20 i G-« Tlmoa-Nows, Twln Fal 3, Idaho Fffday. Juno 13'i£óO


High school dropouts

to drop back in



© UnWersal Press Syndlcate DEAR ABDY: May I uso your ’ column lo help all those klds who hovc dropped out of high school and wish they biuurt?

If you arc a dropout and now regret

-    H. you don't havc to settle for the lowcst-paylng Job all your Ilfe and be

_xcfcrred toa*-uneducated.JI-And ymr don't havc to go back to high school J for two or three years to gol your ; diploma, clthcr.

-    ; Evcry siatę in this country of fers a I high school diploma by cxamlnatlon.

The cxam Is called the .‘.'General Educotion DcvcJopmcntM‘tcat.~It Uf • offered lo cvciyonc and Is cven ac-: ccpted for college kntrancc!

Abby. thls moy not be news to you. but 11 was news to me, and I'm surę thcrc arc thousands. maybe mlłllons of peoplc who have ncvcr hcard of $L Afler kicking myaelf for flve years for havlng dropped out of high school, I leamed about G.E.D. from a frlcnd. ExacUy three months Ulcr I had my high school (Upiorna. 1 then passed my college entrancc ęxams and Tm now golngtocotlege.

I am very grateful to Ute person who told mc about G.E.D., and J'm surę your readers wil! be grateful to you If you pass on thls Information to them. “ -•--—SACRAMENTOREADER

DEAR READER: Thanks for a hcipful tlp. Anyoae lntercsted In ob-

Ulning a high school dipintn* may rjłli any high school Łn his conununity for the nocessary ŁnformaUoo.. Or wrlte to: General Educatkm Dcvei-opment Tertlng Servke. American Comcil on Educatloo, 1 Dupont Ctrde N.W., Washington, D.C. 20CB6.

* * DEAR ABBY: RecenUy our famlly stayed In a very nice motel ovcmight. and we ordertd food from room scrvlce.

Bcforc checklng out, my mom Ln-sisted on washlng the dishes 1 say that wc pald for the roóm and that lncaudes.ony dlshcs we dJrtlcd when wc ordcird from room senrke. Who is rtght?


DEAR JUDY: Your mom la a supes^oeal lady In evcry aenae of the word, bul motd guerts arc 00C ezpected to wash their owo dlsbes.

DEAR ABBY: My son who U get-ting marrled oocn Informed roe loday that my hushand and 1 arc not tmdted to the weddlng breakfast to be glven by the bride*B parents. The rcason (we arc told) U that cosls-must be kept to o minimum. My two other chUdrcn, a boy and a girl, will both be attending as they are ln the weddlng


My son aliO ln/ormcd me that os the groom’® parents we are responslble for the rehearsal dinner, and we must tndude the brtde's parents. Whst ls yoar oplnlon of this?

Aro we wrong to feel slłghted? Or should wc accepl the fact that os the groom'* parents we ćan erpect to be fen out or the pJcturc? . , •

Plcase huny your. answer. I need youradv1ce.    **'.

-HURT IN CLEVELAND DEAR-HURT: The parents of the

groom should be induded ln ALL the weddi&g festi vl Des, jurt as the parents of the brlde should be. If the bdde's parents ars not aware that thls is ao. they should be so Informed.

'•    . i***

* Do you wtsh you had morę friends? Get Abby's booklet, *'Hovr Tb Be Popular; You’re Never Too Young or Too old." Send $1 wtth a loog. self-addrcssed, stamped (28 cenU) emretope U>; Abby. Popular!ty. Lasky Drtve. Beveriy Hllls, Callf.




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Łung cancer ąuestions

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< Ncwspaper Enterprise AssociaUon) DearDr.Lamb.

A famlly member hos dcve!opcd canccrof the lunę Shc ls prcsenUy undcrgolng radla-Uon Uierapy. My ąucstlon ls. If shc ts cured or ln permanent rcmlssłon, what are the chanccs of U rclumlgn to the oiher łung? Also, If the body ceUs reploced eakm other rcgularly. why :don't the cancer cells Just rcplacc themsclvcs wlth bcoltliy ncw cells? DearRender,

Therc arc many dlffcrcnl forms of theropy avallabic ln the modern

trcalmcntcf cancer.    ____

Radlatlonthcrapy' ls vcry'sue-cessful In certaln typcs of tumors. Before. n _dcclsfon_ts_modc .a3j.to whether to ute surgery, radlatlon. xhexnothcrapy .oLonxxomblnatlonj3l

as long as 1 eon remember! had long, strong flngcmalU. They ncvcr brokc To kocp them trtm l had to cul them."

Now, for the past sbc months my nalls have becn pcellng ln la>cm. They also split. I*m hcartslck and I don‘t know what to do. Do 1 lock fiomethlng In my diet?


Thls ls o falrly.comroon complalnt^.

One of the most freguent enuses for flngemall problem U flngcmall pollsh. some prepUratlons arc uscd to harden nalls. and thcy're e//ecU ve for some warften. bot for others lhcy'rc

not. Flnolly. the naU pollsh removcr eontatns. powerful - Chemicals whlcfa

will damage some women's nalls.---

If you hove an adeguate amount of protein ln your diet. suffłdcni calo-ries, plcnty ot caldum (whlch many women don’t gcl) and havc nn ode*

rlc amount of Iron in your diet. then dJet usually can’t be blamed for flngemaU nroblems. You might re-vlew yopr diet and make suro you'rc gcttlng cnough caJclum, iron' and protein. If you're uslng flngemaU pollsh and poilsh removcr, stop It for a whlle and sec If >*our nalls lmprovc.

what klnd of cancer ls present. 2t ls ( possible to euro or producc o rela- tłvc!y permanent rcmlsslon of a number of conccrs wlth modem < treatment.    +    (

Thcrc arc scvcra) dif/crcnt forms of łung cancer. Some arc morć danger- ous than others. About 80 pcrcent of ( lur.g cancers arc assodated wlth elg- j arettesmok tngr Thanutomatlcally— mcans that some of them are lotally [

unrdated to smoking. — *•---- •    {

To gjve you morc mformatlon about j .cancer. I om sendlng you The Health ..Letter numbcr.M-a, CarMyjiLAEactof— Life. Oiher readers who want thls | tssuc eon send 75 ccnts wlth a long. stamped, sclf-oddressed cnvc3ope for It.Sendyourroąucsltomc, lncxircof I thls ncwspaper. P.O. Box 1551, Radio ( CUy Statlon, New York. N.Y. 10019.    ,

This Issue will cxplaln how cancers v oiiglnatc, their spread and the klnd of Jamie Information I lhlnk yotrrr ask-



...... All

Frostline Kits

Ing for.

It’s trać that most body cells do w -—replace lhcm5CiYC3^but the catch ls # that cancer cells are rcally body ceirs.* 'mi' As they degenerate they rcplacc ^ ——thcmsdves-wlth-ncw-cancer"ce]Is! w —4—This is rcally donc by doubHng.-wMch—^

•    mcans eachslngje cancer cclldlyldcs a

—i—ln half and iormz two cells. Thosc two - J ; dlvldc In half and form twe morc. So • ——ttnse’ 'cells "do-Tcpta^c tticmsrtves—•

•Frl. 8-8p.nl. —tał. 9-3 p THI NB W.


Porsche “Audi

Insfock. ....


I SimplicIty-McCall-Butrick    * J

! Patterns —^-|

g--------- ^ fN-lce-:--I

cemrolicd manner. Thls uncontrcllcd grow-th ls characterlstlc of cancer. Dcar Dr. Lamh,

10%to3.0%m.I |    i


Levels Lynwood Shopplng Contor

I am fcmale and Just tumed 50. For

Ahimals’ good life no morę-

ailCAGO.(UPI) - Sevcnty-two I poodlc dogs. 23 cats. two blrtls and a .. - rat os fat as a cat lhcd thrgoodllfe"

——unttlThclr87 year^!dho5les3 fdl and hurtherhlp.

The end camc Wcdnesday at hor apartment when city anlmal contro! offlccrs cvlctcd Gladys McArthur's fumy and feathered frceloodcrs. many of them dead or dy Ing. -^Tb^eviciionrwcro madoafter Miss= McArthur's Injury — and her Uve-ln companlons — werc dlsco^ered dur-tng a routtne vlslt by a city Department of Humań Scrvlccs cmployec.

- Lorelei Costa. a ndglibor. sald the anlmals llved well, saying a butcher dellvcred mcat lwice a wcck "I tolkcd to the ddlvery man. He sald the bil) was COC a month,M sald Mrs. Costa. 'Thosc werc the best fed anlmals cvcr. They oto better than

■you00.^*    “ ^-------‘ ^—:-

--Bul the anłm^u ppp^rr^^jy on lean tlmes afler the woman was


"Thcrc werc parts of anlmals all over the housc.'* sald Patrol man Frank Biust, who was partłeulary Imprcsacd by "one big rat os błg as a

caLM . ’    - —................

Miss McArthur was lakcn lo Swed-nsn" csvaTnnr~iR^pirA!r buf tigń&r -hcrself^oul-flgalnsl~lbe-odYlce-o£= physlcłans about 90 mlnulcs Inter and rciumcd to her empty opartment.

The doad ani moli werc crcmatcd at" the city%s Anlmal Contro) Center.

. offlcials sald, and survlvors werc hcld -atthcpoiintf:--

... • .

. . checking cow condtion and performance is our job at Rangen, ^jnc. Our gualified people out in thn field inspect every size herd to keep cows healthy and productive. Their . experience assists^he_dair.yman in-obtaining optimum production from his herd. From supplying feed to nuttitional counseling. we help rthe dairymari when he needs it.

__Let's face it„ if the Magie Valtev

"r' Dairymen are successful we -.aresuccessful/. '    ,    _i.

--Remember.we workfor you.

] .o lo

♦ -

Now you know

RyUcRed Press intcmntlOffST

Flve countrles have parUctpotcd In all 19 modem.Suinmer Olymplcs — AustmUlar Qrcccc;--Crcat~ Brttttlnr Swltierland and the United States.


Sewing-tbe Magió VaHcy Dairymair fur 55 YHHi!>r



At Home in Magie ValU .. Buhl, Idaho / :

• •

% •


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