
.'A* TVn W*w»- TWny*lt«. W*> Frttfay, Ain* 13,1800


tn tbe

on adoubio

American League

_ Summers powers Tigers past Twins

.    —. wbo arrlved from Denver ot

(UP1)—Rooki© Brad—tbe~Anier]cinAxjocUilloc-e4rtterT2r Mllla dro*e to three nas and rooMe u* day. slruck out four and walked Chaille Lea tossed aa.dgbt-hltterto tbrtt Tbeoily nmheallmred hla c^jor-l^g^ ^ ^u^ _ ceaflacriflaUl>-hy-Dflvc.Wlnntidi.-L TitgW trriesdThdTtaKreal Eipoi tfl tbe elghth. He was out for a Ibdr nlntb-atralgbt-rlctocyr*-^!—plnćh K!lter’ln*tbe boUom of the dedilcnover tbe San Diego Padres. gg^    01



_,oo D«ve


tbe nlnth co Ken Grlffey's flflh bomer.


Fana aeek phymentfor 7-hourtilt

new York <upj) - a throwtag wera by relief pUdwr Bobby CasŁUio on COtott Maddas' bunt to (Jbe sfcrtb d tw ras to eeore «nd Mir York Meta a M vtctory tbe Lob Angeles npdgers nlgbt ter a sweep of thrir

1-2. B* Mmarlf In trouble tn tba alztb nen be walked Mlke Jorameen and John Stearns to aUit tba lmtng.    tba laki down a

bant towird thln! btse od CastlDo (Mded (be bali ibd (brew It wildly pest (blrd bite, aDowlng two mnnen ioieore.___________

Lot Angete*, wttcb btew a 50 foad, Jumped tn front tn tbe lnning whm Diety Baker beat out tn infield hit and toored on t double' by Miko Scfotla. Tbe Doćmn toored four beUdrdo

Smith and a thrayrua bomer Baker, hi* Hlb oł Ibc aeaaoo and

- Nm* York.acored four-runa ln tbe flfth iiming_ akied by two Loa Angeles

DETROIT (UP1) — ChunP Sum-mers belted s palr of two-run bomers and Alsa Trtmmefl knocked ln three nms wltb two double* Thuraday nJgbt to powtr tbe Detroit Tigers to aa W óedsłoooYTr tbe Minnesota Twins. .‘Summers* flrst bomer followed a l^adoff double by Al Cowens ln tbe

I_fourth Laalng and ded tbe acore 44 off

rełleyer Geoff Zahn, «. Afler 'iYammell doubled borne two nms ln the~slłth'to*Błp'the tle,-Summers rlpped his aeccodhomer of tbe gamę and flfth of tbe aeaaoo In tbe aevenlb off reUever Mikę Klasunen, n^kłng blsmalor*leaguedebut

errora. Stoarce and Mahta opeoed (be toolng wltb afogtoa and, wlth one out, ptocfi hltter Bon Hodgoa walked to tbe bance. Dod^rr starter Dave Ooltz, attfitiptlng (o plck Bodące off flrst, threw wildly past flrst beeeman Sleve Garvey d Stearns ecored wltb Maddmc reachlng (blrd.

Lee Matrllll tben slngjed (o acore Maddcnt and Frank Toveraj grocłod rełiever Castlilo wltb onother nm-seartng single. dsodefl Washington (beo hit wbat appeared to be a double bali at Davey Looes, bul afler tbe foroo-out- at - eeoood. Bill Runęli threw wildly base allowlng another nm to

Expos 9, Padres 1

SUpJetoo aooed a three-nn horner Thursday aJgbt to powtr tbe Boa ton Red Sos to a 15-2 vlctory ovcr the CallfomaAngtis.

Boston starter Mikę Torrez, 2-7, gave up Just ftve hits ln 6 2-3 tnnlngs beforc tnjurlng bis right knee and !eavlag tbe gamę. The ptay came ln tbe eertnlh Innlng when Fred Patek Uaed tbe bali to Torrez and be stumbled off the mound as the aecond

flglimi pm yYłffj    - ■ ■■■

* TbeRedSozscoredarunlntbeflrst InniŁg on an RBI single by Tecy Perez but Califomla Uedlt ln tbe thlrd on Patek'8 oacrir.ee fly. Boston scored

Montreal Jumped to a 4-0 fint-tanlog lead to aead Gary Lucaa, 5-9, to defcaŁ Ron LeFlore doubled and atole hU SJrd base, topa tn tbe Nattona) League. beforc acorlng on a alngle by Andre Diwbokl

In tbe fourth, BUl Almon, playlng for tbe injured Chris Speier at sbort, slngłed borne roolde Boo Pale to make tbe aoore 2-0. Montreal added four nms ln tbe flflb. Two acored wben winie Moctaoez falled to plck up Warren Croaartle'a baaee-loaded grounder and Mills added a two-run single. Jeny Wbite hit a aolo, ln-sidMbepark borne run ln tbe sbctb for tbeErpce.

Mills, wbo Jist came up frocn CI as AA bali, drove tn another nm wtth a basenloaded single tn tbe same Inn-simek out two and walked one ln tosslng his fourth comnleie gamę and sbeth vlctory"ln clght de-ciiioks. He lost his bid for a shutout ln the occood łnnlng wben Rlchle Zlsk doubled and scorcd on a palr of Infldd outa by Pat Putiuun and Tucker Aahfora

The Brcwen tagged Pcrry, 5-5. for three uoearoed nms ln the flrst afler Robin Youatslngjcd and Don Money walked. Wilh two outs, Ben OgHvłe a Putn&m, the for an enor. Yount. Sbcto l^zcano and Sal


Plrates 10, Reds 6

•L. ONCINNATl (UPI) — Mika Eaakr •hit for~łba cycle’- tn padng a 15-hlt PUUburgh attack Tbunday to lead tbe Plrates to a IM vidory over tbe ClDdanaii Reds.

Tbe Plrates touched starter and loser Mikę ŁaCost, for four nms ln tbe flrst and four morę tn tbe thlrd. Ifyiudlng atx of tbelr nloe eztm-baae hlts. Eaaler hit a two-run trtnle tai tbe flrst and a oooout double ln tbe thlrd. He ficgled ln tbe flflb and cappod tbe Plrates scortng wltb his lOth bomer Ln .theserenlb.- •    ____

Jim BLbby, 74, earoed tbe win,, wblle glvtngup four of tbe Reds' nms. Easler, wbo U oow li-for*20, wllb flve bomers and nlne RBI ln bis Ust fiye gamo, hit his lOth bomer foUowing John Mllner^s flrst bomer of the year ‘SfreueverDougBalr^

Ehrląue Romo. wbo galnod his thlrd RBI trlple aod hlm. Slngletoo's bomer. his lOth, came ln tbe cigfcth wltb Klko Garda on base. Both home nms were hit off Rlck Hoocycutt, wboee record fei1 to 7-3 although be went tbe dlstance for IbesUtbtlme.

Stanę pllched his flrst complete came of tbe rea-ion lmoiwtcfl his record to 7-5. He walked flve and struckoutsU.

The Marincrs' run came ln tbe thlrd on a walk to Julio Cruz,'a single'by* Juan Benlqucz and a double^lay grounder by Dan Meyer.

PH1LADKLPH1A (UP?) - A Rk>-urbtn coupk) bas fDed a dwi adlon -suit    tbe PtifladctiiU Pblllks.

char^og thal Mooday nlght'* 7 W-hour raindeUyed gamę wltb tbe * Saa Prsndaco Glaota    bavo


The aatt waa (Bod ln Pbiladefsbla" Cwauiwo Pleas Court ly MatUw*' Averback and bis wUe, Margarrt, on beball of tana wbo paki to aee.lbe gamę. U taks (bal taca be g!ven a refund or a Ucket to a futurę gamę.

Tbe auli nanieś tbe Pblllks. the National League and Robert EngeJ. Idectlfled as chief umplre for the

‘gamę. Tbe marathen cańtoat began at -7:»p.m. Mooday and«nded3:U a.m. Tueaday. TbeGlanU won.J-1.

AraW, of . Glentide. Mooltfotnery County. wbo aald be iefl the baDpara at 10:50 pun., aald the

dedikn to ptay tbe gamę out abowed

■•winlon dtareaped" for tana. -.

• Lawyer Mkhael Payne sald tbe suit aBescs tben waa a '‘breaefa of coo-tract... la that tben ls aa agreement wbea you purebase a tkket for a gamo tbal you do so wltb tbe bellef tbat you will bave an opportwlty to vlew tbe gamę imdw reaaooable weatbercooditlops..."


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Pat Uodenrood'* flrsl --^.lOth bomer and Hobeoo'* three-nm

tbe upper deck tn right field. Twins added three nms ln tbe fourth off Underwood, wbo won for tbe flrst tlme tn flve dedsłons. Pete Markanln doubled borne ooo run. tbe aocood acored oo a throwlng enor by Tom Brookecs and tbe flnal nm came home on Rob WUfocg*s RBI groun-* uL--

ibot, his nintb.

. Tbe Red Sax added three morę ln tbe flflb to make U 5-1 on an RBI double by Carl ton Flak and a two-run double by Carl Yastrzemskl. Boston mado lt 15-1 ln tbe sever.lh on an RBI slngłoby Flak, Stapletoo'* thlrd borne nm of the aeason and Koteoo'* secood

bomer of tba gama, Califomla starter

Detroit’* flrst two nms came ln tbe DareFrost, 4-6, gave up 10 ofBoston'*

•thlrd off starter ..Pete. Redfem. IB _________hits. .

.Trmmmdl doubled borne one nm and

neu aoumea nonie one nm ano    o    i

l oo Steve KefflD'* RBlslnaJe.——orcwersf^l exasl-

------Milwaukee (UPIi - Mikę

ton 13. Angels

ANAHEIM, Callf. (UPI) - Bulch' teored three uac*rnod rua* lo tho tlrst Hobaon drove ln four runa wlth a palr inntng « route lo a 8-1 v1ctory over .Of bomers . and płoch hlUer Davo. Gaylord Pcrry aod the Teus

slngłesL-The-Brewera addad four-tn— the dghth oo a two-run double by Iiracano. Mooey's RBI double aod German Tbomaa'

Bando (łeJK-ered

run wllb a aacrtflce Oy In the eevecth. Cecłl Cooper slnglrd tv.ee for tbe Brewers and ezteodtd streak to 21 gamea.

QrTdlc^4,SeattIe 1

SEATTLE (UPI).- Benny. Ayala aod Ken SlnalcłoahH twooul. lwo:run. bomers aod Steve Słone pltched a aU-hllter Thursday nlght lo lead tbe Baltimore Oiiolea to a 4-1 Mctoryover tbe SeatUc Marincrs.

Ayala’* thlrd borne nm of tbe season came ln tbe fourth and drove lnSlngletoo, wbo had slngled ahead of

i’ ruMcortng single, ed MUwaukoe's flnal

his hlttlng

I t f t I «

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=*= "--—-reguła rly-to-25TS5-

iósr3amr—— frt4ayst*7:00PU.

---------124 MainAi/onue-Norin: Twin Falls-*

SpeciaTgroup of shorts, tops and panis in summer colors. Sizes 5 to 13. .


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*010 ■ Ml

l .TWIN-FALLS - A Californian ^*bcard about a Wodnesday nlght race » at Thunder Bluff Raceway, dropped o, by wllb his 10 ycars of apcrienc* and

J ran off wltb tbe mała cvenL ^ • Mto ausbotm nf Nap^ Callf.. I. tbe supcntock maln and gave



tn Montana

oćaay °i tbe ńlgbt, tbe ::    W> wllb a li&Łate

•.    Don, Dan Scott and T^croci

r rUcut flalshod (hal way łn^n threo * raooa.

•“MawwtiOe,-C2aic8r Geaka ot Buhl

f7volf\lo1rw1 filo    point Icad-

tn supet

tapa tbe hobby itocks ba* tbe mlni-nóck lead.


. .Heat race — .1. Stera Fabreswald, Twin Falls; 2. Boyd Hanus, Weodell; 3. LyleTtwrpe. Twln raili. —

—TTOpby-daalr-—fc-CbocbzGeaka. Bubl; i LyJe'Tborpe, Twtn raDa; 5. Stera Fahranrald, Twln Falls.

; Maln cranl — L Mlke.Chlabolm. N«»a, Callf.; 2. Cbuck Geaka, BiAl; 3. LyleTborpe, Twtn Filia.

Hobby Stock

Heal race — X. John Lee, Twln Falls;'!. Mlke Andrews, Twtn Falls;

i Klf

rwww • ooo


ftaO Owon 4HM Ł ^iSiiMirr i Moń ni « •-UW

* N M f O OO OO

Regularly to 20.00

4*00 4 111 • ttf 8011 400 1 .40 0 0

w* ^.*4

HttiMilkM M fM Hi tir.

C    O-WOW*. Oi-Wi 4 *41.0*1; f. LOa

WT^MM. Dom '*4400. tL M, O^W

Street level




I 0W. 4MM M on^rr. 1(040

*0r.4ll. 0 <Sow0 Crf?M44. >M| IM.10. T. OaM Heew 0MO4 141000. 4 fam



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o p°Uil lead- 3. Terry Harbaugb. WendeU. ---

ffcOe John Lee-Trcphydash—l-TerryJłarbaujfh.—

<md Dtrty Doo Weoddl:^. Jęto Lee, Twtn Falls;.3..'“

Falls; 2. Dan ScoU.

Flscus. Jerome.

Tropby dasb — L Dlrty Don, .Twln Falls; 2. Dan Scołt, Buhl; 3. Theroo Flscus. Jerome.

• Mato event — L Dtrty Don. Twln Fali*;-Z Dan ScoU, Buhl; 3. Theroo Flscua, Jerome.

Chooso from assorteff^stylos and colors. Tops ln slzas S,-M. 1. XL. Shorts In walst slzos

We Accop::——-


.VfSA -----

^•Amoficsn £jtp<ou

_• Pśrłs Ctoroo .




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