Navy lookihg into lesbian
Friday. Juno 13,1980 Tlmo*-N®wa. Twln F»ll*. IdahoA-7-----•
LONG BEACH, CaUT. (UPI) - The i lnvtstig*tla$ cfaargcs of uallty amoofl female crew raembers oo the missiJe lat ahlp USS
Norton Sound and has aaked many of lo 16 woraca.Mastcr Chief Pelty Of-
p55adi^^ *****
N«vy I*
was reported
U sak! oooe of the female ©fficere aboard the ihJp had been uccuscd.
A Navy spokesman sald the ln-vesUgatioo had sińce been narrowed
off the Southern Cailfomla coast, and ts al sca an average of 34 days a
The Daily Brecie, puhllshed In ncaifry Torrancc, Callf.. hased much
no charges had been flled against any
oftbewomea............... :
The shlp. currenUy dockcd at Long Bcach for malntcnance, was one of the flrst to accept fcmalcs under Navy*s thea>Women alSca" program. Thcrc are 375 crew membcni
The probe began May 15 wiih an lDveatlgaUon of 24 women — nearly ooe-ihlrd the femaSes asslgned to the shlp.
The newipaper Daily Brceie. whlch dtodowd the In ve*tJ galion. said most — asalgned to 4he sh of tboee msoccted of bomosezuallty eniUKd wtmen were 2nd and Srd dass pet ty offtccrs. of fi cert. The shlp roulincly operates
shlp, lncludlng 58 and thrcc female
'cHls reporfon a“fiource al Ihe Lcr.g Bcach Naval Hospltal, where aeverai of the crew members began volimlary psychologlcal testing for lesblanlam| startlng last frtdgj
Soroc refused
of the to be
The source sald a list of nil women personne) was clrodated nmong the female lalloes, who were asked to
check off the names of thosc they auspected of homoacsual prnctlces.
A Navy spokesman refused to cen-firm severaJ speclflcs of the case. but .aald the_newspaper "had same very good sources In* the Navy who shouldn*t hnve bocn Ulklng."
Lt. Cmdr. Mark Baker, o Navy publlc affalrs offletr. told the paper. "Homoseiunl adhrlty will not be lolcrated, and any member who Ls determlncd to have atlcmpted. sollc-Ited or engaged In homoscjcual acts shall normaliy be separated from Naval scnlcc.”
FDA says your beer is safe to drink again
WASHINGTON (UPI) - The levd of a gmpeetod c^nc^r^ą^ing agent
domestlc and lmported beers withln the past few mooths, the Food and - Drug —Admlnlstratlon - reported-Thursdny. - -
' Tbcre were three etcepllons ~*S£i' Mlguci dark beer from the Phllip-plnca. Sam Smtth's Old Brcwery Pale Ale from England and India beer 1Q-RIC0~~
beingheldołf the market, the agency ported. A part per MBlOO.is the aald. e<^iiva!cnt of one ounce In 10,000 tank
—TheFDA-releasedtheTesultsofn—cartofbcerr four-month nationwidc testing program during whlch moro than 300 case*of-Amertca's favorite-brows were sludlcd for.nltrosamlncs, whlch. havc.bccn found to.causc canccr ln. laboratory anlmali.
The testing began afler FDA studics last year showed r.llrosamlnc lcvcls areraging 14 porta per bllllon for domestlc beer and 1.9 ppb for Im-
FDA sald lis lotest tests showed the b^rs now av crage 1 ppb or less, wUh domestlc brandi lllghUy better than Imports, and wlth no dctectable level
_ln many. The agency has seL5 ppb as
the IcycJ beyond whlch lt wtil not allow beer on the market At the time of FDA*s orlglnal tests last fal] the hlghcst roadlnfl ln an Aroleroan bccr was ln o Schllti sam-
pfe that tested al 7.7 ppb. The hlghcst level ln an Import was Heineken at 16 ppb
ln the latcsl and moro com-prohenslYc tests, Schllti brands avcraged .less_than-J- ppb. whlle Heineken showfd up at about L
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Time for a little RgR
Power linę contract signed
PORTLAND, Oro. (UPI) - Pacific Power & Ugbt announced todoy award of a contract to a Salt Lakę City firm for cocstruction of another 6cc-tioo of a 500,000-volt power
transmissiDn llne betwccn aoutharn Orogon and southcentral Idaho.
Senior Vłcc PrtakJent Bob Mocnch aald the contract was awardcd to Interstate Electric Co. to bułld 127 mllcs of Ibc a cross Orogon'* Malheur County and cztcndlng Into Idaho;
The new section will conncct wlth another 90 mile* of lino ln Idaho already under cocstruction by In-
terotate Electric. __
-^toUroUiacrews sWtod work earlł-—
er this >xar at Mktpolnt. Idaho, about 20 mllcs north cf Twtn.Falls..whlch is— a largo Idaho Power Co. cubstollon
Sho-Ban salmon run closure —talks"anderway ~
BLACKFOOT, Idaho (UPI) - An . -- -Idaho*Fbh and Cafhe offlclal aald today no fina) dedslon hos been madę by ellher the State or Shoshoce-Bannock Irlbea to doec the 1980 Salm-oo run to the Sbo-Bans.
. Dave Ortmnnm. anodromous flah- — crlcs manager, aald bolh aldcs aro
worklngtogether_lo_rcach .a .Joint----
"We aro maklng progres* toward
that agrecmcnt,M Ortman sald._
•Therc won'1 be any pressure tactlcs.
We havc better Communications than ln the past. 'Rufa what I thlnk ls great.
State Flah and Gamo dlroctor Jerry Conlcy •'lnvokod ' an' emergcncy •• doeuro, effecUve lodayrto hall the Nez Perce tri be from flshlng on the Rapld Rlver and a portlcn of Ihe LI Ule
Salmon Rlver...........
__OrtmaŁ^ald nosuchjlan.toinvoke
the emergency dause has been dls-Sh&-HanśTwBo
that will be the eastem tcrmlnus of thollne. From Mldpolr.t the llncroutc cxtends gcncrally norlh to the Orogon border.
About 90 mllcs of occess roads castward from Mldpclr.t havc bccn completod and some 77 mllcs of mllcs of tower foundatlons have bccn cxcavoled. * Moro than 160 stćd toner* havc been’ asjcmblcd on the ground and lntertlale crew* now aro startlng to ralse the lowers Into posi-Uon.
The en tire 534-mltc projcct ls scheduled for completlon In the fali of 1961 ,-wlth-only-ooc-rcmalnlftft-ęęn-: traci — 43'milcs cf llne from Burns, Orc., castward — to be awardcd thls
. Immadlota coth for:
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""^TheTUh woo^t'even reach thcir -<6ho-BanKeroa for another couple of-wocks," be sald. "The water IcycI also has togo down."
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