,1. ..

Mr. Disco falls off his horse

fóDc chgage In Doiły    Porton    look-    good reason cxccpl to bring Bud    ** wa3 opposlte Uly Torallnln the

allkccoolcsls.    and Stssy    back together at hłs    disastrous "Moment By Moment,"

Except -that Slssy (Debra — funeral. “    TravoHa bas yet to coovlnce me

Wtnger). o sraoldertng beauth that "Urban Cowboy" Is o desperotc that he la anythlna morę than a Bud (Travolta) has plcked up nt attempt to cash łn on lho success of—sullcaprelly-boy wfthmusdesand nK>vie_ bę_.attexnpts Jo transfer—GUIey.’s,-lnsists on ridtng tbe'buli " "Saturday Nlght Fcver." Llkc that an Elvls PresJcy pout. .. “Saturday    Nlght    Fever"    from    hersdf, whlch    hlts    Bud    In    his    far morę    vlgorous and oiiglnal

Brooklyn    to    Texas    —    and    falls    machlsmo.    ___movIe, It    Is based on o pop-

rightoff his horse.    So no sooncr do they marry and soctology nrtlcle_(Aaron Lalham'6

- Or rather,-hls mechanlcal-buli,—set up house ln a traller; thanjhę__^*n>e"_Balla(l-Qf^Tbe Urban.Cow-

- By RICHARD FREEDMAN — NeurbouseNewa Servlce . John TravóUa b tbe most rooUn’ tootln’ cowboy ever to hall. from Englewood, NJ„ but ln his lalest


FILM CUP: "Urban Cowboy.” John Travolla rides a mechanlcal brooco to disaster ln a weak splnoff of “Saturday Nlght Fever.V Rated "PG."Two stara.

whlch, come to thlnk. of pcrfect dcscripUon of "Urban Cowboy” as a y-holc..

Tho buli lri ąucstkm Is ln GUlcy's, a vast. nolsy watering hole .ln Houston. For Iwo bucks a throw, the hardhats at the nearby pctrochcfnlcal plant can rldc it and fcel llkc rcal cow-punchcrs. It is cxacUy Itke thosc mechanlcal horslcs you eon stkk your klds on whllc shopplng at the. flvę-.and-dime.    r. .

U, Is a—starts fltrtlng wlth the Slnlstcr Weś 'boy" InEsaulre).

• ■«i    /*» __« . . * ...    *    ...

(Scott Glemm), an ex<on but, aceording to the smltten Stssy. "a real cowboy.'!    * .

_ Thls^cts.Bud so-upset that he starts talllng for rich Pam (Madolyn Smith); who moves In wlth hlm and tri es to convcrt hlm front chlll to bcef stroganoff.

Smy fcavcs Bud a hcart-breaklng notę of reconclllotlon

Agaln, the (ocal point Is a dancc hall, mcrcly substltutlng counlry and-Wcslem for_ disco, and a rodeo for a dancc conlest. But whUe U lacks the liberał pleties of, sny, "The Electric Horsemon,” another movle It rcsemblcs, "Urban Cowboy” founders on the sheer sllllncss of Its central meta-phor, that mechanlcal buli.—?•.*•• •

‘ Unlikc

whlch Pam hldcs from hlm, Jusl

llkc the villalness In a Hardy novel. __________

And llke the bables they rcally    Slmtlarly. mciódramatlc ls a sud-    lt never rcally shows us TravoJla

nre^tficmoćhodcnticnsof GMcy's    den llghlning storm at the plont.    and company ot thclr dally Jobs by

drii^straleht Irom the bottle and    whlch slzzlosBud'snlceUnde Bob    way of conlrast wlth »>*'»'■

soabblc a lot. Thcre’s eycn^bdJJZIw^Jn.TtaasJias.n name of-noctumal__jul^ang



'Saturday Nlght Fcvcr,"

rnrteo-for ihdn"^Uc lfiĆAwmd>-__morc-tlun one-Bylloble—forro pclrochemlcarphmt mcrcly looms

:rooeojor-Uiem.-winir mr ■-    smoklly ln the desert. conlribuUng.

• nonc of the sodologlcol rlchness_


And whllc he's much better than










(Urban Cowboy, Aaron Lathom,

—Bantanyg ,2S paperback)-

Reriewed byEŁAINE KENDALL-—Spodal to Tbe Los Angeles Times —

A novdizotk>n Is to a novd whal Lłon Country Safari Is to Kcnya.

Somc novcllzatlons nrc botter than others, but nonc of them are better than novels. Though the novcllza-U on has not yet bccn declarcd a —legi U ma te-art form, it is certalnly-a trend and trendsbear walchlng...

_By-ncxt-ycar-thcre may be o new— category ‘for the book awards. right up there wlth bisiory, blogro-

■’ phy and poctry.------.——

__Whal's..wrong.wlth that?. Not. .standsonItsown.?___

-muchrproYided'the truc-nnd thc-As^a-i^eJ.-lhCTrstaRdlngwi

fal sc can cocxlst, but the falsc has 0Wł1- "Urban Cowboy" sccms o bil -an imfortunotc tcndcncy tó drtve .unsteady on Its fect, ococUy llkc a tho truć out of clrculaUon. Synthct- fwllhout his horse. The les are casy to producc, pleasc a hcr0-    Pay^1 mects a girl

—grcat.many-poople-ond-moke-trlot—named-Slssy ln QUlcy‘s~SalOOn - , gf pory-y fnr-lhwMr^jnnfartiTmT^^rigbtafterhit>«rri7&KrfHou3loUTJ


slssy: She "docsn'l fllnch" ands$c

"Urban Cowboy" was o llvdy and_

-orlglnal -storynlcan;? tronie unii

sympathetlc to a subculture un-____

known to-thosc-outstde ItrTara-.mount boughl It as o vchldc for John Travolta and Bantom ac-ąulrcd the paperback rights.

Bantom Is high on '"Urban Cowboy? and malntalns that "U Is *    -

a book we would have publlshcd_

even“ If “thcre^adToćcn"




mov!e...no Esqulre artlde...and no rccord-from :the"50Und_lra'pk."' Bantam wants "Urban Cowboy" to be "Judgcd separatly from the film

Vm C«" Mi^ fyn    t> Om • twtlf

. ,    - ,    ... tt    uaiuI    .. »••• ew§r tov*

and the scrccnploy stncc.lt rcally_____k*v**e^«—

icuila    aut?

Oti I

. , wotkmg



jockpot ncrocicki

Idoho Stoto Univorsity's



MOI king a»*lh Idahe np«l , , fH»pr\l *|NW*łrYrv%ihfcii<VT3r ih« «OA«iMer< .. . co&*q w*th    . .

lotliy «*iit*Ag . . . »*ow io    . . •

Utatg •».<* twMdt . ■

contlnue to wrllc noVds — a long, londy and often poorly rewarded occupatlon, when he or she can

has "wldc coyotc cyes", that scem

_______ yeliow at nlght and ólajnold bliy ln

7W01IĆ tnp-fórm that ls less demon-' "the daytlme. Rcadcrs' wfio łiave

dlng, toster and Infinltdy morę lucrallve? Pcoplc.ocpcct so much. from a hbvellsl — plots, character, scttlngs, style and ori^nallty, and they are dlsappolntcd when they don’t get fuli volup. Novel writlng ls hard, risky work, and when ll'S flnally done, the crttlcs can lgnore _QŁsavago-your—-

"Urban Cowboy" ls a spectal casc In point. Aaron Latham actu-

rcccntly stared down a coyotc will know cxoctly. what .that mcans. Slssy docsn’t fllnch flvc Umes ln ber flrst scvcn pa ges and she conllnues not to fllnch throughout the book. Shc's a to taiły unflln-chlng person, but thofs about all we cvcr leam about hcr. Bud doesn* HHnch-modrcl thCrTWlhej marry, o match madę ln cowboy


r+m 10 0*<0    .    a*CX»Q -Mlh

fułAH^t . .    .    atmwl

. ha^ui.og) I1I9M    vow

Ni«tOfY    19It

--Howr TO Wii;-' vou«


Montezuma’s Revenqe

—JUNE 23 thru JUNE 29

hcaven. Gllley's Saloon then ać-qulres the mechanlcal buli, and Ihc ŁS?of unfljnchlng picks up^----

m1JSi5n,C b„^ln    g€tf 111 moblie-homc pąrks and In_


yl^r^^b^ćK^- SST    b^S ^

that has

ally novcllicd hlmself. He wrotc a strikln#. non-ficllon



SUI** rvl|



hom 1'Jftw to 4pm Oflm«t *«t»hoo too<»    list    cs* SIin*i rwo

s lisr s*d l*S o •of*o**> W •<•■»»¥ ^ iMŁOdtr c^o* Pboao ISUCo^^g c<yw©4SIS ósSf


---Monday thru Thursday 0:00 and 11:00 P.M..----

_FridayjmdSalurday 8c00,.10:00 &’12 P.M.-

.. Sunday. 6:30,8:30 & 10:00 P.M. .

FOR RESERVATJONS CA11; 208;733-516Ł.702-75S-2321


Plor orx» hin?el'ol'®5tK»ni>« Golo toom <x tho Mono-lho dining room ood gol lho Olhor butlo! Iroo, Tho pricoi good Irom 12:00 noon oi lho Honothu and 1:00 p.m. In^lho Goto Room. ihru<loilng limo 5wndoyonly.. .


Frlday, Juno 13' 1080    Tlmos-Nowa, Twln Folia, idoho 5


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