By MARTY TRILLHAASE Tlmeihłłow* wriler TW1N FALLS — AłthOUSb State Iow profcUłlU U. dty. olflcUU plan to lmplemect a Irlai (our<liy woric week tor aome employees beglnlng Mon-

Tbo law, enacled ln 1899 and tost amendod In 1925, llrnlta to elght the numbcr ot houra stale, county and dty employees can work each day. OtildaU.wtw vlolate-tbe. taw-are

Cty ot a mlsdcmeanor and foce i ot not moro tłum 11,000 nnd/or Jall sentences ot not morę than sl* montha.

Desplte the law. dty offldat* aay U>ey will lrr.plement U*e plan on a tria: basu, ustng 10 voluntccra from the dty waler departmer.t. Each ot the employees has slgned a slatement Indicatlng willlngness to woric the new houra.

• City Allomcy Charles Brombóch sald the Btatcmoils do not place the dty In compllance wlth the low,The atatemenU, algned May 23. mordy ‘aaaurelheclty that the employocs will probably not mou.it a legał challenge b the procUce.he sald.

The City Coundl last month dcc: ded

b allow City Manager Tom Courtney to put aome publlc \twks employees on the new Schedule. Courtney sald the new schód ule could Incrcasc wortrtr productlvlty by redudng the amount ot limę employees spend travdlng b and from work sltes and by taktng advantage ot longer dajilght houra ln the sumrner.

Courtney sald studlca cooducled by prlvsb Induslry Indlcab tho four-day wrork-week also rtduccs cmployec ahacntedsm. %

**Wbetber that wili oppiy to the Public sec ter. 1 don’t know. That’* the

point oftrylng."he sald.    "

The program, b be lmplemeated on atrialbasu. will run through Sept. 30. Ali work era lnvolved will work from a.m. b 5:30 p.ro., wlth 30 mlnutes for lunch. Monday through Thursday..

Water Department superlntendcnt Joe Koon sald all of the employees wbo will woric under Uw new Schedule will be lnvolved In waler system malntenance projecls such aa Install-Ing and repalring waler matns, lincs andmeters.

Koon sald the employees werc wllllng b try the now Schedule untll Sept.30.

'They're 100 perccnt ln fovor ot U on a irlai basls," lie sald. but they want to revlew the pracuce betora It Is Implcmented on a permanent basls. - -

Koon sald employees underslood Ihe dty’s legał slluallon afler meetlng wlth Courtney and wtre under no pressure b slgn the vo!untary stale-ment. He adocd the progrom’8 suc-cess depends on a favorable attitude on Uta part of tho emptoyees. — ---

.'.'My Impressloo U they’re cjulte aruious togive It o try," he sald.

Brumbach sald the law that pro-hlblts tho 10-hour-days docs not In thls

case refloct modem condlftons. The law was passed at o tlmc when workem wero-subjectedurnsgnmt--ebuśesrhesald:-

"I thlnk U's relevancy has to bo nsevaluated." Brumbach sald "The four-day, 10-hour-day wock Is not new b modem lndustry.*'

It the new work schcdulc Is suc-ccssful ln-lncreaslng-worker-pro ducUvlly durlng the triol period, Courtney sald hc will octend U to other city departments and the city will probably ask Ihc Lcglslnlure to amend the law.

^Magie Valley

Frldiyr^MMU, 1980 Tlmos-Nows. Twln filia !Ci*o

•    Obltuarlcs____

•    Sports

•    Classlfled

InTwinFalls    ..    .

Ex-manor officials face fraud charges

TWIN FALLS — Tho former actlng admlnłstratar and records officer of the Skyvlew-Hozeldel Manor Tucłday were arrested on charges of obtalnlng money under false prelenses.

• Goldle F. Fawcett. 52, and Pamela R. Cisco, 27. bolh of Twln Falls, were chargod wlth falslfylng cmployec Ume cards followlng an lnvestlgatlon by the Idaho Department ot Low En/orcement.

The Iwo, mother and daughter, wero later releascd on thelr_own recognUance. .....

They are chargcd wlth falslfylng Clsco's tlme cards for the monthj of December, 1979,*and January, ISKTA" coraplalnl, Oled ln Flflh Dlstrict Court ^ln TWlrv Falla.-^llegęs- ttat_Clseę_wa*

^iftorić&łbursfc Decem ber wherr *hc woriced 5« hours Uioł month and. ln January,. ęisęo_'¥03.po!d. for 1Bhoura when ahe worked 55. The cards, prepared by Cisco, werc opproved by Fowcctt, the complalr.1 charges. -

Because tho falslfled houra amounted b morę than fi50, felony charges have been mnde agalnsl the twowomen..

Idaho low enforcement spokesmon _ John Rooney sald the stole was called toto the case bccause much of SkyYlew-Hazeldel Manorts fundlng came from sute medlcald ptymenls.

The a.Ttals followed a three-month inve*tlgalion by. Uw ^departmenfs medlcald fraud burcau. Rooney sald _th«_lnyesłlgal!on jtemmed from flnd-ihgs of an audit of be r.ursing home conducted by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfarc.

-Rooney-sald thedepartmenHs eon-

tlr,ulngllslnvesUgatlon. •

Twln: Falls_ ProsecjilhCAltaniayj -rJtfHłtcker-soldTW-further charges wcrcpendir.g ogalrut Ułetwowomen,

_J^awcclt.and.Cisco Icft -Skyvlew-

Hazeldel Manor ln Fcbruary, 1680.. BoUi had also becn emptoyed ot tlie Grccn Acrcs Care Center In Goodlng.

Coffin enters innocent plea__

—TWIN FALLS^Dóug Coffin, 32. of Twln Falls; was back ln 5!h Dlstrict Magistralo Court Thursday afiemoon oc an Incldent ln sufich o Twln Falls

County deprny sheriff was beatetr-

- Coffin was orralgned and picaded Innocent on tvro mlsdcmeanor charges and one felony ln conncctlon wlih an lncldenl WWWch a TWtn Falls. County deputy shcr.ff was scrlously InJurtdTucsdny.

U. Harold, Jcnscn. a dctcclWc wHIi the sherUfa Office, was rcleasod to hb -homr Thurcdarto'rccupcra!c frort” injurics sustalncd Tuesday aflcmocn whUe lnvcstlgaling o senes of bur-gjaries:----------* * *'

Coffin plcaded Innocent to charges -of ot»tn*c<Ing-offlcers and maiIcłous• tnjury to properly.* Hc reąucsled a prellmlnary hearing on the felony charge of rcsistlng an- officer by means of vlolcncc. and o publlc de-fender was appołnlcd to rcprcsettl hlm.

Judge Daniel .Mcchl .Kt bond at 110.000 on the felony charge. $1.000 on the mlsdemeAnor of obstructlng of-- flcers and $300 oh dcstructlon of

. prbpcrty:    “    ”

Coffin was arrolgned Wcdnesdoy aflcmocn on four counls of-burglary -lnvolvlęg . baak-bs of summer •Komes, church and Camp Flre Girls camps In tho South Htlls aren. He ls also under bond of 52.500 on ca cli of the burglary-charges and Is belng


Coffin Is allegcd to havc beaten Jensen aboul the head and face wllh-hls flsts when Jenscn and three other Officera werc seorchlng his home for

t»vv v.i wini) i    ^

'court procecdlngs"on‘ iwo''chorgcs cf assault resulUng from an Incldcnt ln Twln Falls ln whlch a man and woman werc beaten.


~ JEHOMC — In-anunusual-twlstr Jeromc Shcrtffs deputlcs Thursday were pursulng a man wbo sald hc had been robbed at gunpolnl Wcdncsday on Interstate M.

—----Depótks werc scarchlng for Larry

Houston after dcierminlng that a car hc desertbed as the getaway vchldc for the peepte hc sald robbed hlm belongeo to nonę other Uian Houston.

Houston told dc?Ulcs he had stop pod on the Interstate about one mUe west of Jcromc to asslst what oppeared lo bc a strandcd motor lit He sald hc was rebbed at gunpolnt of . ww in casn óy Iw jncn aod a woman who escopcd ln a llght blue statlon wagon wlth Washington State Ilcensc ’ plaua

— ApporenUy-Houstonrwho-Mtd-l was oo his way home lo Ueno. Ncv., was tao detallcd ln his descrlptlon for his own good. The * łlcensc plalc numbcr hc gavc depuUcs was forwarded to the nattonal Department of Motor Vehlc!c3 lo Washington D.O. and that check ihowcd the car had been sold to Houston In Voncouver. Wash.. flvc months ago. Lt. Bill Rcld sald.

Houston had bccn dr1vlng a rented car. deputlcs eald. Ttic UwcsUgallon shows Houston'! home was ln Van-couvcr, although hchod been work Ing In Reno.

Rcld add no diargcs hove been fUcd sigalnst Houston as yctr^uri»c‘ w1U bc chargcd as *oon as hc Is locatcd

Leaky roofexplained

TWIN FALLS - An artkle In Th u radny *s Ttmes-News failed to deserlbe the cxtcnt of a yUiiif pwMiw «i iii> nM<i»B jiiibn nCT


Twln Falls School Dlstrict Archltcct Jim Smallwood sald the probJcm"IriVbIva only about an lft-lnćh.wJdc.strip of.rooLaloog.U»c bottom edge of.cach of-the three JunSorhlgJfschoór

The Sstrlct mslnlains Ihc roof has not becn completed by tbc conlractor, Nielsen A Co., because of thls problem, and Is workJng to havc ItfUcd.




r * .

‘If we can operate in the black next month, it will be first time in last 18 months’

______-New Y Director Jack Doyle


• • >•


is Yboss’s aim

By STEPHANJESCHOROW    “ wiUTthc TinicafNcws. iddlńg "Biit 1‘wouldn’t But wlth tho area's Jntcnslvc constnidJon

Tlmes-News wrller    havccomelfIdldn*tailnk K could be done.*’    work durlng the short sumrr.cr’s long doya,

TWIN FALL£ — Scw YFCA director Jack Doylc sccs his first gool as pultlng the Y ln the    many parents werc ]ust too bosy to takc the klds

Doylc bdlcYcs that If peoplecan t come tolhe Y.—black so thc^moyjlft JLs.head wllh prtde." . camping. The Y stepped ln wlth a backpacklng

the Y eon goto th cm.    When hc arrfycd hc found that the^^^deBTwas program’ ■—    ----- ■ -------

_>Vhcn_hc^as^dlrcciac_nLA-5an-Francisco—larcerthan hcrortheTFCA"rtbard of dlrcctors.    - Since thls area la a slrong church-


One of hla first tasks has been to changc.lbc -VTl accounting. proccdurcs - to a-mclhod ro-commcndcd by the nattona! Y and United Way.

In an effort to balance the books. Ihc Y bo ord parents kepi childrcn ncar homo out of fcar for ellmlnatcd the Y's day carc/preschool program,

thefr Mfety^ns    Jocalcd-in a rough-—wtiteh Poyle^td wnTTrsporifihTC TćrTw tHTids----XiThmnJy mtngTOtgdiayrU forUlgTFOr

ZfliaincL--oithc v*adcbt:-rmawcnirsoi ygneyra^y tghY^^ghTnTJii;

So the Y staff bullt plywood carts mounted on Hc sald hc was also forced to lay off the Y'a    buUding lo carry ihe frclght." hc sald.

-roŁlerakotesrftllcd them wlth crafts and other phystcal aftaOCIlBiadal muoas^MMMSś

YMCA ln the 1900s; Doylc bccamc troublcd that nclghborhood childrcn werc not using the faclll-ty. Hc fcarcd that . partała .were .unconccmcd about recreatlon for thclr klds.

But a docr-to-door suWey siew that Instcad its kepi childrcn ncar home out of fcar for

community, familyorlcnted programs may'nol' be nceded os much. he speculates.

Moatiy. be facia the-Y-has to start offcrlng programs that utUUe Ihc Y's mlnl gym, pool. sunrlse room and other faclhtlcs In order to mect the buildjflgklargf oyertmad.



ics—and rołicti mcm-out—In to - the—pl ans to IcmpornrHy double as physlca! director.-stnee 1947.'wticn as o’ student at the Unlvcrslly of

™Wtorbooąjo reąclLChlldren.therc JThus.thc_lin Alaska,.his.wortt lndudcd bclng cxccuUvc. -^Callfomla at-Berkeley.-hc vyas Mhogswagglcd

childrcn cnjoycd Y programs wllhout e\cr golng    physlcal. camping, aąuatlcs and famlly pro-    - ~ ~ -

lothe-Y.    gram director and Janltor.)

_Doylc. reccnUy hlrcd by Uic Twln Falls YFCA - But "we ean't cut back much furU^r than we to ImproYc IU flnandal. sltualJan, Has also havc.M hc sold. "If we can opcrnlc In the Wock lenmed how to lmprovlsc Y programs wlthout_L Ihc ncxt month, lt'U be Ihc fint Umc ln the last 18 _anvY buUding.    _ months."

In 19C8 hc movcd to Anchbragc. Alaska, to On the Job barcly a month. Doylc sald bc has

yet to discover what dtrectlon the Y should be— Alaska.    ____

golng. Part ot his style of operatlon Is to plnpolnł    Hc has orJy IcR Y work lwice; onee to work

communJty nceds or "paln polnts'*-and-wlth”Christian cducatłon wlth the Mctbodlst

formulotc programs deallng wlth them. If Mwc    Church and once to work in his- fothor-!n*law's

havelhcrcsourccs."    • cngtnccrłngflrm.

— Programs off cred m the Alaskan Y lndudcd---His-wIfe^Mathcor has sharod his YMCA

_ .    .    ....    .    such thlngs as blkc and raftlng trlps and famlly Inlercst. as shc. too. Is a physlcal cducatłon

Thls spring. Doylc occcptcd a J ob herc bccause    communkallon workshops. An arld out-_mojcrjuul a certlfled aguaUcs    a_

>oaw a now challer.geto get n-YFCA backornts    doórsman^ilms^ir(wnten was porily wfiy hc    ifccnsed pilot ondcerllflcd fllglit Instruetor. who—

.225*° !^!'-"r-77--—-—look-lhe Alaskan-Job)-Doylc-sald he-ncvcr-    has flown her owń piane from Twln Falls to

The challenge has been a IllUe morę than 1 dream.ed that there would bc a need for a Y    Alaska to takc carc of movlng business, she

thought It would bc.' he admlttcd In an lntcrvlew    camping program.    hopcs lo setup a fllght school m thls arto

movcd lo Anchbragc. Alaska, to dlrcct the state's first communlty YMCA. Hc called It a Mnon-cqulpmcot" Y. that Is. It had o smali offke — nothlok clse.

Programs werc heid ln school. churchcs and homes Mcanwhlle Doylc hdped dlrcct a fundlng drWc that lead to a $2V^ mtllłon faclllty 12 ycars later.

' Thl;


tnto belng a camp counselor." He bccamc so Intcrcslcd ln Y work that hc swttdied his major from englnccrtr.g to ptysdftl educallon. After graduatloirln 1M9, he worked for o Santa Monlca “ Y. and then for Ihc San Francisco Y. Hc rcccWcd o mastera degrcc ln cducatłon from San Francisco State College ln 1958. In 1908 he movcd to

Accident victim still critical

Kellwood lay offs quicken

TWIN FALLS - Tl* Kellwood Co. Islaylngotl jforjffra aUhe-TwltrFallsTR>5T?ry^lant toster

doslng ol Ihc płoni was Krat ennouneed ot tlić bcgtónmg- ot May, bc sald as mony os 200 •' workera młght remoln at the plant untll Ihc doy produellon stopped.

But the company docs not hove cnoógh ordere to Jusłlfy the produellon, he sald. Last week the — plant—<uo6®d-for-ow> \»x'ei<-!n-ordw to cut lnvcntory,hcsald. -

TWIN-FALLS — A prcscntalton on the Homo. . Wgdoto has bccn net yet.rorUltdasIntf-oMhc fcoturedttrthcmonthly’-p!nnłrbuł“McManaman sald he stlll c*pcets

Homemakers show today

ronkcreprogram-wiUbe footi Imoct Ing of the Sendce Provlders thls momlng n't 9:30 a.m.

The Homemakers program provldes llght housckccplng scnrlces for needy senior dtbens, wlth the goal of allowlng them to remoln ln thclr ho mes Instcad of nurslng homes. U is run through the Arta Office en Aglng and Is funCcd through the Department of Health and Wdtore.

Servlco Provldcrs ls on organlzatlon repro senting local servlcc ogeneles. --

The meetlng will bc hdd at Uje Office on AgihgTnoiJKiWfry-nofln;--

Mavcrtck Conslructlon Co. ot Burlcy bid J3t8.CSG.GO; Bannock Pavlng of Poeotcllo bid


Utah. bid $397,365.50; and Robert E. Burgralf of than lt origlnnlly planncd bccause of contlnucd Idaho Falls bid $420.901.0).    • • *

poorsalcs.    •-    The bid dcetslon was ddaycd lwice because of


approxlmotcly230of Uic370werkersol thcplont laUans-.—    -—    —

‘ have_olrcady-bocn-lokł-off.- When*the gradual

Truck eąulpment stolen

TWIN FALLS - The thcfl of $250 In radio and tapc player equipment from o iniek at Hamilton Manufacturlng Co., was belng lnvcstlgstcd Thursday by Twln Falls city pot lec.

Officials of Hamilton Manufacturlng reported the truck was parked lh front of the flrm's bulldlng at 118 Market St., and someone cnlcrcd ^_thctruclc-andtTfni>vcda^lUzenbandmdicmnd-

TWIN FALLS - Lindo Shlrtcy. 32. of Wcndcll rcmalncd ln critical ccn-ditlon Thunday evcnlng In Magle Vallcy Memoriał llosplta! where she b belng trcaU.il rut amujnoBCrgggr

tcratale Shlrlcy rcmalncd In the In-tcn$lve carc unit herc Thursday! #

Jcrred Irfih, 38. of Jeromo. drłrcr aU

hcwpilal Thursday aftemoon.

Offlcera sald Irlsh's sports car IcR Ihc hlghwoy shortly after mldnlglit.

dent injurlcs.

She was lajurtd carly Wcdncsday

momlng when U»e vchldc la whlch    _    _    _______^

^ - waa-rldlng-blU HI ghvray » to-tn—wetlundjieH W^tlmęs^and rpicnlflg


Employees urged into political arena

seme work to bc golng untll the end of Octobcr. "Wc‘ll deflnltdy bc.turntng Uie key to dose Uic plocc beforcDcccmbcr.’' hc sald.

Airport contract let ■

JACKPOT, Nev. — The contract for the rcbuildtng of Jackpofs airport has bccn oworded lo Ihc Idałio Sand and Gravd Co. of Caldwell by El ko County Commjssloners. — The Caldwdl company, was the low bldoer at *$292.522:---

an elght-track plnycrTThU thcft occurrcd somo-tlmc prtor to 9:10 a.m. Thursday.

Shildbirth class set

TWIN FALLS — The ncxt session of Magle Valley Memoriał HospltaI’s Prcpnrcd Cljlldblrth Class will begln on Thursday, Junc 19al7p.m. In Ihc second floor confcrencc room.

The. class ,covcrs. hlstory, - ph>slology - and. Ułcorybchlnd prepared chlldblrth. ^    _    —

-The fee for thc scvch-week ćourse-ls $5. Partlclpants sliould wcar cemfortablc pants and WtngiwopUtows:    “ T~    ‘

TWIN FALLS - Idaho’s publlc employees Tlwraday were urged to "crupt Into campalcn polłtlcal acllv|-ty."-

--In a speech bcforc Ihc Twln Falls

Chapter of Ihc . Idaho Publlc _Ęmp!oyc^Acvi,wSlęv.e.SwadJcy ŁoM his audlencc that siato legislatora set — saJarto. houra. frtcigc bcneflts and worki,ig    conditlons of publlc

cmployec*. ------

Swoćlcy. cjcecutlro director of the IPEA, toJd the go Ihc red publlc employccsr that -tor'twfycirs U* Idaho Lcglsloturc has approvcd ralsca for siatę workera but un-. dcrfundcd .Uic .budgcls to pay .for..

^-thom." . .    ---

If publlc employees want to prcvcnt the Job ottrltłon and cutbneka*lhto _ IIKry mus( 1 crupt :r.'o córo-palgn political actlvlliy ln such mim-

bers and wlth such force U>at U will represeni a rcvolt on Ihc Idałio potltl-coisceno."

SwodJey, who U aiso the chief Iobb>1st - for the * IPE Aralso ctiantfd -the lcglsloturc wlth uncferfundtng.

fcdcral monlca to Idaho may be cut “Couplcd with the scverc Medlcald paymcrls defielt. loss of hlghwoy fundlng revenue, the generał rc-cesslonary trends In Uic cconoray and • the _ cconomlc probłems bctr.g _ drprcsscd ln nórtJTTdabo due to YOlcanlc follout, ihc wlthdrawal of substanlłol fcdcral aid to .ldal:o causcs a crlsls.Ln publlc socyIco fun-..: ding;"heranr—

The next LcgHIaturc may bc foced -wUheithar-^aUliig^awcooreompłete*— ły rcdrafUng Idaho*s taxatlon structurc.hc sald.





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