you^e tried al) yourUfo and ncver got 'Td had aomedoae cali#, but I 'dra

-AoslKlgfily sought athlrfcs ln

— Loulsionarwas sched ul cd to mceLttiiiLOfflcląlspf the Yankees Frlday ln Baton Rougc and then fly lo New Yon< on Saturday, Mrs/BUly " CannontoldUPI.    ■ .    . i—...7

Cannon** falher won the Helsman Trophy ln 1959 as on All-America . rcnnlng back al Louislana State. Hc also led the 1958 LSU team .to an undcfcated scoson and the school‘s only national champiomhlp.

BUly Cannon Jr., an nłl-statc player ln both football and baseball, was sdcctcd lott wcek ln the thlrd round of the baseball draft by the Yankees. His father, a Baton Rougc dentist; sald before the draft hl» son would not slgn for anythlng less than a bonus of 1250,000.

Asked If the meetlng Frlday wlth Yankcc offłdals was a formallty.-Mrt. Cannon sold, 'i thlnk so.*‘

« "Tbey're comlng down herc Frlday to mrct.with Btlly and work U —octr^MrerCnnncn-saldr^ldonTknow-irhc^golnglo^Iprhere-e:

. there/'    • - /

-Garden stlllwoolngCeltics

BOSTON (UPI) - Omclals of the Boston Gnnler. say they havc mado progresa łn taJks to renew a contract wlth U»c Boston Celto for -the comlng ac&son. bot the team** marogcrocnl has bccn less opllmlsUc. '

-    - Garden Presldent Paul Mocncy met sccrelly Weducsday. terna hc*jr

-    wlth CclUc    ~Hć3'Aućfboc)i onJcotihicrjffrt V01K tfl'S«!-.r

finał gaime of ffie 197W^ścason.

"I thought we had an occdlcnt moctlng." Mooncy sald. "Wo madc a lot of progress and I feel wc‘rc dosc to strtklng a dcaJ.

■•TłM»n» (a anether moctlng scheduled for ncxt weck, whlch 1 thlnk -wił bon-^uiy b^^nour la wyCr£.::nesiM

Prcylom ottcrr.plg rcii Uic l

TW1N FALLS - Sawtooth Notlona) Fortsł offldala arc fortcastlng a good weekend for ouldoor enlhuslasts wlth good weather, modcrole to good flsh-Ing and all major campgrounds ©pen.

The weekly recreatlon report In

dlcato 60 degrec daytlme .tempero .turraJrrhlgher.^nfoUoca^Ddrtght

- obout July 1.

In'the Sawtooth NaUonnl Rccrc-aUon Area high clcvatlon lokes are stlll froen. The snowllnc ts at about 7,500 fcct and backpacking lnto high lokwlslmposslble because ofsnowr *-All campgrounds on the Wood Rlver Zonę ln the SNRA are now ©pbn wlth the cxcepllon of Inlet campground at Alturas Lakę. Pole Creek rood ls open ito Grand Prtte Junetlon.

UIlic Ffl)rtleld_^tlet irports oll campgroimća open wiUi.* water Bv*uanle łn Baumgartncr. Bounds and Pioneer campgrounds. Maln roads arc open and grodcd. Slde roads w aro stlll muddy In ploces. Flshlng In > LltUe Smokey Creek ls good and waterIsreceedlng.----- ••

—On the Twln Falls DlrtlctTwcrantf Porcuplnc and

_Faroo-Tennla C2mmplonih!ps will bc “And wc're golng for the bC5t at    ...    (    —-

_ back at historie Newport ćasbo"for—Wlmbledon."Talborya-U^-naŁłanal--liMDLia.

the 1960 edlUon of the noUon's only tcnnls champion In tho 19«b and '505.........JL)lSCOV6r

soldTTiursday:    «    «


T get u wiu eartl?* wm try to eonvifKC some uf Uicm to show up/\

_ Wlth OT wlthout major wild card draws, the $100,000 toumament al-rcody boasta 1976 champion Vljay AmrUraJ, 1977 winnerTlm Cuillkson.

1978 champ Bemie Mltlco of Soulh Afrlca ona defending champ Brlan Teacher.

State firm against any Indian fishing

flrmotlve respoese" from Gov. John Evons and _Conlcy to U>c trlbal resolullon. saylna hc hoped the State offlctals would agrcc to allow Indian flshlng durlng wcekends.

Cofucy, whcrbciedbinder- hi* cmcrgcncy dosure authorłty Wcdncsday and ordered a halt to Indian flshlng on the two rt vers sald he would not alter the closurc order to lndude weekend flshlng. He sald

Rlver Wedocsday and a dłscusslon wlth Evans. Cócdcy. howevcr, has comjJlctc aulhorłty to Issue the dosures wlthout approval from the Govemor. "The department has been concemed Since last to allow _MartłLOboul aprojcctcd Iow nm to the Rapld River hatchery and the Na Perce Trlbal Exccuttve CommUlce (NPTEC) has been asked on numerous occaslons. even as latc as last Monday. to enter lnto a Joint effort wlth us to prohlbll trlbal flahłng," Conlcy sald.

"Aflcr observlng flshlng actlvlty and the eon* ttoiicd takc of chlnook along the r1vcr. it was apparent to mc Chat NPTEC continua to bc reluctant to coopcrate/* hc sald. "The welfarc of the run ls at stakc and cvcry necessary step must be taken to presenc the flshcry for all Idahoans."

The Flsh and Gamc Department last year dosed Rapld Rlvrr to Indian fbhłngr but rjbsctjuently allowed trefiły flshlng on wcckcnds Conscrvatlon offleers monitoring the rivcr last year reportcd sevcral orrcsts and some pushlng and shovlng obr.g Che banka, but no tcslous ccnfrootallons occtirrcd.

.. Earller thls -month. F.vani .moi-wlUu-tribaL

Indlcatcd stale Law Enforccment Department oUlc!aJ>^HKł-t)cen staUoned olong Rapld Rlve* akmg wUh Flsh and Gamc Department conserva-Uon of flcers to cnforec any dosure.

Conlcy sald that the Law Enforccment Dcpart-

- -ho-ux>uJd-ox£lcl&r oponlr.3-f>Cł(otl

the Na Perce ccmmlttcc and Uve stale only after    offldals ln on ottempl to dlffusc the sltuallon thls    ager. As of Tuesday. the    Lower Granlte count was

2.700 cfclnoclcsaJmon had passed through the Rapld    year. aaytng the-stale and Indlkns ncedcd to    6,183. only flve flsh morę    than countcd by the same

Rlverhatchery.    coopcrate to preaenre ihedwtndllngsupply of flsh.    dayoycarogo.

-Conle>,,ałsoicued-a-coneiirrent-T)rdcrWcdn<3-Other-reporU~alio-Usuod~^arlkr-lhls-itłuulli    —Ottmargiiittnbctednhir

Knicks, New, York's rtght to make a flrst-round sdccUon ln tlić 1979 college dr afl and (450,000.

— Carter, who odmlnlstcrs the octUc-ment of a number of basketball-related lawsults, sald the compensa-U on for Webster, who was formerly wlth Seattle, v1olatcd an-ogreement betwccn the NBA and the Ploycr*’ Assocłotlon.

The appeols court dlrtctcd that the matter be rttumed to Spcclal Master Tdford Taylor "so that hc can apply the agreement, os we bave construcd It, to the feets os ho flnd* them-"-=r—-n


|—mcllcwtastc of-

Jim-Bc.imrtho—■— worlds most poptrinr^ur kccps mnkinf nc\v fncnds cvcr>; day.

Ta3teis all it t-akes^

to s witch to Jim Beam.

Newport —their—fiml—stop—aUcr— Wlmbledon.

fl|Miwc«T 5UACIII OdJKtOnmierni Mmoor 0>$Ull0MdDfCtK(0ur •    Siam cmmhw; co    «mam. ay

Flsh and Gamc Department observers reported Dk nat

River durlng morc than Iwo weeks of trlbal flshlng thls year. Conlcy sald hook and gaff Injuries also

have contrlbuted substontlally to mortaJItlcs.---

The number of chlnook rctuiT.lng to Rapld Rlver ls keyed to the dally coimt at Lower Granlte Dam. the finał bani er for the flsh catering Idaho. Unfavorable daUy counts contlnuc to rcduce tho

layŁDitmann, Idaho anadronyagJiihfrim man-


~240'AddIson Avo; Wosł

Vi/as to miss Wlmbledon .

<UPI> — GuUlcnno Vllas of Argeotlna hastxcn forccd lo witbdraw from the Wlmbledon tennls champłonshlw startina Juae 23 bc^ause of appendicłUs, offlcials sald Thursłay.

Yllas was eipecied to undcrgo anopcratłoo Frlday to remoro his appaxtlxatthc American Hoopital In Parts, Ibcy sald.    ' "T

Frederick heads Central Washington

ELLENSBURG, Wuh. (UP1) — Gary Frcdcrick hu bccn named Oeatral. Washington UnlvtT*lty's athlctlc dłrcctor, replncJr^ Blnk Beamer, a schód spokesman sald Thursday.

Wo have a ąuallty athletic program herc and I would llke to nulnuin that," sald Frederick, who hai bccn at Central sińce 1967.

Mon* and mory I thlnk we wUi havc to get lnvolved wlifc money ralilng. and that'* cvtn for eculpmenl."

Beamer. who has been athłeUe diredor sińce 1963. chosc not to rapply. He will remaln at Central as a faculty member and golf coach, o spokesman sald. _    ________

Consecutlve aces defy odds

HAYDENLAKE, Idaho (UPI)—The rtllrtd manager of the Cocur d’Alene. Idaho, Pttwcy's Department Storę shot Iwo holcs-inooc Uda wcek wtiiie golflng ot the AvondaIee»n-Hayden Golf Course. dcfylng odds agalnst the accompllahmer.t.    C

“łan that somclbLng,VjuId J^nlr ■hteyejT-£dr-wha-lii-aQ.yeara ol goinng hadn't hM one hde-ln-one. MIt's Just hard to red He when

------------------ńcvcr dooe that. AU of a sodden, I

hayeode one day and anolherthe nezlday^---—-----

A 15-bandlcapper, Meyer drtlled borne his tee shot on the 100-yard WUi bole Wednesdoy and the lO^yard lith hołd TuesdayrBothUmer be uscd a 9*lrcn on the par-3 hol es. and both limes ho could only sce the flag, not the bole Itself.

A spokeswoman ot Golf Dlgest rcachcd by telephooo at her Norwalk, Conn., Office, sald the odds cn a single hole-ln-one arc 0.952 to one. She wouldnH evcn goess the odds ogalnst puttlng ln two In two consecutWcdaya.

Eller conslders retlrement .

SEATTLE <UPI) — Seattlć Scahowks' vetcran defenslvc end Caii-EUer says bc may retlrć after 16 ycars ln the NEL.

MI do thlnk Vm golng lo rctlrc.M Eller sald ln a idcphone lnlcrvlcw from his Mlnncapolls homc.

‘TU probably hołd off the dcclslon unlll thls weekend, but I‘vc bccn sertously contemplallng U for sevcni] wccks. Sbctccn ycars ln the IcaguelsolongUmc."

SeaUle General Mangcr John Thompson, who sald be had “un-derstood" Eller mlght rtilrc, sald hc would mcci wlth the 38-year-oSd personally to discuss the motter.

EUcr^s carcer lndudcs 15 scasons wlth the Minnesota Vlkln«, All-Pro rtcognlllon flvc Umcs, slx Pro Bowls and four Super Bowls.

Out of 223 league gamcsovcr 16 scasons. Eller mlsscd but three.

MI thlnk Tve had a good 16ycars and I don’t want lo strctch lt,“ Eller sald. ‘Tve talkcd obout thls wlth (ScohawlcrcoachnJaclrtPatcra)-and people Lko that wlth the Seahawks. I know ScatUc draflcd a lot of ^ungpcopltilffl^effmK-cmd^aTOssmarLtadosorrr.,

"I Just tfcłak retirement U good for mc at thls Ume. I really dca'L know if I will miss football that much. Oh. I will miss the good limes, but not all the rest ot U. Glve the people of SeatUe my best. I enjoycd my year there. U was fur.. Scaltle nos graclous and wanr. fam.'*

Cannon to słgn wlth Yankees___

BATON ROUGE, La. (UPI) — The son of fonr.er Loulslono State Helsman Trophy winncrBWy Cannon will forsake a college football carcer and slgn a profcsslonol baseball contract wlth the New York Yankees thls weekend, his mother says.

rjy“CWT0i the mw

(o ncgollstc a ncw contract rcsultod In hard focllngs bctwwn tho two groops. At one point theCcUJcs broke off the talks. A lawsult flled os part of the breakup ls stlll peniing In Suffolk Superior Court.

"I thlnk wc got some thlngs stralghlcocd out.' * Aucrboch sald of the mecUng." but thero nre stlll some Issucs lo bc rcsolvcd and In my -oplnlon some of them are substantial.".--:--

For2st campgrounds lóok good on weekend

temporary rood rcpalrs may bc en-counlcred on the rock Crcck rood The Kclchum Dtstrlct reports Trall arek Summlt rood ls bclng workod on but has not been grodcd and łs stlll ln poor shopc wlth larec loosc rocks. Dollarhldc Summlt ls dosed unlll

Ume readlngs diopplng lnto the 30s.

Roads on the Burlcy dlstrlcl arc open to the srowllne. Lakę OoTlond la stlll cwwbcund and the upper

tóUdoM^probaWy untll obout July 4. Access to the City of Rocks ls good from the Almo aide. Flshlng ls good ln the Sublett Reaervolr and the Subletl U open wUh


lower- Pensicroon,

Boetettcr campgrounds arc oow open ln oddlUon lo Big Bluff. Schlpper. Bear Gulch and Harrtngton Fork. Rock Creek flshlng ls fair wlth water stlll high and somewhot rnuddy. Some

Singlesimect looks for śtars

NEWPORT,-R:Ir( UPI) SI wianem from the flmt four H

major gram court tounument

Touroamcnt Dlrecter BQ1" Talbcrf TrtWKfllMwUM flald-tor-lhft flflh annuaJ tounument beneath Newport CASlno‘8 sUteJy ihadtrlroca. wlU grow evcn stronger before play

starta July 7.    __

Hc la diapttchlng a r^rcsematlirc lo Ergland next wrek ln hopcs of - taUdnff t few "wild cord*' cnlrics • from the Top 20 rankingi lnto making

BOISE (UPI) — Idaho Flsh and Gamc Dlrector Jerry M. Cooley Łs standlng by ls order to close Rapld River and a porUoa of tho Littlc Sol mon river, whlle the the Nex Perce Tri bal Execullvc CommlUee ls tr>'log to conidcc. the: siata weekend Indian Treatyllshlng Durlng an exccutlvc session ot lis Lopwal bcadąuarters. the Na Perce commlUcc opprovcd a resolution that wrould allow Indian flshlng today. Frlday and durlng the weekend thls weck and would allow weekend flshlng on the North Idaho Hvers througboul the remaln der of the chlnook

sal mon run.---    ------- .

Na Perce commUlce Cholrman WUfrcd Scott Wcdnesday sald he was Mantlclpatlng on Of-

^ f. Jcto Ev

day. closiog a portlon of the LUUc SaJmon Rlvcr to

'sport flshlng.    '    ----

Hc sald the actlons wcrc lokcn to prescrvc the up6tream run of spring chlnook salmon. Hc issued the orders folkraing a pcrsonal Inspecllon of Rapld

Webster- Gase-revie wed

NEW YORK (UPI) - A fcderal oppeals ccurt has ordered rcconsld-cratlon of on order that set asldc the compcnsatJon the Newjyork Knlcks_ wcrc rc<^ilrtd to piiy the Seat Ile SupcrScnlcs for the 1978 slgn Ing of * Mnrvln Webster, a free agent.

The dcclslon, by the 2nd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeols, applled to the rui Ing by Dłslrlct Judge Robert Carter that NBA Commlssloner Larry 0'Brien was "exccsslvc" ln his aw/ud lojhe SupcrSonlcs.

6'Brtcn had awnrded Seattle • a compensaticn package conslstlng of ■w^mrraerfortonnic Shclton of the

firstenjoye in 1795.

-Frldoy. Jono 13. IMC -Tlmos-Nowa. Twln Fali*. Idaho 6-5

ment had beta notiflcd of the dosure.

The dosure on Rapld Rlvcr estends from lla moulh unstream lo the barrłer dam Chat dWerts flsh lo the hatchery, The LUUc Sal mon ls dosed from Us coaflucncc wUh the mała Sal mon Rivcr to 100 yards abovo the moulh of Rapld Rlvcr bolh to Indian and sport flshlng

The Rap!o Rlvcr hatchery needs a minimum of 2,700 odult chlnook lo meet Fcdcral Energy Regulatory CommUsłon rcqulrcmcnLs for spawn-taklng. At the trap that helds flsh for the hntchcry, 299 adults wcrc counted by Tuesday, comparcd wlth 281 on the same day ln 1970.

nt lcost 300 chlnook havo been taken from Rai

prcjcctcd run past Lower Granlte, accordlng U> -Dayc-Orti

this year lo the 1977 drought and the rtsultlng poor «urvlval durlng downstream mlgratlon ln the spring. He sald bclow-normal water,cooditlons In^ headwaiers areas durlng the *ummcr ćf l977 olio" damoged your.g flsh,____



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