. •ftuprooMurc would ap-pear to fovor Kennedy, wbo would bav© a disodvantage if all State óelo-gstes were to vote sińce Presldect Carter won a majortty of the słało delegatce durlng the caucuscs.


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