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Q: Is U truć that Janc Fonda la go Ing to launch a singlng career of ber own malnly because she la ao Impressed wllh Doiły - Parton'8 singlng?-LW.,PhlladeJphin.
A: No. Janc has roodest vocal abUllics and lntends to stick strlctly wllb actlng. Janc and DoUy are flnlshlng up tbcłr movle, "Nlnc to Flve," for whlch Dollyjwrote
Q: Even tbougb be was great as Robert Redfbrd’8 aldeklck In tbe inoyłe, ‘Tbo Electric Uorseman," do youthlnk singer WiUle Nelson ćań cut tbe austard as a star? — H.W. of New Orieans.
' A:.Wlłlle’a flrst big part will be In “Hooeysuckle Rosę," In whlch be plays opposilc Dyan Cannon and Ar"* Irvlng —WUlle’s glrifriend.
and recorded the JJtlć tune. _A___We cfluffht Qr. grrccnlne of
backup cborus ls lnvolved and Uiat • ^ „Jj*1 ^ you wŁli
lndudea Janc and costar Lily To ml In, who used lo slng os part of ber nlghtdub act But Janc consld-ers beraelf an actress, period. So there will be oó slnglng carecr.
relary havlng coffoc and a Jclly donut. Thelr cyes lit up and tbelr mouths walęrśd.as.ibcy.asked _ln_ unlsoa, "Any morę?" The fellows . wcren’t satlsfled untll they sharcd an entlre boxful ordered from tbe co mer colfce shop.. ... _.
Q: Ali tbe turmoll over tbe Olymplc Games thlsyearhas me really botbered." Are there no his-toricał oomparlsons to be drawn wblcb could resolve thls questioo?
bar to announcc .thaL tbelr .tobie_Q: 1'm an otcLMae-WesLlan. Do _
wasready, Arnold nlmbly Jumpcd youthlnkwe*llever8eeherlnaTV
glvcs a smooth and confldcnt, If not M.C., Salt Lakę City a powerbouse, performance. It's A: Tbe Olymplc olflclals could do.
Q‘: We kuow Terry Bradshaw of tbe Plltsburgb Stoelers has cyes for a {zwvle actlng career. Js be serłous or łs be j ust aootber sports personalny trytng to cash In on his famę?
H.V.ofRockford. inr---'
A: Terry appears very serlous about movle actlng stnee hc's hlrcd a persono! manager and. bas snąggcd a nlce role ln an upcomlng ■fłlm,-rCannónballf—starring Reynolds. Farroh Fawcctt and
all about tbe tri ais of a country singer (Wlllle,. naturally) con-stantly on tbe road. WUIlc handlcs his love sccnes witb Dyan. as his wlfe, and Amy, as (appropriatcly) his glrifriend, wllh easc. and brceres through his many vocai numbers. •
worse than lo consult U>c Wallacc Famll/s ncw "The Book of Llsts No. 2.” Pre/adng the vio Most Controverslal Evcnts In Olymplc Hlstory" ls a rundo wn of tbe de-presslngly freąuent occaslons (slncc 1900) when polltlcs havc Intcrfered wllb sports.
over tbe high brass rolling arour.d the bar. Grtnnlng. he walled at the other slde untll Mario walked around to Joln hlm. Then he cscorted her to tbelr labie.
show? — H.E., Chicago A: Don‘t count on U. Mac, ln her 80s now,: was asked reccntly lo appear ln a segment of TV's -•JFantasy Island" but she tumed it
Q: My friend says now that Studio down saylng that be Ing hersclf is
54 ls dooed there ls no ooe place where the big names go ln New York. 1 can’t believe tbey Just stay borne and wntch TV. Arcn't there nny other "ln” spots? - W.B., Miami
A: Ofcourse. There are many chlc discos ln Ncw York and cvcn when Studio S4 was o pen they attractcd tbe names. Somc of the big onos
her only fantasy.
Q: We all know Peter Sellcrs has a bad beart yet be keeps worklng so bard all tbe time. Doesn'1 be worry about his bcallh? — E.P., Camden, N.J.
A: Hc’s a bard man to kccp down and hc doesn't secm to spend a lot
country singer Mel TUllś* Hc bad a vcry smali role ln Reynolds’ film "Hoopor.”
THOUGHTFUL STAR: A smlllng Larry Hagrr.an, who portrays meanle J.R. Ewlng ln the hit TV serlcs, "Dallas," walked Into a very posh Manhattan boutlquc. Wben a salesperson, recogalxlng_ hlnr^shyly- re<jiieslt?d ~hts auto* groph for ber daughter, Hagman chucklcd, "Hercl TU do better Ihnn Ihal "- Rnachlng-lnsldo-hls coat pockct._he_rcmovod a big
Bond International, Ncw York. N.Y.
Hurrah, and
Q: I. kccp bearlng confllctlng storics on the ngc of Suzanne Sororn. Just how old ls %e? — W.M., WhltcPlalns, N.Y.
A: Jl*s one of the most popular ąuestions Suzanne gets durlng the ąucstlon and answer session that’s part-of-ber-cunrent-nlghtclub-act Suzanne was bom Oct
Butbe is under the supcrvIsiohora" mcdical team ln Geneva. Swilzcrlond. Aflcr overtaxlng hlmself a whlle back dołng a Brit-Ish bank conuncrdal, Peter, was
ordered by tbe team Into a hcspilal for a chcckup. He suffcred scverc angina palns bul no beart altack. When he was bcing lntcrvlcwcd al the Cannes Film Fcstlva! he passed-off—ejiłesllora-aboul—hb-hcalth ln characlcrtstlc good
16. 1M6 -
and that mak es ber 33.—--bumor by-saylngr**That has ali-
r-rm-mułous-to-coteh-the-Te-^f bccnblownlourorpropbrUdnTBo-
siack of posteard slzed photos of_ hlmself, decked out as J.R. — cowboy Hat and all. Whlpplng out —his pen, Larry asked for the giiTs name, then smlllngly obliged wllh a warm, personallzed InscripUon a far ery from tbe cad of his famed TV role.
release of "Gose Encountcrsof the Thlrd Klnd," partlodarły sińce I tmderśłand- there’11 be added scenes, plus a new endlng. Any Insi de Information? — L.W., St.
Ing o hearl patlent, If a tooth comcs out,.Ihcyjeport that you are ln the hosptlal wllh a heart altack." He Insbts he ls ln good shapc. Mcanwhllo hc has Just slgned to do
WILLIE NELSON ... Mowie star?
Louis. -
A: My studio botllnc Informs mc
-tbe film -'Crossing AbouLl!------
CHIC LAUREN: Frlends whq llke. Partlcularly rclcvant now ls the
that, a part f romsom c_nc wiy.sh o t _ Q: I Just love Bllly Dec Williams — scencs Inscrted at the beglnnłng be seems to act ao* effortlessly, _
thcre's llltle actual ncw materiał____wbeth£r_UX.very dramaUc_or_a_
^QrYotfvemenllaned timt wllh ber" to ś*vor the chlc Imogcof bouren —-story oftbe'l®3Sgamcs-whcnHlUcr—-Moal-of-thc -opproximntóy-l&-2Ó—llghter <»nxdyrólć. Is there-any
menie and TV career ln the Bacall get taken a back wben they had slgns mounted ovcr toiIcLs minutes bcing added to, "Gose
doldrums, Susan Anton ls worklng see her cbewlng gum — fast and readlng: "Dogs and Jcws are not Encounters of the Thlrd Klnd" are
tbe dub and coocert Circuit. o«n furious. But tbcre’s a rcason. U allowcd." Olymplc offlclal Comtc - spec lal effeets whlch have bccn
she really «dng' qryt daace wełl seems La uren has bccn trying to de Bailiet-Latour lold Hitler the rcsurrecled from the cuUing floor.
matortt-błg? —KT.-Af—klck tbe^lgarette habit for some slgns had to‘ be removed — to~ some scenes at the mlddle of ihe Nashvllle. Ume now and she uses gum as a whraTTBUcTTeplIcdr^When"you havc bccn cllmlnalcd. Ihus
A: Our Windy City »les caught * subsUtule. At n reccnt Broadway- are lnvited to a hicnd's homc, you—trrtal nmning Ume Yemalna about Susan'8 act ln ChJcagónrecenUy,musical • openlng wo spotted. doo'L leU.hlm .bow lO-rua.lL-.dn- ihe same. Plus, U’s a good bel abćl the news Łs obod. She sin es a '"'Lauren mertUy chcwlng away.* • you?"- “ Balllet-Latour rcplied, yoy'ji He Henrihp Gift
""Eicuse mu; fflr. Cbancdior; lamcd rcndltlon of"’ jAbcn.theJlutMdrclodflag-łBrfllsed
oo-iongoc—tMit* artte morn^r M>tp inkę? ia.Olymplh, and .we—aUhe^onoluslon^lLwaj}-cuUr
;hlt^-QguYV nnri In n <uirpri3dr.Ql^.
do? - P.R..
thing be can’t Sprlngfleld, Mass.
A: The lalcnted Bllly is holter than -cvcr-rlght now, with the "Star Wars" segucl. "The Empire Strlkcs Back" playlng all ovćr.Tn
U he có-stars as Lando Caririsslan,--a sort of-lnter-galacllc_cołvman.
-And-ahc-stayed-lirbcr seat durlng-
rjmnu ynlre b^ rv. monng-Q'—Vm-cagertyuinlldpallng_BUri
a newcomer to ^Subs and her. R^ySoIcis’ new—movier^RWgh -n^mast^lEj^ThtrSTgn^Tre - thcorigłnal':-
-----------------------1 more.-taken down.-----------------------
Hawks." Bllly ls alaoJL qulck chara cter-«kclch
ProfessionalIsm and slriklng good looks score wcll wllh audlences. NEW LOOK: They’re trying to keep it a secret but I hcar. Miss Plggy is getting a new look. Sup* poMdly Miss P. is trying for a punk affoct but very, .vcry slock. Aiłd wtiafs morę, she's belng consld* cred rigbt now-for ooe of thosc "What Becomes a Legend Most" Blackgloma mink coat ads. Miss Plggy surę lsn*t any plg ln a polce.
relsnlanyplglna llne Kennedy Bw
CuL" Wby haven’t I beard aboutlt?—D.M.,Tulsa,Okla. ■- . A: Reynolds has been malnlalnlng a Iow publicity profile durlng the release of his la test movlcs; be dld vcry Hula - to help publlcłze .!‘Startlng Over," though hc was very high on It, so don’t cxpect much press co-operaU on on thls one. Whlch docsn’t mean that Burt’s belng stand-offlsh. Tbe only reasoo for his secm Ing lock of
Q: What ls ‘happening wlth that wooderful actress * Glenda Jackson? I haven’t seen ber ln a film for ąulte some tlmc. — P.V., Loog Beach, Callf. • —
A: She bellcvcs that a carecr tn the soclal sclences would be more rewarding. And to thls end Glenda periodlcally anhounccs that shc’s retlrlng from show business — somelhing she Just dld. But she
enougb but still seems neck tn a lot of film projects and akie. Has she lost any—can't spare the Ume. "Rough Cut"-
co-stars Lesley-Anne Down and
pean on the
of her Httlo-glri ctmbblness? — M.N., Plymouth, Mass.
A: She certainly has.'Carolloe ls now the picture of the trlm, young sophłstlcate. She showed up at a recent ballet openlng ln new York and Imprcssed evcryooe wlth her sllmmed-down figurę tastcfully decked out Ln a chlc green brocade dresa. Carollne sbowed up wlth her etemally fashłooablo mora, and drew as many admlrlng glances as -didJackle O. hersclf
DavłdNlven.‘ • ____
-SWEET MUSIC: Behlnd nil Uiat horrifylng stage mak cup of "Kiss," lurfc four grown men wlth one-big sweet tooth. Each and every memberof the rock group — Ace Frehley. Paul Stanley, Gene Slmmons and Peter Crtss, ls crazy "about cooldes, cake and
scotch," wlth Walter Matthau. H’s sched ul cd for release Uils fali. So don’t givo up óriGIćhda.
OVER THE TOP: MuscJcman Arnold Schwarzencgger ls ln Up-top shape theso days and he doesnT mlnd derao astra ling lt. 0,081' Take the other day when be was ln -
fl'rtfłłóA-NoC»*f, TwlnPo^ls.ldóbo Frlday,
partlcularly, they freak out over a fashlonable Manhattan restau-donuts. Al o reccnt business meet ■ rant wllh his dale Maria Shriver. ing. tbe fellows eocountered a Mec—Wben lbemaiIre^d-carae lnlotne
~_J inibepromosior ^riowks."
Rlght now shc’s taklng.a.dcgree. 'coursc'' In ~ soclal' science at a London college. Her "last” film - was completod tn - February .-"Hop^
.. . Dóesitall' "