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I win 1'alls, Idaho/lOOch vear. No. 2K9

Sundaw Occohcr 16. 2005



Wlv\;n IKK

Today: Partly -k. cloudy. High 68, Iow 43.

Page A2



F.vcnt raiscs moncy to fight world hunter.

Page BI



Celi phones can be trackcd for real-time traffic data.

Page Dl


Thousands evacuated afier Arkansas explosłon.

Page A4

i j!

' W&

Down i o tuk \YIRK

No. 1 USC pulicd out a win Saiurday over No. 9 Noire Damę in the finał five Leonek

Page Cl


Stateoversight IsnT what you think It is for coal-fired plants, today’s editorial says.

Page A9


Bus ness/SerMces.



... .0420







Family life......



Jurr.d!e .......




Money .......:










Schoo: hjnebes ...


• Sojdojku.......




Weather .......




... .A5.A13

By Joihua Palmor TlmayNews wrltcr

I WIN IAI.LS — Sixieeil-year-oUI Mcciii Mitchell slowi on top of a HU-fooi pule as her fricmls uncouragcd lici lo |ump. Sili1 (lid ;i loi ol lliinkitig łus slie lookcd down willi muli-ing lnu grass helów her — mostly slie lliougln aboui mm-ilig back. and siu* prnhably wnuki haw turned bark had ber friemis tnld ber noi todo mi.

Miicbell looked down. crouchcćl a linie and ihen ibrew ber arms mu .w she

juniped imorbeair...

Hm wait. let'< rewiml bark iii limę a linie.

'Ibe lUin 1'alls Senior Iii-Ii ScIumiI Arademy of l-mance — a eareer arademy of ahout 50 simlcnts — speni ibe day ai che College of Souibern Idaho Challenge (lourse to liuild rela-lioiislups.

Al Itoin lalK Senior High Schooł wbere dwie are morę dian 1.4-II) MudeiiK che acadc-my of fi mince w a smali cmii-munily in an owrwhelmhig high srhool. lis within this mnnminity iliai arademy stu-


denis liuild rf-luciniwhips and help e.u b mber lo Mirreed.and diai i% exarily why ibey spenl the dav al ibe (halti-ngi- nnnst* — well. tliry also ranie Co baw fiut.

1 lic' arademy lollows a rur-ririiliim (ncusing on personal linanre and business, as well as joli searcli •nul nciuorkmg skilK

I be einpbasis on business and linaiue is broadly liased. sn ii allows siudeiiis lo apply ibe fin.mn.il skills lo iheir spi-cilie mleiesj or eareer goals.

Piease sce ACADEMY. Papę A2

•>»a* \wtK.M

Twfn Folia High School senior Lula S«fdlvar. rlght. run ja clicie around his teammates durlng a gamę ol Australlan baseball Frlday at the College ol Southern Idaho. Saldhar, along wlth his classmatos Irom the high schoors Academy ol Business and Flnance. woie partldpatlng In a course to bulld toamwork and confldence.


.    IMPV«S'lwrvn«n

Taml Chandler, rlght, stands wlth lamlly (rlend Oirln Olmond In her sugar beet field as the sun rlses Thursday near Wendełl. Chandler, whose husband dled In Juna, la harteeting lor the last lima before selllng her oparatlon. On łamu, fali Is a paitlculady polgnant ttme for gr!evlng. The Chandlers* story — and Chat of two other Magle Valley farm famllles deallng wlth recent doaths — [$ Inslde today on El.

Many Sunni Arabs vote on Iraqi constitution

The Aaaoclated Prosa

liA(ifll)Ai), lmq - - Sunni Aralis voied in surprisingly high numhmon Inujs ncwcnnstim-don Saiurday. many ol iIk-iii huping ui dele.u ii in an iniciise comiiclilion willi Sbiiies and Kurds mvr che sliajR* of che iki* tions yming demorrary aller dwadesofdirlalorsliip. Willi łucie ejolmre. Ciimoui was morę dian lit. peterni in ilu* din-e mosi cnicial pnwinccs.

Ule eonsiitodon still seeined likely lo pass. as exprrled. lim ibe large Sunni luruuui madę il (jossible ibai ibe vme wotild Ih* dose or even go ibe otber way. and lace Saiurday it apiicarrd ai leasl iwo of a reepmed diree prmiures mighi rejeri ii liy a wicia? margiii.

Poll discovers domestic issues

are top concern

Tho Associated Press___

WASHINGTON - Now ili.u hurriennes baw leli che llulf Coast in rtllns and guMiline bas spiked co S3 a galion. Ameri* cans are morę likely lo name domestic problems as ibe musi imporfant ones facing ibe LTnited Siuics tliesc* days. AI'-Ipsos polling fuimd.

Homegrown problems — in-cltiding worries aboui fuel cosis and polidral leadcrslihi — now r;u»k alHiiic even min owrseas conrerns Mich as che cerror (lirem and war. Ihiblie conrerns aboui lr;u| rcmain hifih-

'Hiings al home are in |>ertl. and were spread lliln dirmigli-om che world." said Nick lep-sic. a surgical tecbnician in Uoymon licach. Ma., who is u political independent. "We need lo be wnrryiug aboui ihings ai borne. We naw a terrible dębi going on: we need to improve cducation; we had iwo lerrilile •natural disiisiers liere. Our mcmey conkl Iicm In? s|»eni in other ways."

1’eople were asllecl in an open-ended ijueslion łasi wcck co name Uie nmioiis nimi im-portani problem.

lusc nvcr a third named donieście issues. induding energy ciscs. pulilical leadersliip and moraliiy. and jusl ovc-r a iliird named foreign affairs. es|K'cial-

Piease scc POLL. Page A2

‘Not for human use’

Morę than 1,000 may have been affected by knockoff drug

The Associated Press

Plastic surgeon l;rederie (krriłln wus intrigucd lusi year when he saw an ad for a prod-ud iliai offered llie same protein uscd in (hc wildly popular wrinkle treaimeul Hotox — only much. much. etieaper.

"My iniiial reaccion was. Ihniu: lioiox now has sonie compctition.*' recalled Onbin.

Uutwhen be retcivctl a\-ial of ibe homlituiin ioxm iii che mail. be was piuoded by ihe wamiugi^Ibr Iteseareh Ihirpos-es Only. Noi for I luinau Use."

He viys be reiurned il and morę or less forgoi aboui ii umil be heard aboui lour |K*o-ple kisi Dcccinlłcr whose my^-lerious paralysis was linketl to ilu- use of a lłolox knorkofT.

Aulliorities have found thal do/ens uf doctors around the country houglu tinnpprovcd iMMulinurn. whidi in iis raw form is one of llie most |H>len( iR‘unxoxins on liarth. And in-vesiigali\v docomenls indicale thal moa* chan I.OiK) pcople may Iław been injecied willi ii. many unawarc they wcrcni |pveil federally ap|iroved Hoiox.

The eompnny uccused of selling llie tóxiu and marketing ii as a limox subsiiiuie goes on irial nexc monch in federal court in l^rl Uiuderdalc. Ha.

lUcson. Arv_-basedToxin He-searcli bnemacional and own-ers (Iliad Mvdabl and Karali Karmi, who are jailed awailing ibe trial. aiearcitted of defraud-


Erie Kapłan, lott, and his wlfs. Bonnle. are shown durlng a news eon-ferance at the Shepherd Center, Feb. 4. In Atlanta. The Kaplans were reeooering after recoblng raw botullsm toxln Instead ol Botox.

iug pcople who lliooglu liny wrre gelling a sale. approunl lio(o\lrealmeni.

No one is known lo have lieen burt by lltls ioxin: llie four p.ualy/ed pcople were in-jecietl willi a ioxin Imnglii straight from ihe manulaeimer ili.u sii))plied TTU. not from ibe company itself.

bnc and lionnie Kapłan wen* allegcdly injecied by Or. Iłach McOmih. who also injecied liiinself and his girlfrieml. Alina Hall. R'derol proseculors say McComb w-urked as a coiimdłoni for T UI.

Oiwyrrs m the case k.iv Mc-Comb iujetlt*d limiseU and ilie oiliers wach lin* wrongdose.

lim lasl I Krcinlłci. when McComb. Hall and ilu* Kaplans lay paraly/ed on wniil.iiors and uiiabie lo swallow or sec, imes--ligainrs scarchiug ihe clinic wbere McComb wutked found mnrkeliug iiutlerials froniTIU.

Aliliongb l lll hasnt been di-rcsily linketl lo ilu* paralysis case. amliorilies say ihe Ari-/ona ccHiipany lold other doc-tois its pioduci was safe and on ils way to bcing appruwd for peoplt*.

-W.tshingum Itupcs llie consii-imion will he apiiroml so ili.u huqw uui fonu a kwumuic.    -

mpninrfw pntmmrnl, rnme llie iiłMiigclicy and eiiabte ihe I.MI.IKIU LI S. iroops to begin lo wiilidraw.

Afier imiIIs ojiened al ? a.m.. wlmle families uirned om .u voting sialions. willi parenis canying ymmg childrtm. sftim-liuu-s m liotlday dodies. Men and womeiriined np ł»y ilu* lmndreds m somr places or kepi up a coiiManl irafTic iuio heavdy bunkeied p<»lls. dressed in iheir liesl in MiilN .md lies or neally pressed veils — or in shoris .ind flip-flons. weary Irom ilu-days Itamad.ui fasl.

Tm 7fi years old. I\vr)tlntig is linished lor mc. liui I m going lo muc bivauM* I want a good luiure lor my cliildren." Said Almiad I lilia viid afier walking up a lidl willi ilu* help ol a reki-liw and a soldier lo a |mlling\i(c in lladitha. a western Sunm łowił.

Sonie li millmn lrac|Lscast hallów. ekTiion olfmals said. ait-mmncing a preliminary tumom eslimaieoftil perceul.

In liaglukui. men cuuuted Miles In* lanienis lurause ihe electriciiy Wiis<Hii m |ianso(llie city Itesulis were wrineii on a chalkluKud. Ouiside. Ir.i(|i m»I-diers liuddled in a courtyard. hieakmg iheir fasl. Norihe:isl ot (hc Capital, in liaipiulła. nieiis.il around long latiles, puiling “yvs" Miles in one pile and "no" sino in anoiber.

Ad.iyllul U-S. and Iraui leader. feared cmild hecome liltwuly liirncd om lo lic llie musi

IHMceftil in inomlłs. amid a u'.ivy claiii|>down Iw U-S.-lr.iqi forces arniss ibe coimiry.

ItiMirgenis attacked fiw ol liaglidads 1.200 polling sta-iionv wounding sewn wiicrs. lnu tlicie were no stiicidc homiliiigs or other major ai-lacks.

l our Ir.up soldiers were re-pofled kilied Iw attacks far from polling siies — compafed to dje morę dian 100 aiiadu. iliai liii lanuaryiKirlkuneniaiyelectMUis. Piease sec V0TE. PaF,e A2

Pies for sale! >-

Fundraiser *    2

benefits4-H’ers. &

College cuisine _g

Who says,    s

you’li miss your -f parents'cooking? £

Hoppy łrails

Bar-J^Wranglers bnng their cowboy sound to T.F.

Chartres' glory • g-

Famous stained-glass Windows get a facelift.


Festiwe and (as!


Qaick, cheap ways to get into ‘ Halloween,



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