Sundłjr, Ortotwr 16, 2005 TlnwKew*, Twln Fali, Idaho 0-19

-Q/'vn/~N'    ' .Q~r^0 <l/' f 'Cj    7^; ^5" vJV7r-^-v/N <T' S^Rr

Classified Linę Ads


10 Days

For items under or adding up to SI000 (Maximum of 4 items)

S2 each odditlonol lice. Pmote Party ohly. Pets and merthondiie only.

Cali 733-0931 Ext.2 or 800-658-3883 ext. 2



Sunday, Oct. 16.2005











ACURA 08    32TL.

loadodl 32mpg. 110K Exc. Condl $9.500' o Kar. 208-705-7625

ANSWEIl: II is indccd norma! practice to usc the boxes. but l’ve ncvcr heard of anyono who cn-forces thcir usc when pcople with restrictcd vision want to dispcnse with them. In fact, at the most rc-cent national tournamcnls thcrc wcrc quitc a few players who wcrc lcgally blind using spccial decks of cards to cnablc them to p!ay.

Dear Mr. Wolff:

Would you rcspond to a onc-club opening with the following motley collection:    A 10-8-7-5-2.

V Q f,-4-3. ♦ J-8-4. + 3? Would the vulnerabi!ily maltcr?

rip\4juruk. San I.uls Oł>|vj*i. Collf.

ANSWER: When partner opcns a possibly short minor. I would ad-vocate bidding with less than Goren used to recommend. Oth-erwise. you give the opponćnts a fielder’s clioice of passing you out in o horrible spot or bidding on agrecmcnt that opcner will do. thcmseWes uncontested. Not that morę than complete the transfer if bidding will always work — but I he has four cards in the suit shown would bid one spade herc at any by his partner? Also, it appears vulncrability. that if the responder is bust when he transfcrs, then the partnership Dear Mr. Wolff: is one !evel higher thaalheyjLUould-—Recently, playing at home, I slat-be with a nonnal transfer. Do the cd: "Partner. I am making a skip benefits of the morę exact dcscrip- bid" beforc opening two hearts. tions for these limes outweigh The opponents questioned thosc disadvantages?    whether this was “legał" or not. I

Dear Mr. Wolff:

I suppose Tm a coward. but after hearing my LHO open one heart and my RHO jump to four hearts. I passed with A Q-J-9-G-2. V 2. ♦ A-J-8-6, A A-10-3. Was it elear that I should have bid fourspades here? My partner had only nine points, but it was a flne save against four hearts.

YclJow Fwr. Ciuprr. Wyo.

ANSWER: This is a vcry tricky hand. Bidding four spades (or tak-ing the marginally less aggressivc position of doubling) might well be right herc. Bul unlcss your opponents play the jump as pre-emp-tive, I can sec why you would fear to act. I think I would double rather than bid four spades, thougb. My couragc knows somc limits!

Dear Mr. Wolff:

After a no-trump opening bid and transfer, is thcrc a namc for the

(la Vlacl Codr. Madison, Ww.

ANSWER: Transfer breaks do not have a special name as far as I know. I think there are two rca-sons for using these scqucnces. The first is that it helps you get to games and slams. The sccond is that when responder has a bust, though it may get you a level higher, the oppbsition can normally make something. (When they have at most four cards in your suit, they surely have a fil them-selves somewhere.)

Dear Mr. Wolff:

Must I use a bidding box if I play in a club or a tournament? My eyesight makes it hard for me to distinguish the calls. but Tm told that almost all clubs use these boxes nowadays.

Uoilng Dazc. Acchortffc. AIa\kn

assured them it was. bul could not find out in my limited rulc books. Is this OK for both party and duplicale bridge?

Moppaw Tłmr. Walrrbury. Cunn.

ANSWER: Your statement is a lit* tle formal, but proper at all forms of the gamo. Your two-heart cali shows a weak hond whether you make the comment or not, so thcrc is no unauthorized informa-lion flowing to your partner. By making your LHO pause for 10 seconds before bidding. you elim-inatc the speedy "pass with no in-terest.” That way no one can tell if-a player has passed with 13 points orwith thrcc.

If you would UU to conlKi Hobby WoUl f maj tum al bnUzywnin-- rr.;«i»j»nri4 mm

Cop)TV^t Untffd Krat irr    Inc



Spoaal $395 95. Mcsl Amoncan vohic'05. pan?, labof and inslallalon mci Economy Tranamltalon 324-0760 tor eattmatóa

BKIW0232S<. moon rod. AT. taalhor. toadod. edy 22K mr-os. $22.500



C70 car* <y 600 Ł74-1716


Conlury Sodan. 4.<jr. V6 3 1 Hor. aulo . AC. PW. PL. Ul wtiool. cruiso. cawoRo. PS. $8.676.


BUICK 05 Coniury. *1767. 1784. 1785 $13.988. Coli 208-734-3900 Cl/. •


(3)    1707.    1783

*1813. $17.988 Cali 208,734-3300 dl/

BUICK '94 Lo Sat/o OaughiiM m a>r loico solling hor car 90K. VG, mc ęos miirago. really nico car $3500 Ca!1200-420.6163

BUICK '9$ Conlry. 4 door. 3 IL. runi groal. AT. AC. PW. PL. 116K rmlos. $ł600/o«-fo/. Cdi 678-0670.

208-736-2480 FORD ‘02 Mustang GT. V8. 4 6L, 6 spood. loalhor soals. 15K. chippod. cooi air in-tako. Sl8.000/oflor. Coli 200-678-5669

CHEYROLET ‘00 Cav-aiD/ Z24 converU)lo. V/as 510.988. now S7409 *1796 Cali 206-324-3900 dlr.

CHEYROLET '05 Ciawic Sodan. 4-dr.. AC. PS. PW. PL. cruiso. CD. $12.864.

CHEYY '92 Lumina Eu/o. V6. CD. loodod 77.000 rmlos. 30 mpg $3.500. Cali 208-423-6295 ovoningi.

FORD '84 Folcon Spr«nt convo«1iblo, $1500 Ford'84 Fulu-ra conv.. $800. Boat Bluowolor *68.16 tt. $1500/Ollof 431-6648

DODGE '97 Coravan. rod S350(Vollor Cali 31G-2149 or 326-G562

MAZDA '90 626 LX. aulo/sun. I80K. groal mpg. sorv>co rocords. $1,000 Cali 308-4246

MITSUBISHI ‘02 Dia-manio 28K milos. SI3.995 780-2225 dlr

CHRYSLER 01 SO-bnng LX S®dan. 4-df. AC. PW. PL. Ml whijol. cruiso. cas-sotlo. $5.907

FORD '91 Escon. now ballory and cl ulen. good cond. $1200/ o«or Cali 308-1&41.

MERCURY '94 SaWo. al powor. k>w mnos good miloogo. body & parni Ighl bKjo $2300 firm. 208-326-4451


FOREST WARD Bosi SoSociion ot Usod Cars. Savo SS$$ HERTZ Of MACIC VALLEY Cni 731-9424


DuiiTurtfo. nuto. CO. PL PW. AC. cruiso NłCE1 S3.499

Classified Private Party Ads

Roquiro pro-pay-mont pnor to pub-IcaiiDn. Maior crodil/Cobit cards. 6 cash acccptod Chock

procossmg ovor the phone

733-0931 The Tlmoi-Newa

CORVETTE ‘94 59.000 milos. w1vto. au». good rubbor. rod loolhor.-$12.500 Cdi 324-2724 ovonmgs

DODGE ‘04 Neon SE.

4 door. 29.161 milos. AT. KoUcy Ołuo Book SI 1.995. now $8.980 *627632A 208-324-3900 dlr._

DODGE ‘6ł Darł for part?, or rosioroton pro JO cl.    You haul.

Mokoollor. 736-4252

FORD ‘01 Focus ŻTS L>ko now. ody 5K milos. loathor & moro $8.900. 320-3300


ZX2 Coupo. 2-dr„ 4 cyt.. 2.0 Mor. I6V. 5-Spo . AC. 1*1 whool. cruiso. toar spoJor. $8.864.

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FORD‘98 Ccmour (brown) au(0. PL. PW. erwso. CD. AC SIPS GASI $3.999


door. 5 spd . 39.000 n>k>s.40* MPG. all options A oitoncoo Hondo worrnnty. $14.500, 312-4249.

HONOA 89 Accocd. looks A runs good $1.40a'otfor. Ca* Ty ni 420-8281 nłtor 6pm

JAGUAR 04 X-TYPE. A W O. 3 O. AT. loodod. only .22K mUos. $26.875

budgetburley.com 471 $474 of 800-574.1246

UNCOlN 01 Conimenlnl Sodan. 4-dr. V8 4 6 Mor. ouło. FV/D. AC. PW. PL Ml whool. CiuiSO. ABS. Iraclion cont/of. loalher. $10.875




UNCOLN *91 Towncar. 1 ownor. now storoo. clonn. surnghl. rocnm sor\*co $2.300ibffor. Cali 208-788-4613

MAZDA *89 RX7^ cylmdor rotary. mo-chancalty foslorpd. body & mtonor good cond . new l»ros & brekes. $30(XVo?1(k. Cali 208-734-5093

737-9700 er 308-5002

SUBARU 04 Outback AT. R»dod. AWD. '

* $10.995.


e:6 M74tx 000^574.1246

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Ga&nnt. 4 Cr. AT.PS. PB. a^. AM^FM CO. sun roof. toacod. runs e*cc;ioni $2000 734 2054

NISSAN *02 Mojitmo. SE. Wos $18.988 now $17.988 Coli 208-324-3900 Cl#

OIOSMOBILE ^ A5ero. SiNer. 56K. AT. V6. ouio Windows and tocks. CD ployor. n'iioy whcols $11.700 654-0846 or 300 0482

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' 38S0 a*lor 5pm


08 Sodan. 4-dr.. V6 3 0 tfor. aulo.. PS. PW. PL. cassotto. Lh whool. aurso. powor SOfll. $3.547.


208*738*2480 PONTIAC '02 Grand Am. $9K. Silvcr. o*c cond $7.900 Cal 734.9QSOor 731.6214

PONTIAC 93 Grand Am. AT. good conc* • l»on. 35 mpg. $2200 FORD '93 Taurus. now factory Uons. motor up lo dato. AT. 33 mpg. mco condition. $2200 208-326-6856

PONTIAC ‘90~ Grond Am Good mpg. ouio-mat/c. runs 01C. $2700. 208-532-4644.

Toyela ‘04 Cnmry. LE. AT. loadoO. iow milns$16.495


'P>Ł/<{gs4 ^

Toyota *04 Moim XR. AT. loadod. iow rmlosl $14.695



TOYOTA *93 Camry XLE VG. sunroof. sil-vor. good shapo $2.850. Cal 420-9096




1009 ••    1009

YantAndBusat Vint And Busot

FORD 90 Bronce U. Vory deon. S l&CKL' off#r. Contaci Aarow Aulo at 733-1645

GUC *94 Juwny Vortoc V6. 4 floor. mc. eon-Oibon. $2700. Cali 206-*36-2344

GUC ‘00 Yukon XI 4x4. $14.905. Cali 208-780-2225 dlr.

MITSUBISHI ‘04 Momoro Sport. V6 4x4 SUV. Exc cond. 2/K $16,999. 208-731-0026.

CMEVROLET 91 S-10 Blozor, 4X4. OU-10. AC. PW. PL. M whcol. cruuo, $2.403.

CHEYY *03 AslfO Van AWD. $12.995. Cal 208-768-2225 dk. •

FORD '97 corworslon van. PS. P0. CO. TV. VCR. lAo now I054J0 . cuitom paint. toalrtor. $13.900. 734-3923


737-9700 or 308-5002

MITSUBISHI '02 Oia-manio LS. Evory op 1»on. loolhor. moon •od A morol #C1535 Look $12.977,

SUBARU 01 Oulback Limitod Loadodl Jutt m 1C1S36 Snvo $14.477


When pureftasmg o vohicfo. mąko suro mai lho Ido »s m tno namo of mo soiior Under kSaho motor vohido codo a voh<io cannot bo sod unioss ino Mio r$ m mo nemo o* lho solor (oicopiioo; idnho kconsod dodor) Tho soiicf sha* provido lho lho now purchnsor a sęnod b*3 of sdo showrng tho fnoowmg: Fuli dosaiplion of tho veh»do. vohido idontificalion numbor. omount paid nndname(s) and oddross cl mo nowpurchasor Tho bill of sak) musi bo s-gnod. datod ond show aclual minogo al lho hmo of sdo if you havo any quostions. ploaso contaci your locnl nssossors OftiCO


JEEP '94 Grand Charokoo. runs ęfoot. good coodrtion 140.000 nulos. $3000. Cali Don 735-8917.

N13SAN '01 Xtona 4x4 SE. Powor wmdowa and lock*. 4 door. AT. air. *T2095. Only $14639.


CHEYROLET 09 Von-turo LS. Exl. Was $9988, now $7988. *302500A Cali '208-73S-3900 dlr.


FORD -99 250E, Bubbkitop campor convorsion. AC. PS. cnjlso. opprox. 50K. itnflino 8 injtdo «xc cood. $10.900. Cdi 206-490-0909.


CHEVY '05 rmpala LS. *182.    18M.    1800.

1731. Si 5.988 Cali 208-734-3900 dlr.

FORD‘96 Contour (rod) auto. PL. PW. AC. corso SIPS GAS! S3.699.

732-8099 or 734-3800    732-8099 or 734 3800

WHO can help YOU so* your car?



733-0931 oxl. 2

h*AMem»gftrv«a»y tom

LEJC U 8 '00 RX 300 4WO SUV. łuty lood ed, »horpl *T2092 $17.955

732-8099 Ot 734-3800.

CHEVY '83 Von. 6 2L. dtosol. 4 spood. AT. 2WD. 167.000 miku. runs oood Si,500/ oaor.Ca-J 280-1141.

CHEVY '88 Conmilo. 350 TPl. dl Slass top. runs Qf00t Rod. $5500. 206-539-7275


732-8099 or 734-3800.

FORD 90 Tourus. aulo, AC. ermso. RunsSmoołhl S4.199.


UNCOLN 98 N«vlflO-

tor «xc. *nap« wos $14.800 now $12.750 Mk» 206-320-0757

DA '01 Trtjuta ES. 4x4. Wu $13.170 v $0.968. «975 >-324-3900 dl.

NISSAN 01 Xlorra. 45K, liniad Windows. 6 diak CD pfayor. PW. ,PL Sunrool. wheolc tlr»*/rlmv 731-8918

YUKON *02 Donall XI. Loadwd. ExL wenon-ty, whfio w/*and*lon® lotów InlorlOf. Now Uros/boJloiy. $27.099. 404-8327 or 733-8331

FORD '89

Ecooo. Wack.

' $1800. or bosi ołfor Coli 308-8580

POwnAC '03 Montana 27K, AC. PW. PL powor, sMina door oxc cond. $15,500 Cdi 208-280-0079

CHRYSLER '95 LcBnron

CHEYY *01 Aslro. loadod witn bum In TV. Groal ocndilion. $8.500. 324-4058

YOLKSWAGEN ‘02 Eurovon. AT. PW. PL\ AC. V6. Iow milos. $19.950


ConvomWo OTC. *uf> matic. wtula, 96K onglnal rrJos, $2.395,

FORD *97 Contour. 5 spd.. ckinn Runs liko now! $2.995.

FORD ’97> A«ro6tor all whod drrvo. 03K. oxc. cond. $6300 or bon otlor. Coli 324-8587







737-9700 or 308-5002



Hoors:ktfJ-7. Sit 8 30-6 -

u«. We. OK l« $249. Pcu* lor asjjł* oavxn crty Aftw i! bory itusies Scme

Mrcrx« “JT 6e cetou W Esiła* Kgfwjy 34 apxa lOn lite


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